PowerPoint.ShapeFont class

Represents the font attributes, such as font name, font size, and color, for a shape's TextRange object.



[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/powerpoint/text/get-set-textrange.yaml

// Sets the color of the selected text range to green.
await PowerPoint.run(async (context) => {
  const textRange: PowerPoint.TextRange = context.presentation.getSelectedTextRange();
  textRange.font.color = "green";
  await context.sync();



Specifies whether the text in the TextRange is set to bold. The possible values are as follows:

  • true: All the text is bold.

  • false: None of the text is bold.

  • null: Returned if some, but not all, of the text is bold.


Specifies the HTML color code representation of the text color (e.g., "#FF0000" represents red). Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different colors.


The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.


Specifies whether the text in the TextRange is set to italic. The possible values are as follows:

  • true: All the text is italicized.

  • false: None of the text is italicized.

  • null: Returned if some, but not all, of the text is italicized.


Specifies the font name (e.g., "Calibri"). If the text is a Complex Script or East Asian language, this is the corresponding font name; otherwise it is the Latin font name. Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different font names.


Specifies the font size in points (e.g., 11). Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different font sizes.


Specifies the type of underline applied to the font. Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different underline styles. See PowerPoint.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle for details.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that's passed to it.) Whereas the original PowerPoint.ShapeFont object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as PowerPoint.Interfaces.ShapeFontData) that contains shallow copies of any loaded child properties from the original object.

Property Details


Specifies whether the text in the TextRange is set to bold. The possible values are as follows:

  • true: All the text is bold.

  • false: None of the text is bold.

  • null: Returned if some, but not all, of the text is bold.

bold: boolean | null;

Property Value

boolean | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


Specifies the HTML color code representation of the text color (e.g., "#FF0000" represents red). Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different colors.

color: string | null;

Property Value

string | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/powerpoint/text/get-set-textrange.yaml

// Sets the color of the selected text range to green.
await PowerPoint.run(async (context) => {
  const textRange: PowerPoint.TextRange = context.presentation.getSelectedTextRange();
  textRange.font.color = "green";
  await context.sync();


The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.

context: RequestContext;

Property Value


Specifies whether the text in the TextRange is set to italic. The possible values are as follows:

  • true: All the text is italicized.

  • false: None of the text is italicized.

  • null: Returned if some, but not all, of the text is italicized.

italic: boolean | null;

Property Value

boolean | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


Specifies the font name (e.g., "Calibri"). If the text is a Complex Script or East Asian language, this is the corresponding font name; otherwise it is the Latin font name. Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different font names.

name: string | null;

Property Value

string | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


Specifies the font size in points (e.g., 11). Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different font sizes.

size: number | null;

Property Value

number | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]


Specifies the type of underline applied to the font. Returns null if the TextRange contains text fragments with different underline styles. See PowerPoint.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle for details.

underline: PowerPoint.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle | "None" | "Single" | "Double" | "Heavy" | "Dotted" | "DottedHeavy" | "Dash" | "DashHeavy" | "DashLong" | "DashLongHeavy" | "DotDash" | "DotDashHeavy" | "DotDotDash" | "DotDotDashHeavy" | "Wavy" | "WavyHeavy" | "WavyDouble" | null;

Property Value

PowerPoint.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle | "None" | "Single" | "Double" | "Heavy" | "Dotted" | "DottedHeavy" | "Dash" | "DashHeavy" | "DashLong" | "DashLongHeavy" | "DotDash" | "DotDashHeavy" | "DotDotDash" | "DotDotDashHeavy" | "Wavy" | "WavyHeavy" | "WavyDouble" | null


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.4 ]

Method Details


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(options?: PowerPoint.Interfaces.ShapeFontLoadOptions): PowerPoint.ShapeFont;



Provides options for which properties of the object to load.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNames?: string | string[]): PowerPoint.ShapeFont;



string | string[]

A comma-delimited string or an array of strings that specify the properties to load.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNamesAndPaths?: {
            select?: string;
            expand?: string;
        }): PowerPoint.ShapeFont;



{ select?: string; expand?: string; }

propertyNamesAndPaths.select is a comma-delimited string that specifies the properties to load, and propertyNamesAndPaths.expand is a comma-delimited string that specifies the navigation properties to load.



Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that's passed to it.) Whereas the original PowerPoint.ShapeFont object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as PowerPoint.Interfaces.ShapeFontData) that contains shallow copies of any loaded child properties from the original object.

toJSON(): PowerPoint.Interfaces.ShapeFontData;
