Welcome to the Dragon Medical SpeechKit .NET edition help
Dragon Medical SpeechKit enables you to add speech recognition functionality to your desktop apps. We have designed it to be easy for you to integrate and for end users to use.
The service provided by Dragon Medical SpeechKit is guaranteed to be secure and usable wherever the user is working.
For more information on the new features in this version, see the release notes provided with the SDK package.
When your .NET app is speech-enabled, your users can use a variety of our features. For information on the speech recognition features available, what the user sees on screen and how to use the features, see: End user documentation.
Organization of this documentation
This documentation contains the following sections:
- Concepts - Description of the key concepts used by Dragon Medical SpeechKit.
- Setting up Dragon Medical SpeechKit - How to add Dragon Medical SpeechKit to your app.
- Use cases - Details of how to perform common tasks with the app.
- Technical restrictions - Requirements information to keep in mind when integrating our package.
- Virtualized environments - Information about using Dragon Medical SpeechKit in virtualized environments.
The SDK package includes API reference documentation and sample apps. Use the following link to download the install package from GitHub: https://github.com/microsoftconnect/DMSK-dotnet.