StyleOptions interface

The options for the map's style.




If true, the gl context will be created with MSAA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing WebGL layers.


If true the map will automatically resize whenever the window's size changes. Otherwise map.resize() must be called. Default true.


The language of the map labels. Supported language. Default atlas.getLanguage(). If set to "auto", the browser's preferred language will be used.


Sets the lighting options of the map.


If true, the map's canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL(). This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default false


If true, the map will try to defer non-essential map layers and show essential layers as early as possible. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default false


The list of layer groups to be loaded at the initial stage. Passing an empty array will disable the progressive loading. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default ['base']


Specifies if multiple copies of the world should be rendered when zoomed out. Default true


Specifies if buildings will be rendered with their models. If false all buildings will be rendered as just their footprints. Default false


Specifies if the feedback link should be displayed on the map or not. Default true


Specifies if the map should display labels


Specifies if the Microsoft logo should be hidden or not. If set to true a Microsoft copyright string will be added to the map. Default true


Specifies if the map should render an outline around each tile and the tile ID. These tile boundaries are useful for debugging. The uncompressed file size of the first vector source is drawn in the top left corner of each tile, next to the tile ID. Default false


The name of the style to use when rendering the map. Available styles can be found in the supported styles article. The default style is "road".


Override the default styles for the map elements.​ Default undefined


Specifies which set of geopolitically disputed borders and labels are displayed on the map. The View parameter (also referred to as “user region parameter”) is a 2-letter ISO-3166 Country Code that will show the correct maps for that country/region. Country/Regions that are not on the View list or if unspecified will default to the “Unified” View. Please see the supported Views It is your responsibility to determine the location of your users, and then set the View parameter correctly for that location. The View parameter in Azure Maps must be used in compliance with applicable laws, including those regarding mapping, of the country where maps, images and other data and third party content that You are authorized to access via Azure Maps is made available. default: undefined

Property Details


If true, the gl context will be created with MSAA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing WebGL layers.

antialias?: boolean

Property Value



If true the map will automatically resize whenever the window's size changes. Otherwise map.resize() must be called. Default true.

autoResize?: boolean

Property Value



The language of the map labels. Supported language. Default atlas.getLanguage(). If set to "auto", the browser's preferred language will be used.

language?: string

Property Value



Sets the lighting options of the map.

light?: LightOptions

Property Value


If true, the map's canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL(). This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default false

preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean

Property Value



If true, the map will try to defer non-essential map layers and show essential layers as early as possible. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default false

progressiveLoading?: boolean

Property Value



The list of layer groups to be loaded at the initial stage. Passing an empty array will disable the progressive loading. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Default ['base']

progressiveLoadingInitialLayerGroups?: string[]

Property Value



Specifies if multiple copies of the world should be rendered when zoomed out. Default true

renderWorldCopies?: boolean

Property Value




This API is now deprecated.

Specifies if buildings will be rendered with their models. If false all buildings will be rendered as just their footprints. Default false

showBuildingModels?: boolean

Property Value


Specifies if the feedback link should be displayed on the map or not. Default true

showFeedbackLink?: boolean

Property Value



Specifies if the map should display labels

showLabels?: boolean

Property Value


Specifies if the Microsoft logo should be hidden or not. If set to true a Microsoft copyright string will be added to the map. Default true

showLogo?: boolean

Property Value



Specifies if the map should render an outline around each tile and the tile ID. These tile boundaries are useful for debugging. The uncompressed file size of the first vector source is drawn in the top left corner of each tile, next to the tile ID. Default false

showTileBoundaries?: boolean

Property Value



The name of the style to use when rendering the map. Available styles can be found in the supported styles article. The default style is "road".

style?: string

Property Value



Override the default styles for the map elements.​ Default undefined

styleOverrides?: StyleOverrides

Property Value



This API is now deprecated.

use view instead.

userRegion?: string

Property Value



Specifies which set of geopolitically disputed borders and labels are displayed on the map. The View parameter (also referred to as “user region parameter”) is a 2-letter ISO-3166 Country Code that will show the correct maps for that country/region. Country/Regions that are not on the View list or if unspecified will default to the “Unified” View. Please see the supported Views It is your responsibility to determine the location of your users, and then set the View parameter correctly for that location. The View parameter in Azure Maps must be used in compliance with applicable laws, including those regarding mapping, of the country where maps, images and other data and third party content that You are authorized to access via Azure Maps is made available. default: undefined

view?: string

Property Value
