Outlook add-in API requirement set 1.14

The Outlook add-in API subset of the Office JavaScript API includes objects, methods, properties, and events that you can use in an Outlook add-in.


This documentation is for a requirement set other than the latest requirement set.

What's new in 1.14?

Requirement set 1.14 includes all of the features of requirement set 1.13. It added the following features.

  • Added the integrated spam-reporting feature.
  • Added a method to get the Base64 encoding of a message.
  • Added a method to get the URL of the JavaScript runtime of an add-in.
  • Added support to customize the button text and configure a task pane for the Don't Send option of a Smart Alerts dialog.
  • Added support to override the send mode option of a Smart Alerts add-in at runtime.
  • Added members to get additional properties of a message in compose mode.
  • Added a method to close a current message being composed with the option to discard unsaved changes.
  • Added additional mail item properties for the item multi-select feature.
  • Added support to identify the current Office theme of an Outlook client.
  • Added support to get and set the sensitivity level of an appointment.

Change log

See also