Get support for Endpoint analytics
Microsoft provides global technical, pre-sales, billing, and subscription support for Endpoint analytics. Support is available both online and by phone for paid and trial subscriptions. Online technical support is available in English and Japanese. Phone support and online billing support are available in additional languages.
Before contacting Microsoft Support, first review the following articles:
Help and support
To request help for Endpoint analytics, use the Help and Support option in the portal under Troubleshooting + support. This action files an online support ticket for Endpoint analytics. To create and manage a support incident, your account must have a Microsoft Entra role that includes the action microsoft.office365.supportTickets/tickets/manage. For more information, see administrator roles in Microsoft Entra ID.
If the issue is more broadly for Intune than just Endpoint analytics, follow the instructions in the How to get support in Microsoft Intune article to open a new support request. For an issue that is more broadly for Configuration Manager than just Endpoint analytics, go to Microsoft support to open a new support request.
Share product feedback
To share your feedback about Endpoint analytics, select the Send a Smile icon at the top of the portal on the right side. Use the text box to provide your feedback and select Submit feedback when done.