@azure/arm-netapp package
NetAppManagementClient |
AccountEncryption |
Encryption settings |
Accounts |
Interface representing a Accounts. |
AccountsChangeKeyVaultHeaders |
Defines headers for Accounts_changeKeyVault operation. |
AccountsChangeKeyVaultOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsGetChangeKeyVaultInformationHeaders |
Defines headers for Accounts_getChangeKeyVaultInformation operation. |
AccountsGetChangeKeyVaultInformationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsRenewCredentialsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsTransitionToCmkHeaders |
Defines headers for Accounts_transitionToCmk operation. |
AccountsTransitionToCmkOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AccountsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ActiveDirectory |
Active Directory |
AuthorizeRequest |
Authorize request |
Backup |
Backup under a Backup Vault |
BackupPatch |
Backup patch |
BackupPolicies |
Interface representing a BackupPolicies. |
BackupPoliciesCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesList |
List of Backup Policies |
BackupPoliciesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPoliciesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupPolicy |
Backup policy information |
BackupPolicyPatch |
Backup policy Details for create and update |
BackupRestoreFiles |
Restore payload for Single File Backup Restore |
BackupStatus |
Backup status |
BackupVault |
Backup Vault information |
BackupVaultPatch |
Backup Vault information |
BackupVaults |
Interface representing a BackupVaults. |
BackupVaultsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupVaultsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for BackupVaults_delete operation. |
BackupVaultsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupVaultsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupVaultsList |
List of Backup Vaults |
BackupVaultsListByNetAppAccountNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupVaultsListByNetAppAccountOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupVaultsUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for BackupVaults_update operation. |
BackupVaultsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Backups |
Interface representing a Backups. |
BackupsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Backups_delete operation. |
BackupsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsGetLatestStatusOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsGetVolumeLatestRestoreStatusOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsList |
List of Backups |
BackupsListByVaultNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsListByVaultOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsMigrationRequest |
Migrate Backups Request |
BackupsUnderAccount |
Interface representing a BackupsUnderAccount. |
BackupsUnderAccountMigrateBackupsHeaders |
Defines headers for BackupsUnderAccount_migrateBackups operation. |
BackupsUnderAccountMigrateBackupsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsUnderBackupVault |
Interface representing a BackupsUnderBackupVault. |
BackupsUnderBackupVaultRestoreFilesHeaders |
Defines headers for BackupsUnderBackupVault_restoreFiles operation. |
BackupsUnderBackupVaultRestoreFilesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsUnderVolume |
Interface representing a BackupsUnderVolume. |
BackupsUnderVolumeMigrateBackupsHeaders |
Defines headers for BackupsUnderVolume_migrateBackups operation. |
BackupsUnderVolumeMigrateBackupsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BackupsUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Backups_update operation. |
BackupsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BreakFileLocksRequest |
Break file locks request |
BreakReplicationRequest |
Break replication request |
CapacityPool |
Capacity pool resource |
CapacityPoolList |
List of capacity pool resources |
CapacityPoolPatch |
Capacity pool patch resource |
ChangeKeyVault |
Change key vault request |
CheckAvailabilityResponse |
Information regarding availability of a resource. |
CloudError |
An error response from the service. |
CloudErrorBody |
An error response from the service. |
ClusterPeerCommandResponse |
Information about cluster peering process |
DailySchedule |
Daily Schedule properties |
Dimension |
Dimension of blobs, possibly be blob type or access tier. |
EncryptionIdentity |
Identity used to authenticate with key vault. |
EncryptionTransitionRequest |
Encryption transition request |
ErrorAdditionalInfo |
The resource management error additional info. |
ErrorDetail |
The error detail. |
ErrorResponse |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). |
ExportPolicyRule |
Volume Export Policy Rule |
FilePathAvailabilityRequest |
File path availability request content - availability is based on the name and the subnetId. |
GetGroupIdListForLdapUserRequest |
Get group Id list for LDAP User request |
GetGroupIdListForLdapUserResponse |
Group Id list for Ldap user |
GetKeyVaultStatusResponse |
Result of getKeyVaultStatus with information about how volumes under NetApp account are encrypted. |
HourlySchedule |
Hourly Schedule properties |
KeyVaultPrivateEndpoint |
Pairs of virtual network ID and private endpoint ID. Every virtual network that has volumes encrypted with customer-managed keys needs its own key vault private endpoint. |
KeyVaultProperties |
Properties of key vault. |
LdapSearchScopeOpt |
LDAP search scope |
ListReplications |
List Replications |
LogSpecification |
Log Definition of a single resource metric. |
ManagedServiceIdentity |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities) |
MetricSpecification |
Metric specification of operation. |
MonthlySchedule |
Monthly Schedule properties |
MountTarget |
Mount Target |
MountTargetProperties |
Mount target properties |
NetAppAccount |
NetApp account resource |
NetAppAccountList |
List of NetApp account resources |
NetAppAccountPatch |
NetApp account patch resource |
NetAppManagementClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResource |
Interface representing a NetAppResource. |
NetAppResourceCheckFilePathAvailabilityOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceCheckQuotaAvailabilityOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceQueryNetworkSiblingSetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceQueryRegionInfoOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceQuotaLimits |
Interface representing a NetAppResourceQuotaLimits. |
NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfos |
Interface representing a NetAppResourceRegionInfos. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetAppResourceUpdateNetworkSiblingSetHeaders |
Defines headers for NetAppResource_updateNetworkSiblingSet operation. |
NetAppResourceUpdateNetworkSiblingSetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
NetworkSiblingSet |
Describes the contents of a network sibling set. |
NicInfo |
NIC information and list of volumes for which the NIC has the primary mount ip address. |
Operation |
Microsoft.NetApp REST API operation definition. |
OperationDisplay |
Display metadata associated with the operation. |
OperationListResult |
Result of the request to list Cloud Volume operations. It contains a list of operations and a URL link to get the next set of results. |
Operations |
Interface representing a Operations. |
OperationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PeerClusterForVolumeMigrationRequest |
Source Cluster properties for a cluster peer request |
PlacementKeyValuePairs |
Application specific parameters for the placement of volumes in the volume group |
PoolChangeRequest |
Pool change request |
Pools |
Interface representing a Pools. |
PoolsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PoolsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PoolsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PoolsListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PoolsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
PoolsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location |
QueryNetworkSiblingSetRequest |
Network sibling set query. |
QuotaAvailabilityRequest |
Quota availability request content. |
ReestablishReplicationRequest |
Re-establish request object supplied in the body of the operation. |
RegionInfo |
Provides region specific information. |
RegionInfoAvailabilityZoneMappingsItem | |
RegionInfoResource |
Information regarding regionInfo Item. |
RegionInfosList |
List of regionInfo resources |
RelocateVolumeRequest |
Relocate volume request |
RemotePath |
The full path to a volume that is to be migrated into ANF. Required for Migration volumes |
Replication |
Replication properties |
ReplicationObject |
Replication properties |
ReplicationStatus |
Replication status |
Resource |
Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources |
ResourceIdentity |
Identity for the resource. |
ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest |
Resource name availability request content. |
RestoreStatus |
Restore status |
ServiceSpecification |
One property of operation, include metric specifications. |
Snapshot |
Snapshot of a Volume |
SnapshotPolicies |
Interface representing a SnapshotPolicies. |
SnapshotPoliciesCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPoliciesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPoliciesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPoliciesList |
List of Snapshot Policies |
SnapshotPoliciesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPoliciesListVolumesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPoliciesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotPolicy |
Snapshot policy information |
SnapshotPolicyDetails |
Snapshot policy properties |
SnapshotPolicyPatch |
Snapshot policy Details for create and update |
SnapshotPolicyVolumeList |
Volumes associated with snapshot policy |
SnapshotRestoreFiles |
Restore payload for Single File Snapshot Restore |
Snapshots |
Interface representing a Snapshots. |
SnapshotsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsList |
List of Snapshots |
SnapshotsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsRestoreFilesOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SnapshotsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubscriptionQuotaItem |
Information regarding Subscription Quota Item. |
SubscriptionQuotaItemList |
List of Subscription Quota Items |
SubvolumeInfo |
Subvolume Information properties |
SubvolumeModel |
Result of the post subvolume and action is to get metadata of the subvolume. |
SubvolumePatchRequest |
Subvolume Patch Request properties |
Subvolumes |
Interface representing a Subvolumes. |
SubvolumesCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesGetMetadataOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesList |
List of Subvolumes |
SubvolumesListByVolumeNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesListByVolumeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SubvolumesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
SvmPeerCommandResponse |
Information about svm peering process |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
TrackedResource |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has 'tags' and a 'location' |
UpdateNetworkSiblingSetRequest |
Network sibling set update. |
UserAssignedIdentity |
User assigned identity properties |
Volume |
Volume resource |
VolumeBackupProperties |
Volume Backup Properties |
VolumeBackups |
Volume details using the backup policy |
VolumeGroup |
Volume group resource |
VolumeGroupDetails |
Volume group resource for create |
VolumeGroupList |
List of volume group resources |
VolumeGroupMetaData |
Volume group properties |
VolumeGroupVolumeProperties |
Volume resource |
VolumeGroups |
Interface representing a VolumeGroups. |
VolumeGroupsCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeGroupsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeGroupsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeGroupsListByNetAppAccountOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeList |
List of volume resources |
VolumePatch |
Volume patch resource |
VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection |
DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication |
VolumePatchPropertiesExportPolicy |
Set of export policy rules |
VolumePropertiesDataProtection |
DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication |
VolumePropertiesExportPolicy |
Set of export policy rules |
VolumeQuotaRule |
Quota Rule of a Volume |
VolumeQuotaRulePatch |
Patchable Quota Rule of a Volume |
VolumeQuotaRules |
Interface representing a VolumeQuotaRules. |
VolumeQuotaRulesCreateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeQuotaRulesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeQuotaRulesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeQuotaRulesList |
List of Volume Quota Rules |
VolumeQuotaRulesListByVolumeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeQuotaRulesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumeRelocationProperties |
Volume relocation properties |
VolumeRevert |
revert a volume to the snapshot |
VolumeSnapshotProperties |
Volume Snapshot Properties |
Volumes |
Interface representing a Volumes. |
VolumesAuthorizeExternalReplicationHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_authorizeExternalReplication operation. |
VolumesAuthorizeExternalReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesAuthorizeReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesBreakFileLocksHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_breakFileLocks operation. |
VolumesBreakFileLocksOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesBreakReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesDeleteReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesFinalizeExternalReplicationHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_finalizeExternalReplication operation. |
VolumesFinalizeExternalReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesFinalizeRelocationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListGetGroupIdListForLdapUserHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_listGetGroupIdListForLdapUser operation. |
VolumesListGetGroupIdListForLdapUserOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListNextOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesListReplicationsOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesPeerExternalClusterHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_peerExternalCluster operation. |
VolumesPeerExternalClusterOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesPerformReplicationTransferHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_performReplicationTransfer operation. |
VolumesPerformReplicationTransferOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesPoolChangeOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesPopulateAvailabilityZoneHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_populateAvailabilityZone operation. |
VolumesPopulateAvailabilityZoneOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesReInitializeReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesReestablishReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesRelocateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesReplicationStatusOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesResetCifsPasswordHeaders |
Defines headers for Volumes_resetCifsPassword operation. |
VolumesResetCifsPasswordOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesResyncReplicationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesRevertOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesRevertRelocationOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
VolumesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
WeeklySchedule |
Weekly Schedule properties, make a snapshot every week at a specific day or days |
Type Aliases
AccountsChangeKeyVaultResponse |
Contains response data for the changeKeyVault operation. |
AccountsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AccountsGetChangeKeyVaultInformationResponse |
Contains response data for the getChangeKeyVaultInformation operation. |
AccountsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AccountsListBySubscriptionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscriptionNext operation. |
AccountsListBySubscriptionResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscription operation. |
AccountsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
AccountsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AccountsTransitionToCmkResponse |
Contains response data for the transitionToCmk operation. |
AccountsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ActiveDirectoryStatus |
Defines values for ActiveDirectoryStatus. Known values supported by the serviceCreated: Active Directory created but not in use |
ApplicationType |
Defines values for ApplicationType. Known values supported by the serviceSAP-HANA |
AvsDataStore |
Defines values for AvsDataStore. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled: avsDataStore is enabled |
BackupPoliciesCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
BackupPoliciesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BackupPoliciesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
BackupPoliciesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
BackupType |
Defines values for BackupType. Known values supported by the serviceManual: Manual backup |
BackupVaultsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
BackupVaultsDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
BackupVaultsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BackupVaultsListByNetAppAccountNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByNetAppAccountNext operation. |
BackupVaultsListByNetAppAccountResponse |
Contains response data for the listByNetAppAccount operation. |
BackupVaultsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
BackupsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
BackupsDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
BackupsGetLatestStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getLatestStatus operation. |
BackupsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
BackupsGetVolumeLatestRestoreStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getVolumeLatestRestoreStatus operation. |
BackupsListByVaultNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVaultNext operation. |
BackupsListByVaultResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVault operation. |
BackupsUnderAccountMigrateBackupsResponse |
Contains response data for the migrateBackups operation. |
BackupsUnderBackupVaultRestoreFilesResponse |
Contains response data for the restoreFiles operation. |
BackupsUnderVolumeMigrateBackupsResponse |
Contains response data for the migrateBackups operation. |
BackupsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
CheckNameResourceTypes |
Defines values for CheckNameResourceTypes. Known values supported by the serviceMicrosoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts |
CheckQuotaNameResourceTypes |
Defines values for CheckQuotaNameResourceTypes. Known values supported by the serviceMicrosoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts |
ChownMode |
Defines values for ChownMode. Known values supported by the serviceRestricted |
CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy |
Defines values for CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy. Known values supported by the serviceDefault |
CoolAccessTieringPolicy |
Defines values for CoolAccessTieringPolicy. Known values supported by the serviceAuto |
CreatedByType |
Defines values for CreatedByType. Known values supported by the serviceUser |
EnableSubvolumes |
Defines values for EnableSubvolumes. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled: subvolumes are enabled |
EncryptionKeySource |
Defines values for EncryptionKeySource. Known values supported by the serviceMicrosoft.NetApp: Microsoft-managed key encryption |
EncryptionType |
Defines values for EncryptionType. Known values supported by the serviceSingle: EncryptionType Single, volumes will use single encryption at rest |
EndpointType |
Defines values for EndpointType. Known values supported by the servicesrc |
FileAccessLogs |
Defines values for FileAccessLogs. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled: fileAccessLogs are enabled |
InAvailabilityReasonType |
Defines values for InAvailabilityReasonType. Known values supported by the serviceInvalid |
KeySource |
Defines values for KeySource. Known values supported by the serviceMicrosoft.NetApp: Microsoft-managed key encryption |
KeyVaultStatus |
Defines values for KeyVaultStatus. Known values supported by the serviceCreated: KeyVault connection created but not in use |
ManagedServiceIdentityType |
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
MetricAggregationType |
Defines values for MetricAggregationType. Known values supported by the serviceAverage |
MirrorState |
Defines values for MirrorState. Known values supported by the serviceUninitialized |
NetAppResourceCheckFilePathAvailabilityResponse |
Contains response data for the checkFilePathAvailability operation. |
NetAppResourceCheckNameAvailabilityResponse |
Contains response data for the checkNameAvailability operation. |
NetAppResourceCheckQuotaAvailabilityResponse |
Contains response data for the checkQuotaAvailability operation. |
NetAppResourceQueryNetworkSiblingSetResponse |
Contains response data for the queryNetworkSiblingSet operation. |
NetAppResourceQueryRegionInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the queryRegionInfo operation. |
NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
NetAppResourceRegionInfosListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
NetAppResourceUpdateNetworkSiblingSetResponse |
Contains response data for the updateNetworkSiblingSet operation. |
NetworkFeatures |
Defines values for NetworkFeatures. Known values supported by the serviceBasic: Basic network features. |
NetworkSiblingSetProvisioningState |
Defines values for NetworkSiblingSetProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceSucceeded |
OperationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
PoolsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
PoolsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
PoolsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
PoolsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
PoolsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ProvisioningState |
Defines values for ProvisioningState. |
QosType |
Defines values for QosType. Known values supported by the serviceAuto: qos type Auto |
RegionStorageToNetworkProximity |
Defines values for RegionStorageToNetworkProximity. Known values supported by the serviceDefault: Basic network connectivity. |
RelationshipStatus |
Defines values for RelationshipStatus. Known values supported by the serviceIdle |
ReplicationSchedule |
Defines values for ReplicationSchedule. Known values supported by the service10minutely |
SecurityStyle |
Defines values for SecurityStyle. Known values supported by the servicentfs |
ServiceLevel |
Defines values for ServiceLevel. Known values supported by the serviceStandard: Standard service level |
SmbAccessBasedEnumeration |
Defines values for SmbAccessBasedEnumeration. Known values supported by the serviceDisabled: smbAccessBasedEnumeration share setting is disabled |
SmbNonBrowsable |
Defines values for SmbNonBrowsable. Known values supported by the serviceDisabled: smbNonBrowsable share setting is disabled |
SnapshotPoliciesCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
SnapshotPoliciesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
SnapshotPoliciesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
SnapshotPoliciesListVolumesResponse |
Contains response data for the listVolumes operation. |
SnapshotPoliciesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
SnapshotsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
SnapshotsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
SnapshotsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
SnapshotsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
SubvolumesCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
SubvolumesGetMetadataResponse |
Contains response data for the getMetadata operation. |
SubvolumesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
SubvolumesListByVolumeNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVolumeNext operation. |
SubvolumesListByVolumeResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVolume operation. |
SubvolumesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Type |
Defines values for Type. Known values supported by the serviceDefaultUserQuota: Default user quota |
VolumeGroupsCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
VolumeGroupsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VolumeGroupsListByNetAppAccountResponse |
Contains response data for the listByNetAppAccount operation. |
VolumeQuotaRulesCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
VolumeQuotaRulesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VolumeQuotaRulesListByVolumeResponse |
Contains response data for the listByVolume operation. |
VolumeQuotaRulesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
VolumeStorageToNetworkProximity |
Defines values for VolumeStorageToNetworkProximity. Known values supported by the serviceDefault: Basic storage to network connectivity. |
VolumesAuthorizeExternalReplicationResponse |
Contains response data for the authorizeExternalReplication operation. |
VolumesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
VolumesFinalizeExternalReplicationResponse |
Contains response data for the finalizeExternalReplication operation. |
VolumesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
VolumesListGetGroupIdListForLdapUserResponse |
Contains response data for the listGetGroupIdListForLdapUser operation. |
VolumesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
VolumesListReplicationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listReplications operation. |
VolumesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
VolumesPeerExternalClusterResponse |
Contains response data for the peerExternalCluster operation. |
VolumesPerformReplicationTransferResponse |
Contains response data for the performReplicationTransfer operation. |
VolumesPopulateAvailabilityZoneResponse |
Contains response data for the populateAvailabilityZone operation. |
VolumesReplicationStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the replicationStatus operation. |
VolumesResetCifsPasswordResponse |
Contains response data for the resetCifsPassword operation. |
VolumesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
KnownActiveDirectoryStatus |
Known values of ActiveDirectoryStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownApplicationType |
Known values of ApplicationType that the service accepts. |
KnownAvsDataStore |
Known values of AvsDataStore that the service accepts. |
KnownBackupType |
Known values of BackupType that the service accepts. |
KnownCheckNameResourceTypes |
Known values of CheckNameResourceTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownCheckQuotaNameResourceTypes |
Known values of CheckQuotaNameResourceTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownChownMode |
Known values of ChownMode that the service accepts. |
KnownCoolAccessRetrievalPolicy |
Known values of CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy that the service accepts. |
KnownCoolAccessTieringPolicy |
Known values of CoolAccessTieringPolicy that the service accepts. |
KnownCreatedByType |
Known values of CreatedByType that the service accepts. |
KnownEnableSubvolumes |
Known values of EnableSubvolumes that the service accepts. |
KnownEncryptionKeySource |
Known values of EncryptionKeySource that the service accepts. |
KnownEncryptionType |
Known values of EncryptionType that the service accepts. |
KnownEndpointType |
Known values of EndpointType that the service accepts. |
KnownFileAccessLogs |
Known values of FileAccessLogs that the service accepts. |
KnownInAvailabilityReasonType |
Known values of InAvailabilityReasonType that the service accepts. |
KnownKeySource |
Known values of KeySource that the service accepts. |
KnownKeyVaultStatus |
Known values of KeyVaultStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownManagedServiceIdentityType |
Known values of ManagedServiceIdentityType that the service accepts. |
KnownMetricAggregationType |
Known values of MetricAggregationType that the service accepts. |
KnownMirrorState |
Known values of MirrorState that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkFeatures |
Known values of NetworkFeatures that the service accepts. |
KnownNetworkSiblingSetProvisioningState |
Known values of NetworkSiblingSetProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownQosType |
Known values of QosType that the service accepts. |
KnownRegionStorageToNetworkProximity |
Known values of RegionStorageToNetworkProximity that the service accepts. |
KnownRelationshipStatus |
Known values of RelationshipStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownReplicationSchedule |
Known values of ReplicationSchedule that the service accepts. |
KnownSecurityStyle |
Known values of SecurityStyle that the service accepts. |
KnownServiceLevel |
Known values of ServiceLevel that the service accepts. |
KnownSmbAccessBasedEnumeration |
Known values of SmbAccessBasedEnumeration that the service accepts. |
KnownSmbNonBrowsable |
Known values of SmbNonBrowsable that the service accepts. |
KnownType |
Known values of Type that the service accepts. |
KnownVolumeStorageToNetworkProximity |
Known values of VolumeStorageToNetworkProximity that the service accepts. |
get |
Given the last |
Function Details
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.