iOS use cases

These steps are mandatory to add basic speech recognition functionality to your iOS app:

  1. Speech recognition session initialization
  2. Speech-enabling your iPhone app
  3. Recording

This is the additional functionality you can implement:

Important information

  • The angled brackets (< >) surrounding code examples indicate a placeholder. When you fill in real data make sure you don't include the angled brackets.
  • When a user is working with your speech-enabled app and Dragon Medical SpeechKit can't connect to the speech recognition server (for example, the Internet connection is lost), recording is stopped immediately. When the connection is restored, the user can start again as normal.
  • User names are case sensitive.

GUI features provided by Dragon Medical SpeechKit

The speech bar enables you to interact with Dragon Medical SpeechKit:

iOS speech bar

one Tap to display the personalization & help screen. You can see a list of voice commands, manage auto-texts, and read the help.

two The volume meter provides visual feedback while you are speaking.

three Tap to turn the Bluetooth headset off and switch to the iOS built-in microphone.


The soft keyboard is hidden by default. To make it visible, set the BOOLkeyboardVisibleByDefault property of your view controller’s NUSAVuiController object to YES. This property must be set before the VUI controller’s GUI view becomes first responder. For more information on the NUSAVuiController object, see: Speech-enabling your iOS app.

four Tap to show/hide the soft keyboard.

five Tap to turn speech recognition on and off. When this icon is green, the system is listening.

Volume meter

You can add a volume meter to the edge of the screen to provide visual feedback while the user is speaking:

blue volume meter

Blue indicates good sound quality; the system is able to process your speech. Try to keep within this range.

alt text

Red indicates that the system isn't effectively processing your speech and the speech recognition quality is degraded. Try to record differently. For example, try to speak louder or more quietly; try moving the position of the microphone; try to move away from sources of background noise.

The default colors for the volume meter are blue and red; you can define different colors.

Speech-enabled controls display the Nuance flame icon to tell the user that the field will accept spoken input: flame icon

See also

Setting up Dragon Medical SpeechKit

Dragon Medical SpeechKit development concepts

Technical restrictions