excel package
Excel.Application |
Represents the Excel application that manages the workbook. |
Excel.Binding |
Represents an Office.js binding that is defined in the workbook. |
Excel.BindingCollection |
Represents the collection of all the binding objects that are part of the workbook. |
Excel.CellValueConditionalFormat |
Represents a cell value conditional format. |
Excel.Chart |
Represents a chart object in a workbook. To learn more about the chart object model, see Work with charts using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.ChartAreaFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for the overall chart area. |
Excel.ChartAxes |
Represents the chart axes. |
Excel.ChartAxis |
Represents a single axis in a chart. |
Excel.ChartAxisFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart axis. |
Excel.ChartAxisTitle |
Represents the title of a chart axis. |
Excel.ChartAxisTitleFormat |
Represents the chart axis title formatting. |
Excel.ChartBorder |
Represents the border formatting of a chart element. |
Excel.ChartCollection |
A collection of all the chart objects on a worksheet. |
Excel.ChartDataLabel |
Represents the data label of a chart point. |
Excel.ChartDataLabelFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart data labels. |
Excel.ChartDataLabels |
Represents a collection of all the data labels on a chart point. |
Excel.ChartFill |
Represents the fill formatting for a chart element. |
Excel.ChartFont |
This object represents the font attributes (such as font name, font size, and color) for a chart object. |
Excel.ChartFormatString |
Represents the substring in chart related objects that contain text, like a |
Excel.ChartGridlines |
Represents major or minor gridlines on a chart axis. |
Excel.ChartGridlinesFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for chart gridlines. |
Excel.ChartLegend |
Represents the legend in a chart. |
Excel.ChartLegendEntry |
Represents the legend entry in |
Excel.ChartLegendEntryCollection |
Represents a collection of legend entries. |
Excel.ChartLegendFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties of a chart legend. |
Excel.ChartLineFormat |
Encapsulates the formatting options for line elements. |
Excel.ChartPlotArea |
This object represents the attributes for a chart plot area. |
Excel.ChartPlotAreaFormat |
Represents the format properties for a chart plot area. |
Excel.ChartPoint |
Represents a point of a series in a chart. |
Excel.ChartPointFormat |
Represents the formatting object for chart points. |
Excel.ChartPointsCollection |
A collection of all the chart points within a series inside a chart. |
Excel.ChartSeries |
Represents a series in a chart. |
Excel.ChartSeriesCollection |
Represents a collection of chart series. |
Excel.ChartSeriesFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart series |
Excel.ChartTitle |
Represents a chart title object of a chart. |
Excel.ChartTitleFormat |
Provides access to the formatting options for a chart title. |
Excel.ChartTrendline |
This object represents the attributes for a chart trendline object. |
Excel.ChartTrendlineCollection |
Represents a collection of chart trendlines. |
Excel.ChartTrendlineFormat |
Represents the format properties for the chart trendline. |
Excel.ChartTrendlineLabel |
This object represents the attributes for a chart trendline label object. |
Excel.ChartTrendlineLabelFormat |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart trendline label. |
Excel.ColorScaleConditionalFormat |
Represents the color scale criteria for conditional formatting. |
Excel.ConditionalDataBarNegativeFormat |
Represents a conditional format for the negative side of the data bar. |
Excel.ConditionalDataBarPositiveFormat |
Represents a conditional format for the positive side of the data bar. |
Excel.ConditionalFormat |
An object encapsulating a conditional format's range, format, rule, and other properties. To learn more about the conditional formatting object model, read Apply conditional formatting to Excel ranges. |
Excel.ConditionalFormatCollection |
Represents a collection of all the conditional formats that are overlap the range. |
Excel.ConditionalFormatRule |
Represents a rule, for all traditional rule/format pairings. |
Excel.ConditionalRangeBorder |
Represents the border of an object. |
Excel.ConditionalRangeBorderCollection |
Represents the border objects that make up range border. |
Excel.ConditionalRangeFill |
Represents the background of a conditional range object. |
Excel.ConditionalRangeFont |
This object represents the font attributes (font style, color, etc.) for an object. |
Excel.ConditionalRangeFormat |
A format object encapsulating the conditional formats range's font, fill, borders, and other properties. |
Excel.CustomConditionalFormat |
Represents a custom conditional format type. |
Excel.CustomProperty |
Represents a custom property. |
Excel.CustomPropertyCollection |
Contains the collection of custom properties. |
Excel.CustomXmlPart |
Represents a custom XML part object in a workbook. |
Excel.CustomXmlPartCollection |
A collection of custom XML parts. |
Excel.CustomXmlPartScopedCollection |
A scoped collection of custom XML parts. A scoped collection is the result of some operation (e.g., filtering by namespace). A scoped collection cannot be scoped any further. |
Excel.DataBarConditionalFormat |
Represents an Excel conditional data bar type. |
Excel.DataConnectionCollection |
Represents a collection of all the data connections that are part of the workbook. |
Excel.DataPivotHierarchy |
Represents the Excel DataPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.DataPivotHierarchyCollection |
Represents a collection of DataPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.DataValidation |
Represents the data validation applied to the current range. To learn more about the data validation object model, read Add data validation to Excel ranges. |
Excel.DocumentProperties |
Represents workbook properties. |
Excel.Filter |
Manages the filtering of a table's column. |
Excel.FilterPivotHierarchy |
Represents the Excel FilterPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.FilterPivotHierarchyCollection |
Represents a collection of FilterPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.FormatProtection |
Represents the format protection of a range object. |
Excel.FunctionResult |
An object containing the result of a function-evaluation operation |
Excel.Functions |
An object for evaluating Excel functions. |
Excel.IconSetConditionalFormat |
Represents an icon set criteria for conditional formatting. |
Excel.NamedItem |
Represents a defined name for a range of cells or value. Names can be primitive named objects (as seen in the type below), range object, or a reference to a range. This object can be used to obtain range object associated with names. |
Excel.NamedItemArrayValues |
Represents an object containing values and types of a named item. |
Excel.NamedItemCollection |
A collection of all the |
Excel.PivotField |
Represents the Excel PivotField. |
Excel.PivotFieldCollection |
Represents a collection of all the PivotFields that are part of a PivotTable's hierarchy. |
Excel.PivotHierarchy |
Represents the Excel PivotHierarchy. |
Excel.PivotHierarchyCollection |
Represents a collection of all the PivotHierarchies that are part of the PivotTable. |
Excel.PivotItem |
Represents the Excel PivotItem. |
Excel.PivotItemCollection |
Represents a collection of all the PivotItems related to their parent PivotField. |
Excel.PivotLayout |
Represents the visual layout of the PivotTable. |
Excel.PivotTable |
Represents an Excel PivotTable. To learn more about the PivotTable object model, read Work with PivotTables using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.PivotTableCollection |
Represents a collection of all the PivotTables that are part of the workbook or worksheet. |
Excel.PresetCriteriaConditionalFormat |
Represents the preset criteria conditional format such as above average, below average, unique values, contains blank, nonblank, error, and noerror. |
Excel.Range |
Range represents a set of one or more contiguous cells such as a cell, a row, a column, or a block of cells. To learn more about how ranges are used throughout the API, start with Ranges in the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.RangeBorder |
Represents the border of an object. |
Excel.RangeBorderCollection |
Represents the border objects that make up the range border. |
Excel.RangeFill |
Represents the background of a range object. |
Excel.RangeFont |
This object represents the font attributes (font name, font size, color, etc.) for an object. |
Excel.RangeFormat |
A format object encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties. |
Excel.RangeSort |
Manages sorting operations on |
Excel.RangeView |
RangeView represents a set of visible cells of the parent range. |
Excel.RangeViewCollection |
Represents a collection of |
Excel.RequestContext |
The RequestContext object facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the request context is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in. |
Excel.RowColumnPivotHierarchy |
Represents the Excel RowColumnPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.RowColumnPivotHierarchyCollection |
Represents a collection of RowColumnPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.Runtime |
Represents the Excel Runtime class. |
Excel.Setting |
Setting represents a key-value pair of a setting persisted to the document (per file, per add-in). These custom key-value pair can be used to store state or lifecycle information needed by the content or task-pane add-in. Note that settings are persisted in the document and hence it is not a place to store any sensitive or protected information such as user information and password. |
Excel.SettingCollection |
Represents a collection of key-value pair setting objects that are part of the workbook. The scope is limited to per file and add-in (task-pane or content) combination. |
Excel.Style |
An object encapsulating a style's format and other properties. |
Excel.StyleCollection |
Represents a collection of all the styles. |
Excel.Table |
Represents an Excel table. To learn more about the table object model, read Work with tables using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.TableCollection |
Represents a collection of all the tables that are part of the workbook or worksheet, depending on how it was reached. |
Excel.TableColumn |
Represents a column in a table. |
Excel.TableColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of all the columns that are part of the table. |
Excel.TableRow |
Represents a row in a table. Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a |
Excel.TableRowCollection |
Represents a collection of all the rows that are part of the table. Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a |
Excel.TableSort |
Manages sorting operations on |
Excel.TextConditionalFormat |
Represents a specific text conditional format. |
Excel.TopBottomConditionalFormat |
Represents a top/bottom conditional format. |
Excel.Workbook |
Workbook is the top level object which contains related workbook objects such as worksheets, tables, and ranges. To learn more about the workbook object model, read Work with workbooks using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.WorkbookCreated |
The |
Excel.WorkbookProtection |
Represents the protection of a workbook object. |
Excel.Worksheet |
An Excel worksheet is a grid of cells. It can contain data, tables, charts, etc. To learn more about the worksheet object model, read Work with worksheets using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.WorksheetCollection |
Represents a collection of worksheet objects that are part of the workbook. |
Excel.WorksheetFreezePanes | |
Excel.WorksheetProtection |
Represents the protection of a worksheet object. |
Excel.BasicDataValidation |
Represents the basic type data validation criteria. |
Excel.BindingDataChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the binding that raised the data changed event. |
Excel.BindingSelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the selection that raised the selection changed event. Note*: If multiple, discontiguous cells are selected, |
Excel.ChartActivatedEventArgs |
Provides information about the chart that raised the activated event. |
Excel.ChartAddedEventArgs |
Provides information about the chart that raised the added event. |
Excel.ChartDeactivatedEventArgs |
Provides information about the chart that raised the deactivated event. |
Excel.ChartDeletedEventArgs |
Provides information about the chart that raised the deleted event. |
Excel.ConditionalCellValueRule |
Represents a cell value conditional format rule. |
Excel.ConditionalColorScaleCriteria |
Represents the criteria of the color scale. |
Excel.ConditionalColorScaleCriterion |
Represents a color scale criterion which contains a type, value, and a color. |
Excel.ConditionalDataBarRule |
Represents a rule-type for a data bar. |
Excel.ConditionalIconCriterion |
Represents an icon criterion which contains a type, value, an operator, and an optional custom icon, if not using an icon set. |
Excel.ConditionalPresetCriteriaRule |
Represents the preset criteria conditional format rule. |
Excel.ConditionalTextComparisonRule |
Represents a cell value conditional format rule. |
Excel.ConditionalTopBottomRule |
Represents the rule of the top/bottom conditional format. |
Excel.CustomDataValidation |
Represents the custom data validation criteria. |
Excel.DataValidationErrorAlert |
Represents the error alert properties for the data validation. |
Excel.DataValidationPrompt |
Represents the user prompt properties for the data validation. |
Excel.DataValidationRule |
A data validation rule contains different types of data validation. You can only use one of them at a time according the |
Excel.DateTimeDataValidation |
Represents the date data validation criteria. |
Excel.FilterCriteria |
Represents the filtering criteria applied to a column. |
Excel.FilterDatetime |
Represents how to filter a date when filtering on values. |
Excel.FiveArrowsGraySet | |
Excel.FiveArrowsSet | |
Excel.FiveBoxesSet | |
Excel.FiveQuartersSet | |
Excel.FiveRatingSet | |
Excel.FourArrowsGraySet | |
Excel.FourArrowsSet | |
Excel.FourRatingSet | |
Excel.FourRedToBlackSet | |
Excel.FourTrafficLightsSet | |
Excel.Icon |
Represents a cell icon. |
Excel.IconCollections | |
Excel.Interfaces.AllowEditRangeCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.AllowEditRangeCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.AllowEditRangeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.AllowEditRangeUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ApplicationData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ApplicationLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel application that manages the workbook. |
Excel.Interfaces.ApplicationUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.AutoFilterData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.BindingCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.BindingCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents the collection of all the binding objects that are part of the workbook. |
Excel.Interfaces.BindingCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.BindingData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.BindingLoadOptions |
Represents an Office.js binding that is defined in the workbook. |
Excel.Interfaces.CellValueConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CellValueConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a cell value conditional format. |
Excel.Interfaces.CellValueConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAreaFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAreaFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for the overall chart area. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAreaFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxesData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxesLoadOptions |
Represents the chart axes. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxesUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart axis. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisLoadOptions |
Represents a single axis in a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the chart axis title formatting. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleLoadOptions |
Represents the title of a chart axis. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisTitleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartAxisUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBinOptionsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBinOptionsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBorderData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBorderLoadOptions |
Represents the border formatting of a chart element. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBorderUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBoxwhiskerOptionsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartBoxwhiskerOptionsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartCollectionLoadOptions |
A collection of all the chart objects on a worksheet. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart data labels. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelLoadOptions |
Represents the data label of a chart point. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelsLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the data labels on a chart point. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataLabelUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataTableData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataTableFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataTableFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartDataTableUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartErrorBarsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartErrorBarsFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartErrorBarsFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartErrorBarsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFontData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFontLoadOptions |
This object represents the font attributes (such as font name, font size, and color) for a chart object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFontUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFormatStringData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFormatStringLoadOptions |
Represents the substring in chart related objects that contain text, like a |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartFormatStringUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for chart gridlines. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesLoadOptions |
Represents major or minor gridlines on a chart axis. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartGridlinesUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of legend entries. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryLoadOptions |
Represents the legend entry in |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendEntryUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties of a chart legend. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendLoadOptions |
Represents the legend in a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLegendUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLineFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLineFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the formatting options for line elements. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLineFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartLoadOptions |
Represents a chart object in a workbook. To learn more about the chart object model, see Work with charts using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartMapOptionsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartMapOptionsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPivotOptionsData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPivotOptionsUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the format properties for a chart plot area. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaLoadOptions |
This object represents the attributes for a chart plot area. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the formatting object for chart points. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointLoadOptions |
Represents a point of a series in a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointsCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointsCollectionLoadOptions |
A collection of all the chart points within a series inside a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointsCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartPointUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of chart series. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart series |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesLoadOptions |
Represents a series in a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartSeriesUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleFormatLoadOptions |
Provides access to the formatting options for a chart title. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleLoadOptions |
Represents a chart title object of a chart. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTitleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of chart trendlines. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the format properties for the chart trendline. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelFormatLoadOptions |
Encapsulates the format properties for the chart trendline label. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelLoadOptions |
This object represents the attributes for a chart trendline label object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLabelUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineLoadOptions |
This object represents the attributes for a chart trendline object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartTrendlineUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ChartUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CollectionLoadOptions |
Provides ways to load properties of only a subset of members of a collection. |
Excel.Interfaces.ColorScaleConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ColorScaleConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the color scale criteria for conditional formatting. |
Excel.Interfaces.ColorScaleConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentReplyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentReplyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentReplyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentReplyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CommentUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarNegativeFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarNegativeFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a conditional format for the negative side of the data bar. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarNegativeFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarPositiveFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarPositiveFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a conditional format for the positive side of the data bar. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalDataBarPositiveFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the conditional formats that are overlap the range. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
An object encapsulating a conditional format's range, format, rule, and other properties. To learn more about the conditional formatting object model, read Apply conditional formatting to Excel ranges. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatRuleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatRuleLoadOptions |
Represents a rule, for all traditional rule/format pairings. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatRuleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents the border objects that make up range border. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderLoadOptions |
Represents the border of an object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeBorderUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFillData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFillLoadOptions |
Represents the background of a conditional range object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFillUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFontData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFontLoadOptions |
This object represents the font attributes (font style, color, etc.) for an object. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFontUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFormatLoadOptions |
A format object encapsulating the conditional formats range's font, fill, borders, and other properties. |
Excel.Interfaces.ConditionalRangeFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CultureInfoData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a custom conditional format type. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyCollectionLoadOptions |
Contains the collection of custom properties. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyLoadOptions |
Represents a custom property. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomPropertyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartCollectionLoadOptions |
A collection of custom XML parts. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartLoadOptions |
Represents a custom XML part object in a workbook. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartScopedCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartScopedCollectionLoadOptions |
A scoped collection of custom XML parts. A scoped collection is the result of some operation (e.g., filtering by namespace). A scoped collection cannot be scoped any further. |
Excel.Interfaces.CustomXmlPartScopedCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.DataBarConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DataBarConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents an Excel conditional data bar type. |
Excel.Interfaces.DataBarConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of DataPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel DataPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.DataValidationData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DataValidationLoadOptions |
Represents the data validation applied to the current range. To learn more about the data validation object model, read Add data validation to Excel ranges. |
Excel.Interfaces.DataValidationUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.DatetimeFormatInfoData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DocumentPropertiesData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.DocumentPropertiesLoadOptions |
Represents workbook properties. |
Excel.Interfaces.DocumentPropertiesUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterLoadOptions |
Manages the filtering of a table's column. |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of FilterPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel FilterPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.Interfaces.FilterPivotHierarchyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.FormatProtectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.FormatProtectionLoadOptions |
Represents the format protection of a range object. |
Excel.Interfaces.FormatProtectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.FunctionResultData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.FunctionResultLoadOptions |
An object containing the result of a function-evaluation operation |
Excel.Interfaces.GeometricShapeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.GroupShapeCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.GroupShapeCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.HeaderFooterData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.HeaderFooterGroupData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.HeaderFooterGroupUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.HeaderFooterUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.IconSetConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.IconSetConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents an icon set criteria for conditional formatting. |
Excel.Interfaces.IconSetConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ImageData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.IterativeCalculationData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.IterativeCalculationUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.LineData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.LineUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.LinkedWorkbookCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.LinkedWorkbookCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.LinkedWorkbookData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemArrayValuesData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemArrayValuesLoadOptions |
Represents an object containing values and types of a named item. |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemCollectionLoadOptions |
A collection of all the |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemLoadOptions |
Represents a defined name for a range of cells or value. Names can be primitive named objects (as seen in the type below), range object, or a reference to a range. This object can be used to obtain range object associated with names. |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedItemUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NoteCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NoteCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NoteData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.NoteUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.NumberFormatInfoData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PageBreakCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PageBreakCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PageBreakData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PageLayoutData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PageLayoutUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the PivotFields that are part of a PivotTable's hierarchy. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel PivotField. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotFieldUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the PivotHierarchies that are part of the PivotTable. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel PivotHierarchy. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotHierarchyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the PivotItems related to their parent PivotField. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel PivotItem. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotItemUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotLayoutData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotLayoutLoadOptions |
Represents the visual layout of the PivotTable. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotLayoutUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the PivotTables that are part of the workbook or worksheet. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableLoadOptions |
Represents an Excel PivotTable. To learn more about the PivotTable object model, read Work with PivotTables using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableScopedCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableScopedCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableStyleCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableStyleCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableStyleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableStyleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PivotTableUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.PresetCriteriaConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.PresetCriteriaConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents the preset criteria conditional format such as above average, below average, unique values, contains blank, nonblank, error, and noerror. |
Excel.Interfaces.PresetCriteriaConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.QueryCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.QueryCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.QueryData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeAreasCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeAreasCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeAreasData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeAreasUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents the border objects that make up the range border. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderLoadOptions |
Represents the border of an object. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeBorderUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFillData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFillLoadOptions |
Represents the background of a range object. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFillUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFontData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFontLoadOptions |
This object represents the font attributes (font name, font size, color, etc.) for an object. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFontUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFormatLoadOptions |
A format object encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeLoadOptions |
Range represents a set of one or more contiguous cells such as a cell, a row, a column, or a block of cells. To learn more about how ranges are used throughout the API, start with Ranges in the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewLoadOptions |
RangeView represents a set of visible cells of the parent range. |
Excel.Interfaces.RangeViewUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RemoveDuplicatesResultData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of RowColumnPivotHierarchy items associated with the PivotTable. |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel RowColumnPivotHierarchy. |
Excel.Interfaces.RowColumnPivotHierarchyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.RuntimeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.RuntimeLoadOptions |
Represents the Excel Runtime class. |
Excel.Interfaces.RuntimeUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of key-value pair setting objects that are part of the workbook. The scope is limited to per file and add-in (task-pane or content) combination. |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingLoadOptions |
Setting represents a key-value pair of a setting persisted to the document (per file, per add-in). These custom key-value pair can be used to store state or lifecycle information needed by the content or task-pane add-in. Note that settings are persisted in the document and hence it is not a place to store any sensitive or protected information such as user information and password. |
Excel.Interfaces.SettingUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeFillData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeFillUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeFontData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeFontUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeGroupData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeLineFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeLineFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.ShapeUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerItemCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerItemCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerItemData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerItemUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerStyleCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerStyleCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerStyleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerStyleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.SlicerUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the styles. |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleLoadOptions |
An object encapsulating a style's format and other properties. |
Excel.Interfaces.StyleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the tables that are part of the workbook or worksheet, depending on how it was reached. |
Excel.Interfaces.TableCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the columns that are part of the table. |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnLoadOptions |
Represents a column in a table. |
Excel.Interfaces.TableColumnUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableLoadOptions |
Represents an Excel table. To learn more about the table object model, read Work with tables using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of all the rows that are part of the table. Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowLoadOptions |
Represents a row in a table. Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a |
Excel.Interfaces.TableRowUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableScopedCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableScopedCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableSortData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableSortLoadOptions |
Manages sorting operations on |
Excel.Interfaces.TableStyleCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableStyleCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableStyleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TableStyleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TableUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TextConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TextConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a specific text conditional format. |
Excel.Interfaces.TextConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TextFrameData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TextFrameUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TextRangeData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TextRangeUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TimelineStyleCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TimelineStyleCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TimelineStyleData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TimelineStyleUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.TopBottomConditionalFormatData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.TopBottomConditionalFormatLoadOptions |
Represents a top/bottom conditional format. |
Excel.Interfaces.TopBottomConditionalFormatUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookCreatedData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookLoadOptions |
Workbook is the top level object which contains related workbook objects such as worksheets, tables, and ranges. To learn more about the workbook object model, read Work with workbooks using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookProtectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookProtectionLoadOptions |
Represents the protection of a workbook object. |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookRangeAreasData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorkbookUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCollectionLoadOptions |
Represents a collection of worksheet objects that are part of the workbook. |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCustomPropertyCollectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCustomPropertyCollectionUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCustomPropertyData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetCustomPropertyUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetLoadOptions |
An Excel worksheet is a grid of cells. It can contain data, tables, charts, etc. To learn more about the worksheet object model, read Work with worksheets using the Excel JavaScript API. |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetProtectionData |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetProtectionLoadOptions |
Represents the protection of a worksheet object. |
Excel.Interfaces.WorksheetUpdateData |
An interface for updating data on the |
Excel.ListDataValidation |
Represents the List data validation criteria. |
Excel.RangeHyperlink |
Represents the necessary strings to get/set a hyperlink (XHL) object. |
Excel.RangeReference |
Represents a string reference of the form "SheetName!A1:B5", or a global or local named range. |
Excel.RunOptions | |
Excel.SelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the document that raised the selection changed event. |
Excel.Session | |
Excel.SettingsChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the setting that raised the settings changed event |
Excel.ShowAsRule | |
Excel.SortField |
Represents a condition in a sorting operation. |
Excel.Subtotals |
Subtotals for the Pivot Field. |
Excel.TableChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the table that raised the changed event. |
Excel.TableSelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the table that raised the selection changed event. |
Excel.ThreeArrowsGraySet | |
Excel.ThreeArrowsSet | |
Excel.ThreeFlagsSet | |
Excel.ThreeSignsSet | |
Excel.ThreeStarsSet | |
Excel.ThreeSymbols2Set | |
Excel.ThreeSymbolsSet | |
Excel.ThreeTrafficLights1Set | |
Excel.ThreeTrafficLights2Set | |
Excel.ThreeTrianglesSet | |
Excel.WorksheetActivatedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the activated event. |
Excel.WorksheetAddedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the added event. |
Excel.WorksheetCalculatedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the calculated event. |
Excel.WorksheetChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the changed event. |
Excel.WorksheetDeactivatedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the deactivated event. |
Excel.WorksheetDeletedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the deleted event. |
Excel.WorksheetProtectionOptions |
Represents the options in sheet protection. |
Excel.WorksheetSelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information about the worksheet that raised the selection changed event. |
Excel. |
Creates and opens a new workbook. Optionally, the workbook can be pre-populated with a Base64-encoded .xlsx file. Note: Macros can be a security risk. If this API is used to create a workbook that includes a macro, the add-in user will be prompted with a "Trust this add-in?" dialog in the Excel UI. The user must select the "Trust add-in" button to proceed. |
Excel. |
Excel. |
Excel. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using a new RequestContext. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released. |
Excel. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created API object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released. |
Excel. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of previously-created API objects. |
Excel. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created API object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released. |
Excel. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released. |
Function Details
Creates and opens a new workbook. Optionally, the workbook can be pre-populated with a Base64-encoded .xlsx file. Note: Macros can be a security risk. If this API is used to create a workbook that includes a macro, the add-in user will be prompted with a "Trust this add-in?" dialog in the Excel UI. The user must select the "Trust add-in" button to proceed.
export function createWorkbook(base64?: string): Promise<void>;
- base64
const myFile = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("file");
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
Excel.run((context) => {
// Remove the metadata before the base64-encoded string.
const startIndex = reader.result.toString().indexOf("base64,");
const mybase64 = reader.result.toString().substr(startIndex + 7);
return context.sync();
// Read in the file as a data URL so we can parse the base64-encoded string.
Excel.getDataCommonPostprocess(response, callArgs)
export function getDataCommonPostprocess(response: any, callArgs: any): any;
- response
- callArgs
export function postprocessBindingDescriptor(response: any): any;
- response
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using a new RequestContext. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
export function run<T>(batch: (context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- batch
(context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
Excel.run(object, batch)
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created API object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
export function run<T>(object: OfficeExtension.ClientObject, batch: (context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- object
- OfficeExtension.ClientObject
A previously-created API object. The batch will use the same RequestContext as the passed-in object, which means that any changes applied to the object will be picked up by "context.sync()".
- batch
(context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
Excel.run(objects, batch)
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of previously-created API objects.
export function run<T>(objects: OfficeExtension.ClientObject[], batch: (context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- objects
An array of previously-created API objects. The array will be validated to make sure that all of the objects share the same context. The batch will use this shared RequestContext, which means that any changes applied to these objects will be picked up by "context.sync()".
- batch
(context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
Excel.run(options, batch)
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created API object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
export function run<T>(options: Excel.RunOptions, batch: (context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- options
- Excel.RunOptions
The additional options for this Excel.run which specify previous objects, whether to delay the request for cell edit, session info, etc.
- batch
(context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
Excel.run(context, batch)
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the Excel object model, using the RequestContext of a previously-created object. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
export function run<T>(context: OfficeExtension.ClientRequestContext, batch: (context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
A previously-created object. The batch will use the same RequestContext as the passed-in object, which means that any changes applied to the object will be picked up by "context.sync()".
- batch
(context: Excel.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
Office Add-ins