@azure/arm-appservice package
WebSiteManagementClient |
Type Aliases
AppServiceCertificateOrdersCreateOrUpdateCertificateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateCertificate operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersGetCertificateResponse |
Contains response data for the getCertificate operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListCertificatesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listCertificatesNext operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListCertificatesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCertificates operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCertificateActionsResponse |
Contains response data for the retrieveCertificateActions operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCertificateEmailHistoryResponse |
Contains response data for the retrieveCertificateEmailHistory operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveSiteSealResponse |
Contains response data for the retrieveSiteSeal operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersUpdateCertificateResponse |
Contains response data for the updateCertificate operation. |
AppServiceCertificateOrdersUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsApproveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the approveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsChangeVnetNextResponse |
Contains response data for the changeVnetNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsChangeVnetResponse |
Contains response data for the changeVnet operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsCreateOrUpdateMultiRolePoolResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateMultiRolePool operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsCreateOrUpdateWorkerPoolResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateWorkerPool operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsDeleteAseCustomDnsSuffixConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteAseCustomDnsSuffixConfiguration operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsDeletePrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetAseCustomDnsSuffixConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the getAseCustomDnsSuffixConfiguration operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetAseV3NetworkingConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the getAseV3NetworkingConfiguration operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetDiagnosticsItemResponse |
Contains response data for the getDiagnosticsItem operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetInboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getInboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetInboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse |
Contains response data for the getInboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetMultiRolePoolResponse |
Contains response data for the getMultiRolePool operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse |
Contains response data for the getOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionListNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionList operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetPrivateLinkResourcesResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateLinkResources operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetVipInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the getVipInfo operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsGetWorkerPoolResponse |
Contains response data for the getWorkerPool operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListAppServicePlansNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listAppServicePlansNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListAppServicePlansResponse |
Contains response data for the listAppServicePlans operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListCapacitiesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listCapacitiesNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListCapacitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCapacities operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListDiagnosticsResponse |
Contains response data for the listDiagnostics operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRoleMetricDefinitionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRoleMetricDefinitionsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRoleMetricDefinitionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRoleMetricDefinitions operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePoolInstanceMetricDefinitions operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolSkusNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePoolSkusNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolSkusResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePoolSkus operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePoolsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRolePoolsResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRolePools operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRoleUsagesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRoleUsagesNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListMultiRoleUsagesResponse |
Contains response data for the listMultiRoleUsages operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListOperationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperations operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListUsagesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsagesNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListUsagesResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsages operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebAppsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebAppsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebAppsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebApps operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebWorkerMetricDefinitionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebWorkerMetricDefinitionsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebWorkerMetricDefinitionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebWorkerMetricDefinitions operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebWorkerUsagesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebWorkerUsagesNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWebWorkerUsagesResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebWorkerUsages operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolInstanceMetricDefinitionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPoolInstanceMetricDefinitions operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolSkusNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPoolSkusNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolSkusResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPoolSkus operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPoolsNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsListWorkerPoolsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkerPools operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsResumeNextResponse |
Contains response data for the resumeNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsResumeResponse |
Contains response data for the resume operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendNextResponse |
Contains response data for the suspendNext operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendResponse |
Contains response data for the suspend operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsUpdateAseCustomDnsSuffixConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAseCustomDnsSuffixConfiguration operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsUpdateAseNetworkingConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAseNetworkingConfiguration operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsUpdateMultiRolePoolResponse |
Contains response data for the updateMultiRolePool operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
AppServiceEnvironmentsUpdateWorkerPoolResponse |
Contains response data for the updateWorkerPool operation. |
AppServicePlanRestrictions |
Defines values for AppServicePlanRestrictions. |
AppServicePlansCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
AppServicePlansCreateOrUpdateVnetRouteResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateVnetRoute operation. |
AppServicePlansGetHybridConnectionPlanLimitResponse |
Contains response data for the getHybridConnectionPlanLimit operation. |
AppServicePlansGetHybridConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getHybridConnection operation. |
AppServicePlansGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
AppServicePlansGetRouteForVnetResponse |
Contains response data for the getRouteForVnet operation. |
AppServicePlansGetServerFarmSkusResponse |
Contains response data for the getServerFarmSkus operation. |
AppServicePlansGetVnetFromServerFarmResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetFromServerFarm operation. |
AppServicePlansGetVnetGatewayResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetGateway operation. |
AppServicePlansListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
AppServicePlansListCapabilitiesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCapabilities operation. |
AppServicePlansListHybridConnectionKeysResponse |
Contains response data for the listHybridConnectionKeys operation. |
AppServicePlansListHybridConnectionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHybridConnectionsNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListHybridConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listHybridConnections operation. |
AppServicePlansListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
AppServicePlansListRoutesForVnetResponse |
Contains response data for the listRoutesForVnet operation. |
AppServicePlansListUsagesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsagesNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListUsagesResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsages operation. |
AppServicePlansListVnetsResponse |
Contains response data for the listVnets operation. |
AppServicePlansListWebAppsByHybridConnectionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebAppsByHybridConnectionNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListWebAppsByHybridConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebAppsByHybridConnection operation. |
AppServicePlansListWebAppsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebAppsNext operation. |
AppServicePlansListWebAppsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebApps operation. |
AppServicePlansUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
AppServicePlansUpdateVnetGatewayResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetGateway operation. |
AppServicePlansUpdateVnetRouteResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetRoute operation. |
AuthType |
Defines values for AuthType. |
AuthenticationType |
Defines values for AuthenticationType. Known values supported by the serviceSystemAssignedIdentity |
AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope |
Defines values for AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope. |
AutoHealActionType |
Defines values for AutoHealActionType. |
AzureResourceType |
Defines values for AzureResourceType. |
AzureStorageProtocol |
Defines values for AzureStorageProtocol. Known values supported by the serviceSmb |
AzureStorageState |
Defines values for AzureStorageState. |
AzureStorageType |
Defines values for AzureStorageType. |
BackupItemStatus |
Defines values for BackupItemStatus. |
BackupRestoreOperationType |
Defines values for BackupRestoreOperationType. |
BasicAuthName |
Defines values for BasicAuthName. Known values supported by the servicedefault |
BuildStatus |
Defines values for BuildStatus. Known values supported by the serviceWaitingForDeployment |
BuiltInAuthenticationProvider |
Defines values for BuiltInAuthenticationProvider. |
CertificateOrderActionType |
Defines values for CertificateOrderActionType. |
CertificateOrderStatus |
Defines values for CertificateOrderStatus. |
CertificateOrdersDiagnosticsGetAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponseResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponse operation. |
CertificateOrdersDiagnosticsListAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponseNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponseNext operation. |
CertificateOrdersDiagnosticsListAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponseResponse |
Contains response data for the listAppServiceCertificateOrderDetectorResponse operation. |
CertificateProductType |
Defines values for CertificateProductType. |
CertificateRegistrationProviderListOperationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperationsNext operation. |
CertificateRegistrationProviderListOperationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperations operation. |
CertificatesCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
CertificatesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
CertificatesListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
CertificatesListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
CertificatesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
CertificatesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
CertificatesUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Channels |
Defines values for Channels. |
CheckNameAvailabilityResponse |
Contains response data for the checkNameAvailability operation. |
CheckNameResourceTypes |
Defines values for CheckNameResourceTypes. Known values supported by the serviceSite |
ClientCertMode |
Defines values for ClientCertMode. |
CloneAbilityResult |
Defines values for CloneAbilityResult. |
ComputeModeOptions |
Defines values for ComputeModeOptions. |
ConnectionStringType |
Defines values for ConnectionStringType. |
ContinuousWebJobStatus |
Defines values for ContinuousWebJobStatus. |
CookieExpirationConvention |
Defines values for CookieExpirationConvention. |
CustomDnsSuffixProvisioningState |
Defines values for CustomDnsSuffixProvisioningState. |
CustomDomainStatus |
Defines values for CustomDomainStatus. Known values supported by the serviceRetrievingValidationToken |
CustomHostNameDnsRecordType |
Defines values for CustomHostNameDnsRecordType. |
DaprLogLevel |
Defines values for DaprLogLevel. Known values supported by the serviceinfo |
DatabaseType |
Defines values for DatabaseType. Known values supported by the serviceSqlAzure |
DayOfWeek |
Defines values for DayOfWeek. |
DaysOfWeek |
Defines values for DaysOfWeek. |
DefaultAction |
Defines values for DefaultAction. Known values supported by the serviceAllow |
DeletedWebAppsGetDeletedWebAppByLocationResponse |
Contains response data for the getDeletedWebAppByLocation operation. |
DeletedWebAppsListByLocationNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByLocationNext operation. |
DeletedWebAppsListByLocationResponse |
Contains response data for the listByLocation operation. |
DeletedWebAppsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
DeletedWebAppsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
DeploymentBuildStatus |
Defines values for DeploymentBuildStatus. Known values supported by the serviceTimedOut |
DetectorType |
Defines values for DetectorType. |
DiagnosticsExecuteSiteAnalysisResponse |
Contains response data for the executeSiteAnalysis operation. |
DiagnosticsExecuteSiteAnalysisSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the executeSiteAnalysisSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsExecuteSiteDetectorResponse |
Contains response data for the executeSiteDetector operation. |
DiagnosticsExecuteSiteDetectorSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the executeSiteDetectorSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsGetHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponseResponse |
Contains response data for the getHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponse operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteAnalysisResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteAnalysis operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteAnalysisSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteAnalysisSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDetectorResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDetector operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDetectorResponseResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDetectorResponse operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDetectorResponseSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDetectorResponseSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDetectorSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDetectorSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDiagnosticCategoryResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDiagnosticCategory operation. |
DiagnosticsGetSiteDiagnosticCategorySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteDiagnosticCategorySlot operation. |
DiagnosticsListHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponsesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponsesNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponsesResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostingEnvironmentDetectorResponses operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteAnalysesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteAnalysesNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteAnalysesResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteAnalyses operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteAnalysesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteAnalysesSlotNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteAnalysesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteAnalysesSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorResponsesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorResponsesNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorResponsesResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorResponses operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorResponsesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorResponsesSlotNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorResponsesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorResponsesSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorsNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectors operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorsSlotNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDetectorsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDetectorsSlot operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDiagnosticCategoriesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDiagnosticCategoriesNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDiagnosticCategoriesResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDiagnosticCategories operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDiagnosticCategoriesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDiagnosticCategoriesSlotNext operation. |
DiagnosticsListSiteDiagnosticCategoriesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteDiagnosticCategoriesSlot operation. |
DnsType |
Defines values for DnsType. |
DnsVerificationTestResult |
Defines values for DnsVerificationTestResult. |
DomainRegistrationProviderListOperationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperationsNext operation. |
DomainRegistrationProviderListOperationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperations operation. |
DomainStatus |
Defines values for DomainStatus. |
DomainType |
Defines values for DomainType. |
DomainsCheckAvailabilityResponse |
Contains response data for the checkAvailability operation. |
DomainsCreateOrUpdateOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
DomainsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
DomainsGetControlCenterSsoRequestResponse |
Contains response data for the getControlCenterSsoRequest operation. |
DomainsGetOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the getOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
DomainsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
DomainsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
DomainsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
DomainsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
DomainsListOwnershipIdentifiersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listOwnershipIdentifiersNext operation. |
DomainsListOwnershipIdentifiersResponse |
Contains response data for the listOwnershipIdentifiers operation. |
DomainsListRecommendationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendationsNext operation. |
DomainsListRecommendationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendations operation. |
DomainsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
DomainsTransferOutResponse |
Contains response data for the transferOut operation. |
DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the updateOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
DomainsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
EnterpriseGradeCdnStatus |
Defines values for EnterpriseGradeCdnStatus. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled |
ForwardProxyConvention |
Defines values for ForwardProxyConvention. |
FrequencyUnit |
Defines values for FrequencyUnit. |
FrontEndServiceType |
Defines values for FrontEndServiceType. |
FtpsState |
Defines values for FtpsState. Known values supported by the serviceAllAllowed |
FunctionsDeploymentStorageType |
Defines values for FunctionsDeploymentStorageType. Known values supported by the serviceblobContainer |
GetPublishingUserResponse |
Contains response data for the getPublishingUser operation. |
GetSourceControlResponse |
Contains response data for the getSourceControl operation. |
GetSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsResponse |
Contains response data for the getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations operation. |
GetUsagesInLocationListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
GetUsagesInLocationListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
GlobalGetDeletedWebAppResponse |
Contains response data for the getDeletedWebApp operation. |
GlobalGetDeletedWebAppSnapshotsResponse |
Contains response data for the getDeletedWebAppSnapshots operation. |
HostNameType |
Defines values for HostNameType. |
HostType |
Defines values for HostType. |
HostingEnvironmentStatus |
Defines values for HostingEnvironmentStatus. |
IPMode |
Defines values for IPMode. |
InAvailabilityReasonType |
Defines values for InAvailabilityReasonType. Known values supported by the serviceInvalid |
InsightStatus |
Defines values for InsightStatus. |
IpFilterTag |
Defines values for IpFilterTag. Known values supported by the serviceDefault |
IssueType |
Defines values for IssueType. |
KeyType |
Defines values for KeyType. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
KeyVaultSecretStatus |
Defines values for KeyVaultSecretStatus. |
Kind |
Defines values for Kind. Known values supported by the serviceStateful |
KubeEnvironmentProvisioningState |
Defines values for KubeEnvironmentProvisioningState. |
KubeEnvironmentsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsListBySubscriptionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscriptionNext operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsListBySubscriptionResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySubscription operation. |
KubeEnvironmentsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
ListAseRegionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listAseRegionsNext operation. |
ListAseRegionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listAseRegions operation. |
ListBillingMetersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBillingMetersNext operation. |
ListBillingMetersResponse |
Contains response data for the listBillingMeters operation. |
ListCustomHostNameSitesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomHostNameSitesNext operation. |
ListCustomHostNameSitesResponse |
Contains response data for the listCustomHostNameSites operation. |
ListGeoRegionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listGeoRegionsNext operation. |
ListGeoRegionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listGeoRegions operation. |
ListPremierAddOnOffersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listPremierAddOnOffersNext operation. |
ListPremierAddOnOffersResponse |
Contains response data for the listPremierAddOnOffers operation. |
ListSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNext operation. |
ListSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName operation. |
ListSkusResponse |
Contains response data for the listSkus operation. |
ListSourceControlsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSourceControlsNext operation. |
ListSourceControlsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSourceControls operation. |
LoadBalancingMode |
Defines values for LoadBalancingMode. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
LogLevel |
Defines values for LogLevel. |
MSDeployLogEntryType |
Defines values for MSDeployLogEntryType. |
MSDeployProvisioningState |
Defines values for MSDeployProvisioningState. |
ManagedPipelineMode |
Defines values for ManagedPipelineMode. |
ManagedServiceIdentityType |
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType. |
MySqlMigrationType |
Defines values for MySqlMigrationType. |
NotificationLevel |
Defines values for NotificationLevel. |
OpenAuthenticationProviderType |
Defines values for OpenAuthenticationProviderType. Known values supported by the serviceAAD |
OperationStatus |
Defines values for OperationStatus. |
ParameterType |
Defines values for ParameterType. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
ProviderGetAvailableStacksNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getAvailableStacksNext operation. |
ProviderGetAvailableStacksOnPremNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getAvailableStacksOnPremNext operation. |
ProviderGetAvailableStacksOnPremResponse |
Contains response data for the getAvailableStacksOnPrem operation. |
ProviderGetAvailableStacksResponse |
Contains response data for the getAvailableStacks operation. |
ProviderGetFunctionAppStacksForLocationNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionAppStacksForLocationNext operation. |
ProviderGetFunctionAppStacksForLocationResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionAppStacksForLocation operation. |
ProviderGetFunctionAppStacksNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionAppStacksNext operation. |
ProviderGetFunctionAppStacksResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionAppStacks operation. |
ProviderGetWebAppStacksForLocationNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebAppStacksForLocationNext operation. |
ProviderGetWebAppStacksForLocationResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebAppStacksForLocation operation. |
ProviderGetWebAppStacksNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebAppStacksNext operation. |
ProviderGetWebAppStacksResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebAppStacks operation. |
ProviderListOperationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperationsNext operation. |
ProviderListOperationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listOperations operation. |
ProviderOsTypeSelected |
Defines values for ProviderOsTypeSelected. Known values supported by the serviceWindows |
ProviderStackOsType |
Defines values for ProviderStackOsType. Known values supported by the serviceWindows |
ProvisioningState |
Defines values for ProvisioningState. |
PublicCertificateLocation |
Defines values for PublicCertificateLocation. |
PublishingProfileFormat |
Defines values for PublishingProfileFormat. Known values supported by the serviceFileZilla3 |
RecommendationsGetRuleDetailsByHostingEnvironmentResponse |
Contains response data for the getRuleDetailsByHostingEnvironment operation. |
RecommendationsGetRuleDetailsByWebAppResponse |
Contains response data for the getRuleDetailsByWebApp operation. |
RecommendationsListHistoryForHostingEnvironmentNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHistoryForHostingEnvironmentNext operation. |
RecommendationsListHistoryForHostingEnvironmentResponse |
Contains response data for the listHistoryForHostingEnvironment operation. |
RecommendationsListHistoryForWebAppNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHistoryForWebAppNext operation. |
RecommendationsListHistoryForWebAppResponse |
Contains response data for the listHistoryForWebApp operation. |
RecommendationsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
RecommendationsListRecommendedRulesForHostingEnvironmentNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendedRulesForHostingEnvironmentNext operation. |
RecommendationsListRecommendedRulesForHostingEnvironmentResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendedRulesForHostingEnvironment operation. |
RecommendationsListRecommendedRulesForWebAppNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendedRulesForWebAppNext operation. |
RecommendationsListRecommendedRulesForWebAppResponse |
Contains response data for the listRecommendedRulesForWebApp operation. |
RecommendationsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
RecurrenceFrequency |
Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
RedundancyMode |
Defines values for RedundancyMode. |
RenderingType |
Defines values for RenderingType. |
ResolveStatus |
Defines values for ResolveStatus. |
ResourceHealthMetadataGetBySiteResponse |
Contains response data for the getBySite operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataGetBySiteSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getBySiteSlot operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListBySiteNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySiteNext operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListBySiteResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySite operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListBySiteSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySiteSlotNext operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListBySiteSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listBySiteSlot operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
ResourceHealthMetadataListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
ResourceNotRenewableReason |
Defines values for ResourceNotRenewableReason. Known values supported by the serviceRegistrationStatusNotSupportedForRenewal |
ResourceScopeType |
Defines values for ResourceScopeType. Known values supported by the serviceServerFarm |
RouteType |
Defines values for RouteType. Known values supported by the serviceDEFAULT |
RuntimeName |
Defines values for RuntimeName. Known values supported by the servicedotnet-isolated |
ScmType |
Defines values for ScmType. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
SiteAvailabilityState |
Defines values for SiteAvailabilityState. |
SiteExtensionType |
Defines values for SiteExtensionType. |
SiteLoadBalancing |
Defines values for SiteLoadBalancing. |
SiteRuntimeState |
Defines values for SiteRuntimeState. |
SkuName |
Defines values for SkuName. Known values supported by the serviceFree |
SolutionType |
Defines values for SolutionType. |
SslState |
Defines values for SslState. |
StackPreferredOs |
Defines values for StackPreferredOs. |
StagingEnvironmentPolicy |
Defines values for StagingEnvironmentPolicy. |
StaticSitesApproveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the approveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateBasicAuthResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateBasicAuth operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateBuildDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateBuildDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSiteAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteBuildAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSiteBuildAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteBuildFunctionAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSiteBuildFunctionAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteCustomDomainResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSiteCustomDomain operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteFunctionAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSiteFunctionAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesCreateOrUpdateStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesCreateUserRolesInvitationLinkResponse |
Contains response data for the createUserRolesInvitationLink operation. |
StaticSitesDeletePrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
StaticSitesGetBasicAuthResponse |
Contains response data for the getBasicAuth operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionWithDetailsResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnectionWithDetails operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnectionsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnections operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetBuildDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsResponse |
Contains response data for the getBuildDatabaseConnectionsWithDetails operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionWithDetailsResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnectionWithDetails operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnectionsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnections operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetDatabaseConnectionsWithDetailsResponse |
Contains response data for the getDatabaseConnectionsWithDetails operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendForBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackendForBuild operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackend operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendsForBuildNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackendsForBuildNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendsForBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackendsForBuild operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackendsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetLinkedBackendsResponse |
Contains response data for the getLinkedBackends operation. |
StaticSitesGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionListNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionList operation. |
StaticSitesGetPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
StaticSitesGetPrivateLinkResourcesResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateLinkResources operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSiteBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSiteBuild operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSiteBuildsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSiteBuildsNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSiteBuildsResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSiteBuilds operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSiteCustomDomainResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSiteCustomDomain operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSitesByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSitesByResourceGroupNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetStaticSitesByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the getStaticSitesByResourceGroup operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppForStaticSiteBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppForStaticSiteBuild operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppForStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppForStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteBuildNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteBuildNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteBuild operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteNext operation. |
StaticSitesGetUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the getUserProvidedFunctionAppsForStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesLinkBackendResponse |
Contains response data for the linkBackend operation. |
StaticSitesLinkBackendToBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the linkBackendToBuild operation. |
StaticSitesListBasicAuthNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicAuthNext operation. |
StaticSitesListBasicAuthResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicAuth operation. |
StaticSitesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
StaticSitesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteBuildAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteBuildAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteBuildFunctionAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteBuildFunctionAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteBuildFunctionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteBuildFunctionsNext operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteBuildFunctionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteBuildFunctions operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteConfiguredRolesResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteConfiguredRoles operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteCustomDomainsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteCustomDomainsNext operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteCustomDomainsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteCustomDomains operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteFunctionAppSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteFunctionAppSettings operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteFunctionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteFunctionsNext operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteFunctionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteFunctions operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteSecretsResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteSecrets operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteUsersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteUsersNext operation. |
StaticSitesListStaticSiteUsersResponse |
Contains response data for the listStaticSiteUsers operation. |
StaticSitesPreviewWorkflowResponse |
Contains response data for the previewWorkflow operation. |
StaticSitesRegisterUserProvidedFunctionAppWithStaticSiteBuildResponse |
Contains response data for the registerUserProvidedFunctionAppWithStaticSiteBuild operation. |
StaticSitesRegisterUserProvidedFunctionAppWithStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the registerUserProvidedFunctionAppWithStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesUpdateBuildDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the updateBuildDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesUpdateDatabaseConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the updateDatabaseConnection operation. |
StaticSitesUpdateStaticSiteResponse |
Contains response data for the updateStaticSite operation. |
StaticSitesUpdateStaticSiteUserResponse |
Contains response data for the updateStaticSiteUser operation. |
StatusOptions |
Defines values for StatusOptions. |
StorageType |
Defines values for StorageType. |
SupportedTlsVersions |
Defines values for SupportedTlsVersions. Known values supported by the service1.0 |
TlsCipherSuites |
Defines values for TlsCipherSuites. Known values supported by the serviceTLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 |
TopLevelDomainsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
TopLevelDomainsListAgreementsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listAgreementsNext operation. |
TopLevelDomainsListAgreementsResponse |
Contains response data for the listAgreements operation. |
TopLevelDomainsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
TopLevelDomainsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
TriggerTypes |
Defines values for TriggerTypes. Known values supported by the serviceHttpTrigger |
TriggeredWebJobStatus |
Defines values for TriggeredWebJobStatus. |
UnauthenticatedClientAction |
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientAction. |
UnauthenticatedClientActionV2 |
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientActionV2. |
UpdatePublishingUserResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePublishingUser operation. |
UpdateSourceControlResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSourceControl operation. |
UpgradeAvailability |
Defines values for UpgradeAvailability. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No upgrade is currently available for this App Service Environment |
UpgradePreference |
Defines values for UpgradePreference. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No preference on when this App Service Environment will be upgraded |
UsageState |
Defines values for UsageState. |
ValidateOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the validate operation. |
ValidateResourceTypes |
Defines values for ValidateResourceTypes. Known values supported by the serviceServerFarm |
VerifyHostingEnvironmentVnetResponse |
Contains response data for the verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet operation. |
WebAppsAddPremierAddOnResponse |
Contains response data for the addPremierAddOn operation. |
WebAppsAddPremierAddOnSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the addPremierAddOnSlot operation. |
WebAppsAnalyzeCustomHostnameResponse |
Contains response data for the analyzeCustomHostname operation. |
WebAppsAnalyzeCustomHostnameSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the analyzeCustomHostnameSlot operation. |
WebAppsApproveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the approveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
WebAppsApproveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the approveOrRejectPrivateEndpointConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsBackupResponse |
Contains response data for the backup operation. |
WebAppsBackupSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the backupSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateDeploymentResponse |
Contains response data for the createDeployment operation. |
WebAppsCreateDeploymentSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createDeploymentSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateFunctionResponse |
Contains response data for the createFunction operation. |
WebAppsCreateInstanceFunctionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createInstanceFunctionSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateInstanceMSDeployOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the createInstanceMSDeployOperation operation. |
WebAppsCreateInstanceMSDeployOperationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createInstanceMSDeployOperationSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateMSDeployOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the createMSDeployOperation operation. |
WebAppsCreateMSDeployOperationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createMSDeployOperationSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOneDeployOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the createOneDeployOperation operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateFunctionSecretResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateFunctionSecret operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateFunctionSecretSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateFunctionSecretSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHostNameBindingResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHostNameBinding operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHostNameBindingSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHostNameBindingSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHostSecretResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHostSecret operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHostSecretSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHostSecretSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHybridConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHybridConnection operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateHybridConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateHybridConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdatePublicCertificateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdatePublicCertificate operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdatePublicCertificateSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdatePublicCertificateSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateRelayServiceConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateRelayServiceConnection operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateRelayServiceConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateRelayServiceConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSiteContainerResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSiteContainer operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSiteContainerSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSiteContainerSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSourceControlResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSourceControl operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSourceControlSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSourceControlSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheck operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckSlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateVnetConnectionGatewayResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateVnetConnectionGateway operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateVnetConnectionGatewaySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateVnetConnectionGatewaySlot operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateVnetConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateVnetConnection operation. |
WebAppsCreateOrUpdateVnetConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdateVnetConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsDeletePrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
WebAppsDeletePrivateEndpointConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the deletePrivateEndpointConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsDiscoverBackupResponse |
Contains response data for the discoverBackup operation. |
WebAppsDiscoverBackupSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the discoverBackupSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingKeyVaultReferenceResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingKeyVaultReference operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingKeyVaultReferenceSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingKeyVaultReferenceSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesNext operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingsKeyVaultReferences operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsGetAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getAppSettingsKeyVaultReferencesSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettings operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsV2Response |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettingsV2 operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsV2SlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettingsV2Slot operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsV2WithoutSecretsResponse |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettingsV2WithoutSecrets operation. |
WebAppsGetAuthSettingsV2WithoutSecretsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getAuthSettingsV2WithoutSecretsSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetBackupConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the getBackupConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsGetBackupConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getBackupConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetBackupStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getBackupStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetBackupStatusSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getBackupStatusSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the getConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsGetConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetConfigurationSnapshotResponse |
Contains response data for the getConfigurationSnapshot operation. |
WebAppsGetConfigurationSnapshotSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getConfigurationSnapshotSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetContainerLogsZipResponse |
Contains response data for the getContainerLogsZip operation. |
WebAppsGetContainerLogsZipSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getContainerLogsZipSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetContinuousWebJobResponse |
Contains response data for the getContinuousWebJob operation. |
WebAppsGetContinuousWebJobSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getContinuousWebJobSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetDeploymentResponse |
Contains response data for the getDeployment operation. |
WebAppsGetDeploymentSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getDeploymentSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetDiagnosticLogsConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the getDiagnosticLogsConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsGetDiagnosticLogsConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getDiagnosticLogsConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetDomainOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the getDomainOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
WebAppsGetDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetFtpAllowedResponse |
Contains response data for the getFtpAllowed operation. |
WebAppsGetFtpAllowedSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getFtpAllowedSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetFunctionResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunction operation. |
WebAppsGetFunctionsAdminTokenResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionsAdminToken operation. |
WebAppsGetFunctionsAdminTokenSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getFunctionsAdminTokenSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetHostNameBindingResponse |
Contains response data for the getHostNameBinding operation. |
WebAppsGetHostNameBindingSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getHostNameBindingSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetHybridConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getHybridConnection operation. |
WebAppsGetHybridConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getHybridConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceFunctionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceFunctionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceInfo operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceInfoSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceInfoSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceMSDeployLogResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceMSDeployLog operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceMSDeployLogSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceMSDeployLogSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceMsDeployStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceMsDeployStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceMsDeployStatusSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceMsDeployStatusSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessDumpResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcessDump operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessDumpSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcessDumpSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessModuleResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcessModule operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessModuleSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcessModuleSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcess operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceProcessSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceProcessSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetInstanceWorkflowSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getInstanceWorkflowSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetMSDeployLogResponse |
Contains response data for the getMSDeployLog operation. |
WebAppsGetMSDeployLogSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getMSDeployLogSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetMSDeployStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getMSDeployStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetMSDeployStatusSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getMSDeployStatusSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetMigrateMySqlStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getMigrateMySqlStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetMigrateMySqlStatusSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getMigrateMySqlStatusSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTraceOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTraceOperation operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTraceOperationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTraceOperationSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTraceOperationSlotV2Response |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTraceOperationSlotV2 operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTraceOperationV2Response |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTraceOperationV2 operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTracesResponse |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTraces operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTracesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTracesSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTracesSlotV2Response |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTracesSlotV2 operation. |
WebAppsGetNetworkTracesV2Response |
Contains response data for the getNetworkTracesV2 operation. |
WebAppsGetOneDeployStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getOneDeployStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetPremierAddOnResponse |
Contains response data for the getPremierAddOn operation. |
WebAppsGetPremierAddOnSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPremierAddOnSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateAccessResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateAccess operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateAccessSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateAccessSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionListNext operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionList operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionListSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionListSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionListSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnection operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateEndpointConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateEndpointConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateLinkResourcesResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateLinkResources operation. |
WebAppsGetPrivateLinkResourcesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPrivateLinkResourcesSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessDumpResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcessDump operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessDumpSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcessDumpSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessModuleResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcessModule operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessModuleSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcessModuleSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcess operation. |
WebAppsGetProcessSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getProcessSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetProductionSiteDeploymentStatusResponse |
Contains response data for the getProductionSiteDeploymentStatus operation. |
WebAppsGetPublicCertificateResponse |
Contains response data for the getPublicCertificate operation. |
WebAppsGetPublicCertificateSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getPublicCertificateSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetRelayServiceConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getRelayServiceConnection operation. |
WebAppsGetRelayServiceConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getRelayServiceConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WebAppsGetScmAllowedResponse |
Contains response data for the getScmAllowed operation. |
WebAppsGetScmAllowedSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getScmAllowedSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferenceResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReference operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferenceSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferenceSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesNext operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferences operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteConnectionStringKeyVaultReferencesSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteContainerResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteContainer operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteContainerSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteContainerSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteExtensionResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteExtension operation. |
WebAppsGetSiteExtensionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSiteExtensionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSitePhpErrorLogFlagResponse |
Contains response data for the getSitePhpErrorLogFlag operation. |
WebAppsGetSitePhpErrorLogFlagSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSitePhpErrorLogFlagSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSlotSiteDeploymentStatusSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSlotSiteDeploymentStatusSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSourceControlResponse |
Contains response data for the getSourceControl operation. |
WebAppsGetSourceControlSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSourceControlSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getSwiftVirtualNetworkConnection operation. |
WebAppsGetSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetTriggeredWebJobHistoryResponse |
Contains response data for the getTriggeredWebJobHistory operation. |
WebAppsGetTriggeredWebJobHistorySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getTriggeredWebJobHistorySlot operation. |
WebAppsGetTriggeredWebJobResponse |
Contains response data for the getTriggeredWebJob operation. |
WebAppsGetTriggeredWebJobSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getTriggeredWebJobSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetVnetConnectionGatewayResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetConnectionGateway operation. |
WebAppsGetVnetConnectionGatewaySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetConnectionGatewaySlot operation. |
WebAppsGetVnetConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetConnection operation. |
WebAppsGetVnetConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getVnetConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetWebJobResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebJob operation. |
WebAppsGetWebJobSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebJobSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetWebSiteContainerLogsResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebSiteContainerLogs operation. |
WebAppsGetWebSiteContainerLogsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the getWebSiteContainerLogsSlot operation. |
WebAppsGetWorkflowResponse |
Contains response data for the getWorkflow operation. |
WebAppsInstallSiteExtensionResponse |
Contains response data for the installSiteExtension operation. |
WebAppsInstallSiteExtensionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the installSiteExtensionSlot operation. |
WebAppsIsCloneableResponse |
Contains response data for the isCloneable operation. |
WebAppsIsCloneableSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the isCloneableSlot operation. |
WebAppsListApplicationSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listApplicationSettings operation. |
WebAppsListApplicationSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listApplicationSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListAzureStorageAccountsResponse |
Contains response data for the listAzureStorageAccounts operation. |
WebAppsListAzureStorageAccountsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listAzureStorageAccountsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListBackupStatusSecretsResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackupStatusSecrets operation. |
WebAppsListBackupStatusSecretsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackupStatusSecretsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListBackupsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackupsNext operation. |
WebAppsListBackupsResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackups operation. |
WebAppsListBackupsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackupsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListBackupsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listBackupsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesNext operation. |
WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicPublishingCredentialsPolicies operation. |
WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListByResourceGroupNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
WebAppsListByResourceGroupResponse |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationSnapshotInfoNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationSnapshotInfoNext operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationSnapshotInfoResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationSnapshotInfo operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationSnapshotInfoSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationSnapshotInfoSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationSnapshotInfoSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationSnapshotInfoSlot operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationsNext operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationsResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurations operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListConfigurationsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listConfigurationsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListConnectionStringsResponse |
Contains response data for the listConnectionStrings operation. |
WebAppsListConnectionStringsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listConnectionStringsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListContinuousWebJobsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listContinuousWebJobsNext operation. |
WebAppsListContinuousWebJobsResponse |
Contains response data for the listContinuousWebJobs operation. |
WebAppsListContinuousWebJobsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listContinuousWebJobsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListContinuousWebJobsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listContinuousWebJobsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentLogResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeploymentLog operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentLogSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeploymentLogSlot operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeploymentsNext operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentsResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeployments operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeploymentsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListDeploymentsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listDeploymentsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListDomainOwnershipIdentifiersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listDomainOwnershipIdentifiersNext operation. |
WebAppsListDomainOwnershipIdentifiersResponse |
Contains response data for the listDomainOwnershipIdentifiers operation. |
WebAppsListDomainOwnershipIdentifiersSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listDomainOwnershipIdentifiersSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListDomainOwnershipIdentifiersSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listDomainOwnershipIdentifiersSlot operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionKeysResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctionKeys operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionKeysSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctionKeysSlot operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionSecretsResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctionSecrets operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionSecretsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctionSecretsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctionsNext operation. |
WebAppsListFunctionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listFunctions operation. |
WebAppsListHostKeysResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostKeys operation. |
WebAppsListHostKeysSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostKeysSlot operation. |
WebAppsListHostNameBindingsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostNameBindingsNext operation. |
WebAppsListHostNameBindingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostNameBindings operation. |
WebAppsListHostNameBindingsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostNameBindingsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListHostNameBindingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listHostNameBindingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListHybridConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listHybridConnections operation. |
WebAppsListHybridConnectionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listHybridConnectionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceFunctionsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceFunctionsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceFunctionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceFunctionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceIdentifiersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceIdentifiersNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceIdentifiersResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceIdentifiers operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceIdentifiersSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceIdentifiersSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceIdentifiersSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceIdentifiersSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessModulesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessModulesNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessModulesResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessModules operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessModulesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessModulesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessModulesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessModulesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessThreadsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessThreadsNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessThreadsResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessThreads operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessThreadsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessThreadsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessThreadsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessThreadsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessesNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessesResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcesses operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceProcessesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceProcessesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceWorkflowsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceWorkflowsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListInstanceWorkflowsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listInstanceWorkflowsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListMetadataResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetadata operation. |
WebAppsListMetadataSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listMetadataSlot operation. |
WebAppsListNetworkFeaturesResponse |
Contains response data for the listNetworkFeatures operation. |
WebAppsListNetworkFeaturesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listNetworkFeaturesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WebAppsListPerfMonCountersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listPerfMonCountersNext operation. |
WebAppsListPerfMonCountersResponse |
Contains response data for the listPerfMonCounters operation. |
WebAppsListPerfMonCountersSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listPerfMonCountersSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListPerfMonCountersSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listPerfMonCountersSlot operation. |
WebAppsListPremierAddOnsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPremierAddOns operation. |
WebAppsListPremierAddOnsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listPremierAddOnsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListProcessModulesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessModulesNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessModulesResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessModules operation. |
WebAppsListProcessModulesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessModulesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessModulesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessModulesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListProcessThreadsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessThreadsNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessThreadsResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessThreads operation. |
WebAppsListProcessThreadsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessThreadsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessThreadsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessThreadsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListProcessesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessesNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessesResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcesses operation. |
WebAppsListProcessesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListProcessesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listProcessesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListProductionSiteDeploymentStatusesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listProductionSiteDeploymentStatusesNext operation. |
WebAppsListProductionSiteDeploymentStatusesResponse |
Contains response data for the listProductionSiteDeploymentStatuses operation. |
WebAppsListPublicCertificatesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublicCertificatesNext operation. |
WebAppsListPublicCertificatesResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublicCertificates operation. |
WebAppsListPublicCertificatesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublicCertificatesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListPublicCertificatesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublicCertificatesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListPublishingCredentialsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublishingCredentials operation. |
WebAppsListPublishingCredentialsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublishingCredentialsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListPublishingProfileXmlWithSecretsResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublishingProfileXmlWithSecrets operation. |
WebAppsListPublishingProfileXmlWithSecretsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listPublishingProfileXmlWithSecretsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListRelayServiceConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listRelayServiceConnections operation. |
WebAppsListRelayServiceConnectionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listRelayServiceConnectionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WebAppsListSiteBackupsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteBackupsNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteBackupsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteBackups operation. |
WebAppsListSiteBackupsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteBackupsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteBackupsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteBackupsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSiteContainersNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteContainersNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteContainersResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteContainers operation. |
WebAppsListSiteContainersSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteContainersSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteContainersSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteContainersSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSiteExtensionsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteExtensionsNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteExtensionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteExtensions operation. |
WebAppsListSiteExtensionsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteExtensionsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSiteExtensionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSiteExtensionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSitePushSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSitePushSettings operation. |
WebAppsListSitePushSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSitePushSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSlotConfigurationNamesResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotConfigurationNames operation. |
WebAppsListSlotDifferencesFromProductionNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotDifferencesFromProductionNext operation. |
WebAppsListSlotDifferencesFromProductionResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotDifferencesFromProduction operation. |
WebAppsListSlotDifferencesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotDifferencesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSlotDifferencesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotDifferencesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSlotSiteDeploymentStatusesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotSiteDeploymentStatusesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSlotSiteDeploymentStatusesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotSiteDeploymentStatusesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSlotsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlotsNext operation. |
WebAppsListSlotsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSlots operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsFromDRSecondaryNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsFromDRSecondaryNext operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsFromDRSecondaryResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsFromDRSecondary operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsFromDRSecondarySlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsFromDRSecondarySlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsFromDRSecondarySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsFromDRSecondarySlot operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsNext operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshots operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListSnapshotsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSnapshotsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListSyncFunctionTriggersResponse |
Contains response data for the listSyncFunctionTriggers operation. |
WebAppsListSyncFunctionTriggersSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listSyncFunctionTriggersSlot operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobHistoryNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobHistoryNext operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobHistoryResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobHistory operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobHistorySlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobHistorySlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobHistorySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobHistorySlot operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobsNext operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobsResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobs operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListTriggeredWebJobsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listTriggeredWebJobsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListUsagesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsagesNext operation. |
WebAppsListUsagesResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsages operation. |
WebAppsListUsagesSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsagesSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListUsagesSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listUsagesSlot operation. |
WebAppsListVnetConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listVnetConnections operation. |
WebAppsListVnetConnectionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listVnetConnectionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListWebJobsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebJobsNext operation. |
WebAppsListWebJobsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebJobs operation. |
WebAppsListWebJobsSlotNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebJobsSlotNext operation. |
WebAppsListWebJobsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listWebJobsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListWorkflowsConnectionsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkflowsConnections operation. |
WebAppsListWorkflowsConnectionsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkflowsConnectionsSlot operation. |
WebAppsListWorkflowsNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkflowsNext operation. |
WebAppsListWorkflowsResponse |
Contains response data for the listWorkflows operation. |
WebAppsMigrateMySqlResponse |
Contains response data for the migrateMySql operation. |
WebAppsMigrateStorageResponse |
Contains response data for the migrateStorage operation. |
WebAppsPutPrivateAccessVnetResponse |
Contains response data for the putPrivateAccessVnet operation. |
WebAppsPutPrivateAccessVnetSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the putPrivateAccessVnetSlot operation. |
WebAppsStartNetworkTraceResponse |
Contains response data for the startNetworkTrace operation. |
WebAppsStartNetworkTraceSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the startNetworkTraceSlot operation. |
WebAppsStartWebSiteNetworkTraceOperationResponse |
Contains response data for the startWebSiteNetworkTraceOperation operation. |
WebAppsStartWebSiteNetworkTraceOperationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the startWebSiteNetworkTraceOperationSlot operation. |
WebAppsStartWebSiteNetworkTraceResponse |
Contains response data for the startWebSiteNetworkTrace operation. |
WebAppsStartWebSiteNetworkTraceSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the startWebSiteNetworkTraceSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateApplicationSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateApplicationSettings operation. |
WebAppsUpdateApplicationSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateApplicationSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAuthSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAuthSettings operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAuthSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAuthSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAuthSettingsV2Response |
Contains response data for the updateAuthSettingsV2 operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAuthSettingsV2SlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAuthSettingsV2Slot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAzureStorageAccountsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAzureStorageAccounts operation. |
WebAppsUpdateAzureStorageAccountsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateAzureStorageAccountsSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateBackupConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the updateBackupConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsUpdateBackupConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateBackupConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateConfigurationResponse |
Contains response data for the updateConfiguration operation. |
WebAppsUpdateConfigurationSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateConfigurationSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateConnectionStringsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateConnectionStrings operation. |
WebAppsUpdateConnectionStringsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateConnectionStringsSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateDiagnosticLogsConfigResponse |
Contains response data for the updateDiagnosticLogsConfig operation. |
WebAppsUpdateDiagnosticLogsConfigSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateDiagnosticLogsConfigSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifierResponse |
Contains response data for the updateDomainOwnershipIdentifier operation. |
WebAppsUpdateDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateDomainOwnershipIdentifierSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateFtpAllowedResponse |
Contains response data for the updateFtpAllowed operation. |
WebAppsUpdateFtpAllowedSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateFtpAllowedSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateHybridConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the updateHybridConnection operation. |
WebAppsUpdateHybridConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateHybridConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateMachineKeyResponse |
Contains response data for the updateMachineKey operation. |
WebAppsUpdateMetadataResponse |
Contains response data for the updateMetadata operation. |
WebAppsUpdateMetadataSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateMetadataSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdatePremierAddOnResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePremierAddOn operation. |
WebAppsUpdatePremierAddOnSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updatePremierAddOnSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateRelayServiceConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the updateRelayServiceConnection operation. |
WebAppsUpdateRelayServiceConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateRelayServiceConnectionSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
WebAppsUpdateScmAllowedResponse |
Contains response data for the updateScmAllowed operation. |
WebAppsUpdateScmAllowedSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateScmAllowedSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSitePushSettingsResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSitePushSettings operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSitePushSettingsSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSitePushSettingsSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSlotConfigurationNamesResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSlotConfigurationNames operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSourceControlResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSourceControl operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSourceControlSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSourceControlSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheck operation. |
WebAppsUpdateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateSwiftVirtualNetworkConnectionWithCheckSlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateVnetConnectionGatewayResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetConnectionGateway operation. |
WebAppsUpdateVnetConnectionGatewaySlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetConnectionGatewaySlot operation. |
WebAppsUpdateVnetConnectionResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetConnection operation. |
WebAppsUpdateVnetConnectionSlotResponse |
Contains response data for the updateVnetConnectionSlot operation. |
WebJobType |
Defines values for WebJobType. |
WorkerSizeOptions |
Defines values for WorkerSizeOptions. |
WorkflowHealthState |
Defines values for WorkflowHealthState. |
WorkflowProvisioningState |
Defines values for WorkflowProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsListExpressionTracesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listExpressionTracesNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsListExpressionTracesResponse |
Contains response data for the listExpressionTraces operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsRequestHistoriesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsRequestHistoriesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsRequestHistoriesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowRunActionScopeRepetitionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowRunActionScopeRepetitionsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionScopeRepetitionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowRunActionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowRunActionsListExpressionTracesNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listExpressionTracesNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionsListExpressionTracesResponse |
Contains response data for the listExpressionTraces operation. |
WorkflowRunActionsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowRunActionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowRunsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowRunsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowRunsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowSkuName |
Defines values for WorkflowSkuName. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
WorkflowState |
Defines values for WorkflowState. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
WorkflowStatus |
Defines values for WorkflowStatus. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
WorkflowTriggerHistoriesGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowTriggerHistoriesListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowTriggerHistoriesListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowTriggerProvisioningState |
Defines values for WorkflowTriggerProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceNotSpecified |
WorkflowTriggersGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowTriggersGetSchemaJsonResponse |
Contains response data for the getSchemaJson operation. |
WorkflowTriggersListCallbackUrlResponse |
Contains response data for the listCallbackUrl operation. |
WorkflowTriggersListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowTriggersListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
WorkflowVersionsGetResponse |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
WorkflowVersionsListNextResponse |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
WorkflowVersionsListResponse |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
KnownAuthenticationType |
Known values of AuthenticationType that the service accepts. |
KnownAzureStorageProtocol |
Known values of AzureStorageProtocol that the service accepts. |
KnownBasicAuthName |
Known values of BasicAuthName that the service accepts. |
KnownBuildStatus |
Known values of BuildStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownCheckNameResourceTypes |
Known values of CheckNameResourceTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownCustomDomainStatus |
Known values of CustomDomainStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownDaprLogLevel |
Known values of DaprLogLevel that the service accepts. |
KnownDatabaseType |
Known values of DatabaseType that the service accepts. |
KnownDefaultAction |
Known values of DefaultAction that the service accepts. |
KnownDeploymentBuildStatus |
Known values of DeploymentBuildStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownEnterpriseGradeCdnStatus |
Known values of EnterpriseGradeCdnStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownFtpsState |
Known values of FtpsState that the service accepts. |
KnownFunctionsDeploymentStorageType |
Known values of FunctionsDeploymentStorageType that the service accepts. |
KnownInAvailabilityReasonType |
Known values of InAvailabilityReasonType that the service accepts. |
KnownIpFilterTag |
Known values of IpFilterTag that the service accepts. |
KnownKeyType |
Known values of KeyType that the service accepts. |
KnownKind |
Known values of Kind that the service accepts. |
KnownLoadBalancingMode |
Known values of LoadBalancingMode that the service accepts. |
KnownOpenAuthenticationProviderType |
Known values of OpenAuthenticationProviderType that the service accepts. |
KnownParameterType |
Known values of ParameterType that the service accepts. |
KnownProviderOsTypeSelected |
Known values of ProviderOsTypeSelected that the service accepts. |
KnownProviderStackOsType |
Known values of ProviderStackOsType that the service accepts. |
KnownPublishingProfileFormat |
Known values of PublishingProfileFormat that the service accepts. |
KnownRecurrenceFrequency |
Known values of RecurrenceFrequency that the service accepts. |
KnownResourceNotRenewableReason |
Known values of ResourceNotRenewableReason that the service accepts. |
KnownResourceScopeType |
Known values of ResourceScopeType that the service accepts. |
KnownRouteType |
Known values of RouteType that the service accepts. |
KnownRuntimeName |
Known values of RuntimeName that the service accepts. |
KnownScmType |
Known values of ScmType that the service accepts. |
KnownSkuName |
Known values of SkuName that the service accepts. |
KnownSupportedTlsVersions |
Known values of SupportedTlsVersions that the service accepts. |
KnownTlsCipherSuites |
Known values of TlsCipherSuites that the service accepts. |
KnownTriggerTypes |
Known values of TriggerTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownUpgradeAvailability |
Known values of UpgradeAvailability that the service accepts. |
KnownUpgradePreference |
Known values of UpgradePreference that the service accepts. |
KnownValidateResourceTypes |
Known values of ValidateResourceTypes that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkflowProvisioningState |
Known values of WorkflowProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkflowSkuName |
Known values of WorkflowSkuName that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkflowState |
Known values of WorkflowState that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkflowStatus |
Known values of WorkflowStatus that the service accepts. |
KnownWorkflowTriggerProvisioningState |
Known values of WorkflowTriggerProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
get |
Given the last |
Function Details
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.