@azure-rest/maps-route package
BatchRequest |
This type represents the request body for the Batch service. |
BatchRequestItem |
Batch request object |
BatchResultItemOutput |
An item returned from Batch API. Extend with 'response' property. |
BatchResultOutput |
This object is returned from a successful Batch service call. Extend with 'batchItems' property. |
BatchResultSummaryOutput |
Summary of the results for the batch request |
EffectiveSettingOutput |
Effective parameter or data used when calling this Route API. |
ErrorDetailOutput |
The error detail. |
ErrorResponseOutput |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). |
GeoJsonFeature |
A valid |
GeoJsonFeatureCollection |
A valid |
GeoJsonFeatureCollectionData | |
GeoJsonFeatureData | |
GeoJsonGeometryCollection |
A valid |
GeoJsonGeometryCollectionData | |
GeoJsonGeometryParent |
A valid |
GeoJsonLineString |
A valid |
GeoJsonLineStringData | |
GeoJsonMultiLineString |
A valid |
GeoJsonMultiLineStringData | |
GeoJsonMultiPoint |
A valid |
GeoJsonMultiPointData |
Data contained by a |
GeoJsonMultiPolygon |
A valid |
GeoJsonMultiPolygonData | |
GeoJsonObjectParent |
A valid |
GeoJsonPoint |
A valid |
GeoJsonPointData |
Data contained by a |
GeoJsonPolygon |
A valid |
GeoJsonPolygonData | |
GetRouteDirections | |
GetRouteRange | |
LatLongPairOutput |
A location represented as a latitude and longitude. |
MapsRouteClientOptions |
The optional parameters for the client |
RequestRouteDirectionsBatch | |
RequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync | |
RequestRouteMatrix | |
RequestRouteMatrixSync | |
RouteDirectionParameters |
Post body parameters for Route directions. |
RouteDirectionsBatchItemOutput |
An item returned from Route Directions Batch service call. |
RouteDirectionsBatchItemResponseOutput |
The result of the query. RouteDirections if the query completed successfully, ErrorResponse otherwise. |
RouteDirectionsBatchResultOutput |
This object is returned from a successful Route Directions Batch service call. |
RouteDirectionsOutput |
This object is returned from a successful Route Directions call |
RouteGetRouteDirections200Response |
The Information returned includes the distance, estimated travel time, and a representation of the route geometry. Additional routing information such as optimized waypoint order or turn by turn instructions is also available, depending on the options selected. Routing service provides a set of parameters for a detailed description of a vehicle-specific consumption model. For more information, see Consumption Model. |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsBatch200Response |
The Download Asynchronous Batch ResultsTo download the async batch results you will issue a
Here's the typical sequence of operations for downloading the batch results:
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteGetRouteDirectionsBatch202Headers | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsBatch202Response |
The Download Asynchronous Batch ResultsTo download the async batch results you will issue a
Here's the typical sequence of operations for downloading the batch results:
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteGetRouteDirectionsDefaultResponse |
The Information returned includes the distance, estimated travel time, and a representation of the route geometry. Additional routing information such as optimized waypoint order or turn by turn instructions is also available, depending on the options selected. Routing service provides a set of parameters for a detailed description of a vehicle-specific consumption model. For more information, see Consumption Model. |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsQueryParam | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsQueryParamProperties | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParameters200Response |
The Information returned includes the distance, estimated travel time, and a representation of the route geometry. Additional routing information such as optimized waypoint order or turn by turn instructions is also available, depending on the options selected. Routing service provides a set of parameters for a detailed description of a vehicle-specific Consumption Model. Please check Consumption Model for detailed explanation of the concepts and parameters involved. |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersBodyParam | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersDefaultResponse |
The Information returned includes the distance, estimated travel time, and a representation of the route geometry. Additional routing information such as optimized waypoint order or turn by turn instructions is also available, depending on the options selected. Routing service provides a set of parameters for a detailed description of a vehicle-specific Consumption Model. Please check Consumption Model for detailed explanation of the concepts and parameters involved. |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersMediaTypesParam | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersQueryParam | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersQueryParamProperties | |
RouteGetRouteMatrix200Response |
The For every given origin, the service calculates the cost of routing from that origin to every given destination. The set of origins and the set of destinations can be thought of as the column and row headers of a table and each cell in the table contains the costs of routing from the origin to the destination for that cell. As an example, let's say a food delivery company has 20 drivers and they need to find the closest driver to pick up the delivery from the restaurant. To solve this use case, they can call Matrix Route API. For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a GET request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteGetRouteMatrix202Headers | |
RouteGetRouteMatrix202Response |
The For every given origin, the service calculates the cost of routing from that origin to every given destination. The set of origins and the set of destinations can be thought of as the column and row headers of a table and each cell in the table contains the costs of routing from the origin to the destination for that cell. As an example, let's say a food delivery company has 20 drivers and they need to find the closest driver to pick up the delivery from the restaurant. To solve this use case, they can call Matrix Route API. For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a GET request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteGetRouteRange200Response |
The The returned polygon can be used for further processing such as Search Inside Geometry to search for POIs within the provided isochrone. |
RouteGetRouteRangeDefaultResponse |
The The returned polygon can be used for further processing such as Search Inside Geometry to search for POIs within the provided isochrone. |
RouteGetRouteRangeQueryParam | |
RouteGetRouteRangeQueryParamProperties | |
RouteGuidanceOutput |
Contains guidance related elements. This field is present only when guidance was requested and is available. |
RouteInstructionGroupOutput |
Groups a sequence of instruction elements which are related to each other. The sequence range is constrained with firstInstructionIndex and lastInstructionIndex. When human-readable text messages are requested for guidance (instructionType=text or tagged), then the instructionGroup has a summary message returned when available. |
RouteInstructionOutput |
A set of attributes describing a maneuver, e.g. 'Turn right', 'Keep left', 'Take the ferry', 'Take the motorway', 'Arrive'. |
RouteLegOutput |
A description of a part of a route, comprised of a list of points. Each additional waypoint provided in the request will result in an additional leg in the returned route. |
RouteMatrixOutput |
Matrix result object |
RouteMatrixQuery |
An object with a matrix of coordinates. |
RouteMatrixResultOutput |
This object is returned from a successful Route Matrix call. For ex, if 2 origins and 3 destinations are provided, there are going to 2 arrays with 3 elements in each. Each element's content depends on the options provided in the query. |
RouteMatrixResultResponseOutput |
Response object of the current cell in the input matrix. |
RouteMatrixSummaryOutput |
Summary object |
RouteOptimizedWaypointOutput |
Optimized way point object. |
RouteOutput | |
RouteRangeOutput |
Reachable Range |
RouteRangeResultOutput |
This object is returned from a successful Route Reachable Range call |
RouteReportOutput |
Reports the effective settings used in the current call. |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatch200Response |
The Submit Asynchronous Batch RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex route requests
When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period. Please note that asynchronous batch request is a long-running operation. Here's a typical sequence of operations:
POST Body for Batch RequestTo send the route directions queries you will use a
A route directions query in a batch is just a partial URL without the protocol, base URL, path, api-version and subscription-key. It can accept any of the supported route directions URI parameters. The string values in the route directions query must be properly escaped (e.g. " character should be escaped with \ ) and it should also be properly URL-encoded. The async API allows caller to batch up to 700 queries and sync API up to 100 queries, and the batch should contain at least 1 query. Download Asynchronous Batch ResultsTo download the async batch results you will issue a
Here's the typical sequence of operations for downloading the batch results:
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatch202Headers | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatch202Response |
The Submit Asynchronous Batch RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex route requests
When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period. Please note that asynchronous batch request is a long-running operation. Here's a typical sequence of operations:
POST Body for Batch RequestTo send the route directions queries you will use a
A route directions query in a batch is just a partial URL without the protocol, base URL, path, api-version and subscription-key. It can accept any of the supported route directions URI parameters. The string values in the route directions query must be properly escaped (e.g. " character should be escaped with \ ) and it should also be properly URL-encoded. The async API allows caller to batch up to 700 queries and sync API up to 100 queries, and the batch should contain at least 1 query. Download Asynchronous Batch ResultsTo download the async batch results you will issue a
Here's the typical sequence of operations for downloading the batch results:
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchBodyParam | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchMediaTypesParam | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync200Response |
The Submit Synchronous Batch RequestThe Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to 100 for this API.
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync408Response |
The Submit Synchronous Batch RequestThe Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to 100 for this API.
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncBodyParam | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncDefaultResponse |
The Submit Synchronous Batch RequestThe Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to 100 for this API.
Batch Response ModelThe returned data content is similar for async and sync requests. When downloading the results of an async batch request, if the batch has finished processing, the response body contains the batch response. This batch response contains a
Here's a sample Batch Response with 1 successful and 1 failed result:
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncMediaTypesParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrix200Response |
The For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Note All origins and destinations should be contained in an axis-aligned 400 km x 400 km bounding box. Otherwise some matrix cells will be resolved as OUT_OF_REGION. Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteRequestRouteMatrix202Headers | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrix202Response |
The For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Note All origins and destinations should be contained in an axis-aligned 400 km x 400 km bounding box. Otherwise some matrix cells will be resolved as OUT_OF_REGION. Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteRequestRouteMatrixBodyParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixMediaTypesParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixQueryParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixQueryParamProperties | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync200Response |
The For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync408Response |
The For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncBodyParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncDefaultResponse |
The For each route, the travel times and distances are returned. You can use the computed costs to determine which detailed routes to calculate using the Route Directions API. The maximum size of a matrix for async request is 700 and for sync request it's 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). Submit Synchronous Route Matrix RequestIf your scenario requires synchronous requests and the maximum size of the matrix is less than or equal to 100, you might want to make synchronous request. The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 100 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 10x10, 6x8, 9x8 (it does not need to be square).
Submit Asynchronous Route Matrix RequestThe Asynchronous API is appropriate for processing big volumes of relatively complex routing requests. When you make a request by using async request, by default the service returns a 202 response code along a redirect URL in the Location field of the response header. This URL should be checked periodically until the response data or error information is available. If The maximum size of a matrix for this API is 700 (the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations). With that constraint in mind, examples of possible matrix dimensions are: 50x10, 10x10, 28x25. 10x70 (it does not need to be square). The asynchronous responses are stored for 24 hours. The redirect URL returns a 404 response if used after the expiration period.
Here's a typical sequence of asynchronous operations:
Download Sync ResultsWhen you make a POST request for Route Matrix Sync API, the service returns 200 response code for successful request and a response array. The response body will contain the data and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. Download Async ResultsWhen a request issues a
The URL provided by the location header will return the following responses when a
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncMediaTypesParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncQueryParam | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncQueryParamProperties | |
RouteSectionOutput |
Route sections contain additional information about parts of a route. Each section contains at least the elements |
RouteSectionTecCauseOutput |
The cause of the traffic event. Can contain mainCauseCode and subCauseCode elements. Can be used to define iconography and descriptions. |
RouteSectionTecOutput |
Details of the traffic event, using definitions in the TPEG2-TEC standard. Can contain effectCode and causes elements. |
RouteSummaryOutput |
Summary object |
Routes | |
SimplePollerLike |
A simple poller that can be used to poll a long running operation. |
Type Aliases
GeoJsonGeometry |
A valid |
GeoJsonObject |
A valid |
MapsRouteClient | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsBatchParameters | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsParameters | |
RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersParameters | |
RouteGetRouteMatrixParameters | |
RouteGetRouteRangeParameters | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchParameters | |
RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncParameters | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixParameters | |
RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncParameters |
build |
create |
Create a batch request body of a bunch of route direction requests. |
default(Azure |
Creates an instance of MapsRouteClient from a subscription key. Example
default(Token |
Creates an instance of MapsRoute from an Azure Identity Example
default(Azure |
Creates an instance of MapsRoute from an Azure Identity Example
get |
Helper function that builds a Poller object to help polling a long running operation. |
is |
is |
is |
is |
is |
to |
Transform an array of [Latitude, Longtitute] to a string in the following format: "Latitude_1,Longtitute_1:Latitude_2,Longtitute_2:..." |
Function Details
buildMultiCollection(string[], string)
function buildMultiCollection(items: string[], parameterName: string): string
- items
- parameterName
Create a batch request body of a bunch of route direction requests.
function createRouteDirectionsBatchRequest(queryParamProperties: RouteGetRouteDirectionsQueryParamProperties[]): BatchRequest
- queryParamProperties
An object of the query parameters for a route direction request
The composed batch request.
default(AzureKeyCredential, ClientOptions)
Creates an instance of MapsRouteClient from a subscription key.
import { AzureKeyCredential } from "@azure/core-auth";
import MapsRoute from "@azure-rest/maps-route";
const credential = new AzureKeyCredential("<subscription-key>");
const client = MapsRoute(credential);
function default(credential: AzureKeyCredential, options?: ClientOptions): MapsRouteClient
- credential
- AzureKeyCredential
An AzureKeyCredential instance used to authenticate requests to the service
- options
- ClientOptions
Options used to configure the Route Client
default(TokenCredential, string, ClientOptions)
Creates an instance of MapsRoute from an Azure Identity TokenCredential
import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";
import MapsRoute from "@azure-rest/maps-route";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const client = MapsRoute(credential, "<maps-account-client-id>");
function default(credential: TokenCredential, mapsAccountClientId: string, options?: ClientOptions): MapsRouteClient
- credential
- TokenCredential
An TokenCredential instance used to authenticate requests to the service
- mapsAccountClientId
The Azure Maps client id of a specific map resource
- options
- ClientOptions
Options used to configure the Route Client
default(AzureSASCredential, ClientOptions)
Creates an instance of MapsRoute from an Azure Identity AzureSASCredential
import { AzureSASCredential } from "@azure/core-auth";
import MapsRoute from "@azure-rest/maps-route";
const credential = new AzureSASCredential("<SAS Token>");
const client = MapsRoute(credential);
function default(credential: AzureSASCredential, options?: ClientOptions): MapsRouteClient
- credential
- AzureSASCredential
An AzureSASCredential instance used to authenticate requests to the service
- options
- ClientOptions
Options used to configure the Route Client
getLongRunningPoller<TResult>(Client, TResult, CreateHttpPollerOptions<TResult, OperationState<TResult>>)
Helper function that builds a Poller object to help polling a long running operation.
function getLongRunningPoller<TResult>(client: Client, initialResponse: TResult, options?: CreateHttpPollerOptions<TResult, OperationState<TResult>>): Promise<SimplePollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>>
- client
- Client
Client to use for sending the request to get additional pages.
- initialResponse
The initial response.
- options
CreateHttpPollerOptions<TResult, OperationState<TResult>>
Options to set a resume state or custom polling interval.
Promise<SimplePollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>>
- A poller object to poll for operation state updates and eventually get the final response.
isUnexpected(RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync200Response | RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync408Response | RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncDefaultResponse)
function isUnexpected(response: RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync200Response | RouteRequestRouteMatrixSync408Response | RouteRequestRouteMatrixSyncDefaultResponse): response
isUnexpected(RouteGetRouteDirections200Response | RouteGetRouteDirectionsDefaultResponse)
function isUnexpected(response: RouteGetRouteDirections200Response | RouteGetRouteDirectionsDefaultResponse): response
isUnexpected(RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParameters200Response | RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersDefaultResponse)
function isUnexpected(response: RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParameters200Response | RouteGetRouteDirectionsWithAdditionalParametersDefaultResponse): response
isUnexpected(RouteGetRouteRange200Response | RouteGetRouteRangeDefaultResponse)
function isUnexpected(response: RouteGetRouteRange200Response | RouteGetRouteRangeDefaultResponse): response
isUnexpected(RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync200Response | RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync408Response | RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncDefaultResponse)
function isUnexpected(response: RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync200Response | RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSync408Response | RouteRequestRouteDirectionsBatchSyncDefaultResponse): response
Transform an array of [Latitude, Longtitute] to a string in the following format: "Latitude_1,Longtitute_1:Latitude_2,Longtitute_2:..."
function toColonDelimitedLatLonString(coordinates: LatLon[]): string
- coordinates
An array of Latitude/Longtitute pair to transform.
The transformed string.
Azure SDK for JavaScript