SearchCriteria interface
alert |
If provided, only return alerts with the ids specified. <br />Otherwise, return any alert. |
alert |
If provided, only return alerts of this type. Otherwise, return alerts of all types. |
confidence |
If provided, only return alerts at these confidence levels. <br />Both High and Other need to be specified to fetch alerts of all confidence levels. <br />Otherwise, return alerts with high confidence level. <br />Only applicable for secret alerts. |
dependency |
If provided, only alerts for this dependency are returned. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all dependencies. <br />In a sarif submission, a dependency (or a component) is specified in result.RelatedLocations[].logicalLocation. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
from |
If provided, only return alerts last seen after this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. |
keywords | If provided, only return alerts whose titles match this pattern. |
license |
If provided, only alerts created for dependency with this license are returned. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all licenses. <br />In a sarif submission, license for a dependency (or a component) is specified in result.RelatedLocations[] <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
modified |
If provided, only return alerts that were modified since this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. |
only |
If true or not set, only return alerts found on the default branch of the repository. <br />If there have been no runs completed on the default branch, the last run is used instead regardless of the branch used for that run. If false, return alerts from all branches. <br />This option is ignored if ref is provided. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
phase |
If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
phase |
If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
pipeline |
If provided, only return alerts detected in this pipeline. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all pipelines. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
ref | If provided, only include alerts for this ref. <br />If not provided and OnlyDefaultBranch is true, only include alerts found on the default branch or last run branch if there is no analysis configuration for the default branch. <br />Otherwise, include alerts from all branches. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts. |
rule |
If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts of all rules. |
rule |
If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all rules. |
severities | If provided, only return alerts at these severities. <br />Otherwise, return alerts at any serverity. |
states | If provided, only return alerts in these states. <br />Otherwise, return alerts in any state. |
to |
If provided, only return alerts last seen before this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. |
tool |
If provided with toolName, only return alerts detected by this tool. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected by all tools. |
Property Details
If provided, only return alerts with the ids specified. <br />Otherwise, return any alert.
alertIds: number[]
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts of this type. Otherwise, return alerts of all types.
alertType: AlertType
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts at these confidence levels. <br />Both High and Other need to be specified to fetch alerts of all confidence levels. <br />Otherwise, return alerts with high confidence level. <br />Only applicable for secret alerts.
confidenceLevels: Confidence[]
Property Value
If provided, only alerts for this dependency are returned. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all dependencies. <br />In a sarif submission, a dependency (or a component) is specified in result.RelatedLocations[].logicalLocation. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
dependencyName: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts last seen after this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts.
fromDate: Date
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts whose titles match this pattern.
keywords: string
Property Value
If provided, only alerts created for dependency with this license are returned. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all licenses. <br />In a sarif submission, license for a dependency (or a component) is specified in result.RelatedLocations[] <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
licenseName: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts that were modified since this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts.
modifiedSince: Date
Property Value
If true or not set, only return alerts found on the default branch of the repository. <br />If there have been no runs completed on the default branch, the last run is used instead regardless of the branch used for that run. If false, return alerts from all branches. <br />This option is ignored if ref is provided. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
onlyDefaultBranch: boolean
Property Value
If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
phaseId: string
Property Value
If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
phaseName: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts detected in this pipeline. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all pipelines. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
pipelineName: string
Property Value
If provided, only include alerts for this ref. <br />If not provided and OnlyDefaultBranch is true, only include alerts found on the default branch or last run branch if there is no analysis configuration for the default branch. <br />Otherwise, include alerts from all branches. <br />Not applicable for secret alerts.
ref: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts of all rules.
ruleId: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all rules.
ruleName: string
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts at these severities. <br />Otherwise, return alerts at any serverity.
severities: Severity[]
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts in these states. <br />Otherwise, return alerts in any state.
states: State[]
Property Value
If provided, only return alerts last seen before this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts.
toDate: Date
Property Value
If provided with toolName, only return alerts detected by this tool. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected by all tools.
toolName: string
Property Value