AbstractApplicationBase |
Abstract class containing common methods and properties for PublicClientApplication, ConfidentialClientApplication, and ManagedIdentityApplication |
AbstractApplicationBase.Builder<T> | ||
AbstractClientApplicationBase |
Abstract class containing common methods and properties to both PublicClientApplication and ConfidentialClientApplication. |
AbstractClientApplicationBase.Builder<T> | ||
AppTokenProviderParameters | ||
AuthenticationErrorCode |
Class containing error codes returned by the service or generated by the client |
AuthenticationErrorMessage | ||
AuthenticationResultMetadata |
Contains metadata and additional context for the contents of an Authentication |
AuthenticationResultMetadata.AuthenticationResultMetadataBuilder | ||
AuthorizationCodeParameters |
Object containing parameters for authorization code flow. |
AuthorizationCodeParameters.AuthorizationCodeParametersBuilder | ||
AuthorizationRequestUrlParameters | ||
AuthorizationRequestUrlParameters.Builder | ||
CIAMAuthority | ||
ClaimsRequest |
Represents the claims request parameter as an object |
ClientCredentialFactory |
Factory for creating client credentials used in confidential client flows. |
ClientCredentialParameters |
Object containing parameters for client credential flow. |
ClientCredentialParameters.ClientCredentialParametersBuilder | ||
ConfidentialClientApplication |
Class to be used to acquire tokens for confidential client applications (Web Apps, Web APIs, and daemon applications). |
ConfidentialClientApplication.Builder | ||
CustomJWTAuthentication | ||
DeviceCode |
Response returned from the STS device code endpoint containing information necessary for device code flow |
DeviceCodeFlowParameters |
Object containing parameters for device code flow. |
DeviceCodeFlowParameters.DeviceCodeFlowParametersBuilder | ||
HttpRequest |
Contains information about outgoing HTTP request. |
HttpResponse |
HTTP response |
IntegratedWindowsAuthenticationParameters |
Object containing parameters for Integrated Windows Authentication. |
IntegratedWindowsAuthenticationParameters.IntegratedWindowsAuthenticationParametersBuilder | ||
InteractiveRequestParameters |
Object containing parameters for interactive requests. |
InteractiveRequestParameters.InteractiveRequestParametersBuilder | ||
ManagedIdentityApplication |
Class to be used to acquire tokens for managed identity. |
ManagedIdentityApplication.Builder | ||
ManagedIdentityErrorResponse | ||
ManagedIdentityId | ||
ManagedIdentityParameters |
Object containing parameters for managed identity flow. |
ManagedIdentityParameters.ManagedIdentityParametersBuilder | ||
MsalAzureSDKException |
Exception type thrown when Azure SDK returns an error response. |
MsalClientException |
Exception type thrown when and error occurs that is local to the library or the device. |
MsalError |
Error code returned as a property in Msal |
MsalException |
Base exception type thrown when an error occurs during token acquisition. |
MsalInteractionRequiredException |
This exception class is to inform developers that UI interaction is required for authentication to succeed. |
MsalServiceException |
Exception type thrown when service returns an error response or other networking errors occur. |
MsalThrottlingException |
Exception type thrown when service returns throttling instruction: Retry-After header, 429 or 5xx statuses. |
OSHelper | ||
OidcAuthority | ||
OnBehalfOfParameters |
Object containing parameters for On-Behalf-Of flow. |
OnBehalfOfParameters.OnBehalfOfParametersBuilder | ||
PopParameters |
Contains parameters used to request a Proof of Possession (PoP) token in supported flows |
PublicClientApplication |
Class to be used to acquire tokens for public client applications (Desktop, Mobile). |
PublicClientApplication.Builder | ||
RefreshTokenParameters |
Object containing parameters for refresh token request. |
RefreshTokenParameters.RefreshTokenParametersBuilder | ||
RequestedClaim |
Represents an individual requested claims that's part of a complete claims request parameter |
RequestedClaimAdditionalInfo |
Represents the additional information that can be sent to an authorization server for a request claim in the claim request parameter |
SilentParameters |
Object containing parameters for silent requests. |
SilentParameters.SilentParametersBuilder | ||
SystemBrowserOptions |
Options for using the default OS browser as a separate process to handle interactive authentication. |
SystemBrowserOptions.SystemBrowserOptionsBuilder | ||
TokenCache |
Cache used for storing tokens. |
TokenCacheAccessContext |
Context in which the the token cache is accessed |
TokenCacheAccessContext.TokenCacheAccessContextBuilder | ||
TokenProviderResult | ||
UserAssertion |
Credential type containing an assertion representing a delegated user identity. |
UserIdentifier |
Used for populating the X-Anchor |
UserNamePasswordParameters |
Object containing parameters for Username/Password flow. |
UserNamePasswordParameters.UserNamePasswordParametersBuilder |
IAccount |
Interface representing a single user account. |
IAuthenticationResult |
Interface representing the results of token acquisition operation. |
IBroker |
Used to define the basic set of methods that all Brokers must implement |
IClientAssertion |
Credential type containing an assertion of type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt". |
IClientCertificate |
Credential type containing X509 public certificate and RSA private key. |
IClientCredential |
Interface representing an application credential |
IClientSecret |
Representation of client credential containing a secret in string format |
IConfidentialClientApplication |
Interface representing a confidential client application (Web App, Web API, Daemon App). |
IHttpClient |
Interface to be implemented when configuring http client for IPublicClientApplication or IConfidentialClientApplication. |
IHttpResponse |
HTTP response from execution of HttpRequest in IHttpClient |
IManagedIdentityApplication |
Interface representing a managed identity application. |
IPublicClientApplication |
Interface representing a public client application (Desktop, Mobile). |
ITenantProfile |
Interface representing a single tenant profile. |
ITokenCache |
Interface representing security token cache persistence |
ITokenCacheAccessAspect |
Interface representing operation of executing code before and after cache access. |
ITokenCacheAccessContext |
Interface representing context in which the token cache is accessed |
IUserAssertion |
Interface representing a delegated user identity used by downstream applications in On-Behalf-Of flow |
OpenBrowserAction |
Interface to be implemented to override system browser initialization logic. |
AzureCloudEndpoint |
All the national clouds authenticate users separately in each environment and have separate authentication endpoints. |
CacheRefreshReason |
Specifies the reason for fetching the access token from the identity provider when using acquireTokenSilently(SilentParameters parameters) |
HttpMethod |
An enumerator representing common HTTP request methods. |
InteractionRequiredExceptionReason |
Details about the cause of an MsalInteractionRequiredException, giving a hint about the user can expect when they go through interactive authentication |
ManagedIdentitySourceType | ||
Prompt |
Indicate the type of user interaction that is required when sending authorization code request. |
ResponseMode |
Values for possible methods in which AAD can send the authorization result back to the calling application |
TokenSource |
A list of possible sources for the tokens found in an IAuthenticationResult |