Outlook add-in API requirement set 1.14
The Outlook add-in API subset of the Office JavaScript API includes objects, methods, properties, and events that you can use in an Outlook add-in.
This documentation is for a requirement set other than the latest requirement set.
What's new in 1.14?
Requirement set 1.14 includes all of the features of requirement set 1.13. It added the following features.
- Added the integrated spam-reporting feature.
- Added a method to get the Base64 encoding of a message.
- Added a method to get the URL of the JavaScript runtime of an add-in.
- Added support to customize the button text and configure a task pane for the Don't Send option of a Smart Alerts dialog.
- Added support to override the send mode option of a Smart Alerts add-in at runtime.
- Added members to get additional properties of a message in compose mode.
- Added a method to close a current message being composed with the option to discard unsaved changes.
- Added additional mail item properties for the item multi-select feature.
- Added support to identify the current Office theme of an Outlook client.
- Added support to get and set the sensitivity level of an appointment.
Change log
Added the ReportPhishingCommandSurface add-in only manifest extension point: Activates a spam-reporting add-in in the Outlook ribbon and prevents it from appearing at the end of the ribbon or in the overflow section.
Added the ReportPhishingCustomization add-in only manifest element: Configures the ribbon button and preprocessing dialog of a spam-reporting add-in.
Added the Office.EventType.SpamReporting event: Occurs in Outlook when an unsolicited message is reported.
Added Office.SpamReportingEventArgs: Provides information about the
event that occurs when an unsolicited message is reported.Added Office.SpamReportingEventCompletedOptions: Provides options to customize the post-processing dialog of a spam-reporting add-in and run additional operations on a reported message.
Added the Office.MailboxEnums.MoveSpamItemTo enum: Specifies the folder to which a reported message is moved once it's processed by a spam-reporting add-in.
Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.getAsFileAsync method: Gets the Base64 encoding of a message.
Added Office.Urls: Provides an object to get the URLs of the runtime environments used by an add-in.
Added the Office.context.urls.javascriptRuntimeUrl method: Gets the URL of the JavaScript runtime of an add-in.
Added new properties to Office.SmartAlertsEventCompletedOptions: Adds the following properties to customize the Don't Send option of a Smart Alerts dialog and override the send mode option at runtime.
- cancelLabel property: Customizes the text of the Don't Send option of a Smart Alerts dialog.
- commandId property: Specifies the ID of the task pane that opens when the Don't Send option is selected from a Smart Alerts dialog.
- contextData property: Specifies any JSON data passed to the add-in for processing when the Don't Send option is selected from a Smart Alerts dialog.
- sendModeOverride property: Overrides the send mode option specified in the manifest at runtime.
Added the Office.MailboxEnums.SendModeOverride enum: Specifies the send mode option that overrides the option set in the manifest at runtime.
Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.inReplyTo property: Gets the message ID of the original message being replied to by the current message.
Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.getConversationIndexAsync method: Gets the Base64-encoded position of the current message in a conversation thread.
Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.getItemClassAsync method: Gets the Exchange Web Services (EWS) item class of a message in compose mode.
Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.closeAsync method: Closes a current message being composed with the option to discard unsaved changes.
Added new properties to Office.SelectedItemDetails: Adds the following supported properties to the item multi-select feature.
- conversationId property: Provides the identifier of the message conversation that contains the message that's currently selected.
- hasAttachment property: Identifies whether a message that's currently selected contains an attachment.
- internetMessageId property: Provides the internet message identifier of the message that's currently selected.
Added the Office.context.officeTheme property: Gets the object to access the properties of the currently selected Office theme.
Added the Office.EventType.OfficeThemeChanged event: Occurs when the Office theme is changed in Outlook.
Added Office.OfficeThemeChangedEventArgs: Provides the updated Office theme when the
event occurs.Added the Office.context.mailbox.item.sensitivity property: Represents the sensitivity level of an appointment.
Added Office.Sensitivity: Provides methods to get or set the sensitivity level of an appointment in compose mode.
Added the Office.MailboxEnums.AppointmentSensitivityType enum: Specifies the sensitivity level of an appointment.
See also
Office Add-ins