@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base package
SharePoint Framwork Adaptive Card Extensions
AdaptiveCardExtensionContext |
Adaptive Card Extension context object. |
BaseAdaptiveCardExtension |
Base class for Adaptive Card Extensions. |
BaseAdaptiveCardQuickView |
Base class for an Adaptive Card quick view. |
BaseAdaptiveCardView |
Base class for an Adaptive Card quick view. |
BaseBasicCardView |
Base class for a Basic Card view. |
BaseCardView |
Primitive base class for Card views. |
BaseComponentsCardView |
Base class for an component-based Card views. |
BaseImageCardView |
Base class for an Image Card view. |
BasePrimaryTextCardView |
Base class for a Primary Text Card view. |
BaseQuickView |
Base class for an Adaptive Card view. |
BaseTemplateCardView |
Primitive base class for template-based Card views. |
BaseView |
Base class for all views. |
BaseWebQuickView |
Base class for a Web Quick view. |
QuickViewNavigator |
Manages a stack of Adaptive Card views for the Quick view. |
ViewNavigator |
Manages a stack of views. |
IActionError | |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView |
The interface describes members for views that can handle AC actions. |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionDataView |
The interface defines properties for view that specify configuration as data property. |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionImage |
Properties for the image rendered in a card view. |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionPropertiesMetadata |
This structure is used to define metadata for Adaptive Card Extension properties as a map of string to |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionPropertyMetadata |
This is the structure used for map values in |
IAttachmentError |
This object represents error associated with a single attachment |
IAxis |
Represents the parameters for an axis on a chart. |
IBarChartCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a bar chart card view. |
IBarChartSeries |
Series for a bar chart. |
IBaseActionArguments |
Base object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when an Adaptive Card Action is executed. |
IBaseActionErrorArguments |
Base object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onActionError when an Adaptive Card OnActionError is executed. |
IBaseCardDataVisualizationParameters |
Base parameters for a data visualization component. |
IBaseCardParameters |
The primitive data parameters for every Card view. |
IBaseOnBeforeActionArguments |
Base object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction(). |
IBaseSeries |
Generic series for data visualization. |
IBasicCardParameters |
The data parameters for BaseBasicCardView. |
IBasicTextCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a Basic Card view. |
ICachedLoadParameters |
Parameters used to rehydrate the AdaptiveCardExtension during a cached load |
ICacheSettings | |
ICardBarChartConfiguration |
Configuration for a bar chart. |
ICardBarChartParameters |
Parameters for a bar chart. |
ICardBarConfiguration |
Card view title area (card bar) component configuration. |
ICardBarParameters |
Card view title area (card bar) component parameters |
ICardButton |
A button to display on a Card View. |
ICardButtonBase |
Base properties for the buttons used in different ACE card view components, such as Text Input and Search Box and Card Button. |
ICardButtonConfiguration |
Card button component configuration. |
ICardButtonParameters |
Card button component parameters. |
ICardComponentParameters |
Base card view component parameters. |
ICardLineChartConfiguration |
Configuration for a line chart. |
ICardLineChartParameters |
Parameters for a line chart. |
ICardPieChartConfiguration |
Configuration for a pie chart. |
ICardPieChartParameters |
Parameters for a pie chart. |
ICardSearchBoxButton |
Search box button properties. |
ICardSearchBoxConfiguration |
Search box component configuration. |
ICardSearchBoxParameters |
Search box component parameters. Represents a search box rendered in the card view. |
ICardSearchFooterConfiguration |
Search box footer component configuration. |
ICardSearchFooterParameters |
Search footer component parameters. Represents a container with an image (in the shape of a circle) and text. |
ICardTextConfiguration |
Text component configuration. |
ICardTextInputConfiguration |
Text input component configuration. |
ICardTextInputIconButton |
Text input icon button. |
ICardTextInputParameters |
Text input component parameters. |
ICardTextInputTitleButton |
Text input title button. |
ICardTextParameters |
Text component parameters. Represents a text block rendered in the card view. |
ICardViewConfiguration |
Card view configuration |
ICardViewParameters |
Card view configuration parameters. The configuration specifies how the card view is rendered. |
ICartesianChartParameters |
Parameters for a Cartesian chart component with X and Y axes. |
IConfirmationDialog |
Confirmation Dialog option that is passed through |
IDataPoint |
Data point for data visualization. |
IDataVisualizationCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a DataVisualization card view. |
IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters |
The parameters for the DataVisualization card view. |
IExecuteActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when a |
IExecuteCardAction |
Invoke an |
IExecuteCardParameters |
Parameters for Execute card action. |
IExternalLinkActionArguments |
The object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction() when a |
IExternalLinkCardAction |
Open an external link. |
IExternalLinkParameters |
Parameters for opening an external link. |
IFocusParameters |
Interface to give third party developers the capability to determine which element should recieve focus, when, and how often content should be read. |
IGetLocationAction |
Interface for Viva Get Location action |
IGetLocationActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when a Get location Action is executed. |
IGetLocationActionParameters |
Parameters that can be supplied with the Viva Get Location Action. |
IGetLocationCardAction |
Invoke an |
IImageCardParameters |
The data parameters for BaseImageCardView. |
IImageCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for an Image Card view. |
ILineChartCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a line chart card view. |
ILineChartSeries |
Series for a line chart. |
ILocation |
Interface for location coordinates |
ILocationErrorArguments |
This object represents the error data that the Location action can throw. |
INotificationArguments |
The object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onNotificationReceived() when a notification is received. |
INotificationResponse |
The object returned from BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onNotificationReceived() if it has handled the notification. |
IPartialMicrosoftTeams |
Provides access to the Teams SDK and Teams context. Only provided when the web part is loaded in Teams. Currently We are providing only Partial Contextual Information. |
IPartialSDKs |
Conditional set of SDKs provided by SPFx dependent on the environment. Currently we are providing only Partial SDKs. |
IPartialTeamsContext |
Partial teams context |
IPartialTeamsJs |
Provides access to the Teams SDK and Teams context. Only provided when the web part is loaded in Teams. |
IPieChartCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a pie chart card view. |
IPieChartSeries |
Series for a pie chart. |
IPieDataPoint |
Data point for Pie data visualization components. |
IPrimaryTextCardParameters |
The data parameters for BasePrimaryTextCardView. |
IPrimaryTextCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a Primary Text Card view. |
IQuickViewActionArguments |
The object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction() when a |
IQuickViewCardAction |
Open the quick view. |
IQuickViewNavigator |
Properties describing a QuickViewNavigator |
IQuickViewParameters |
Parameters for opening a Quick view. |
ISearchCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for a Search Card view. |
ISearchCardViewParameters |
The parameters for the search card view. |
ISelectMediaAction |
Interface for new Viva Select Media action |
ISelectMediaActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when a |
ISelectMediaActionErrorArguments |
This object represents the data returned by the native media picker API. |
ISelectMediaActionParameters |
Parameters that can be supplied with the Viva Select Media Action. |
ISelectMediaAttachment |
This object represents the data returned by the native media picker API. |
ISelectMediaCardAction |
Invoke an |
IShowCardActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when a |
IShowLocationAction |
Interface for Viva Show Location action |
IShowLocationActionArguments |
The object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction() when a |
IShowLocationActionParameters |
Parameters that can be supplied with the Viva Show Location Action. |
IShowLocationCardAction |
Invoke an |
ISPFxAdaptiveCard |
SPFx Adaptive Card Extension schema for Adaptive Cards. |
ISubmitActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when a |
ISubmitCardAction |
Invoke an |
ISubmitCardParameters |
Parameters for submit card action. |
ITextCardViewParameters |
The parameters for the card view with text or empty body. |
ITextInputCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for an Text Input Card View * |
ITextInputCardViewParameters |
The parameters for the card view with text input in the body. |
ITextInputImageCardViewConfiguration |
Configuration for an Text Input Card View * |
IViewNavigator |
Properties describing a ViewNavigator |
Type Aliases
BarChartData |
Utility type to define what valid types of data can be used in a bar chart data visualization. |
BaseOnBeforeActionArguments |
Base type to enforce correct type of arguments passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction(). |
CardComponentConfiguration |
Base component configuration. |
CardComponentEventNames |
List of all events supported by components. |
CardComponentName |
Names of the components allowed in a card view. |
CardDataVisualizationKind |
Supported data visualizations to render on the card view. |
CardSearchBoxEventNames |
Event names supported by the search box component. |
CardSize |
Size of the Card view. |
CardTextInputEventNames |
Event names supported by the text input component. |
CardViewActionsFooterConfiguration |
The actions-only footer configuration for the card view. |
CardViewActionsFooterParameters |
The actions-only footer parameters for the card view. |
ComponentsCardViewParameters |
Card view configuration type. |
DeviceContext |
GenericCardViewFooterConfiguration |
The footer configuration for the Generic card view templates. |
GenericCardViewFooterParameters |
The footer parameters for the Generic card view templates. Can contain either 0 to 2 buttons or a single text input. |
IActionArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onAction when an Adaptive Card Action is executed. |
IActionErrorArguments |
The object passed to IAdaptiveCardExtensionActionView.onActionError when an error occured while executing Adaptive Card Action. |
IAdaptiveCardExtensionIcon |
Card view icon. |
ICardAction |
Type of handler for when a button is pressed. |
IOnBeforeActionArguments |
The object passed to BaseAdaptiveCardExtension.onBeforeAction() when an Adaptive Card Action is executed. |
LineChartData |
Utility type to define what valid types of data can be used in a line chart data visualization. |
MaxThreeTuple |
Utility type to enforce a tuple with a maximum length of 3. |
RenderType |
SupportedBarChartDataTypes |
Set of supported types for the data used with the bar chart data visualization. |
SupportedLineChartDataTypes |
Set of supported types for the data used with the line chart data visualization. |
MediaType |
Enum value to specify the type of media. |
Bar |
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with numeric data. |
Bar |
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with string data. |
Bar |
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with date data. |
Basic |
Helper method to create a Basic Card View. |
Image |
Helper method to create an Image Card View. |
Line |
Helper method to create a line chart card view with numeric data. |
Line |
Helper method to create a line chart card view with date data. |
Pie |
Helper method to create a pie chart card view |
Primary |
Helper method to create a Primary Text Card View. |
Search |
Helper method to create a Search Card View. |
Text |
Helper method to create an Text Input Card View. |
Text |
Helper method to create an Text Input with Image Card View. |
Function Details
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with numeric data.
export declare function BarChartCardView(configuration: IBarChartCardViewConfiguration<number>): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with string data.
export declare function BarChartCardView(configuration: IBarChartCardViewConfiguration<string>): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
Helper method to create a bar chart card view with date data.
export declare function BarChartCardView(configuration: IBarChartCardViewConfiguration<Date>): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
Helper method to create a Basic Card View.
export declare function BasicCardView(configuration: IBasicTextCardViewConfiguration): ITextCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- IBasicTextCardViewConfiguration
basic card view configuration.
Helper method to create an Image Card View.
export declare function ImageCardView(configuration: IImageCardViewConfiguration): ITextCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- IImageCardViewConfiguration
image card view configuration.
Helper method to create a line chart card view with numeric data.
export declare function LineChartCardView(configuration: ILineChartCardViewConfiguration<number>): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
Helper method to create a line chart card view with date data.
export declare function LineChartCardView(configuration: ILineChartCardViewConfiguration<Date>): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
Helper method to create a pie chart card view
export declare function PieChartCardView(configuration: IPieChartCardViewConfiguration): IDataVisualizationCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- IPieChartCardViewConfiguration
pie chart card view configuration.
pie chart card view parameters.
Helper method to create a Primary Text Card View.
export declare function PrimaryTextCardView(configuration: IPrimaryTextCardViewConfiguration): ITextCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- IPrimaryTextCardViewConfiguration
primary text card view configuration.
Helper method to create a Search Card View.
export declare function SearchCardView(configuration: ISearchCardViewConfiguration): ISearchCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- ISearchCardViewConfiguration
search card view configuration.
Helper method to create an Text Input Card View.
export declare function TextInputCardView(configuration: ITextInputCardViewConfiguration): ITextInputCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- ITextInputCardViewConfiguration
text input card view configuration.
Helper method to create an Text Input with Image Card View.
export declare function TextInputImageCardView(configuration: ITextInputImageCardViewConfiguration): ITextInputCardViewParameters;
- configuration
- ITextInputImageCardViewConfiguration
text input with image card view configuration.