Set up Dragon Medical SpeechKit (Browser)
Browser support
For speech recognition, the following web browsers are supported on desktop operating systems:
Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome
Apple macOS: Apple Safari
For deferred correction, the following browsers are supported (Windows only):
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
Web browsers on mobile operating systems aren't supported.
Dragon Medical SpeechKit (Browser edition) requires HTTPS with an SSL/TLS certificate bound to the web server.
Third-party cookies must be enabled in the browser in order for the information from the license and partner GUIDs to be accessed; for more information, see: Speech-enabling your web browser app.
For the personalization and help window to work on Firefox browsers, users must disable the Enhanced Tracking Protection feature. See:
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser; for more information, see: Speech-enabling your web browser app.
Pop-up windows must be allowed in the browser.
Dragon Medical SpeechKit no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer or uses Microsoft Silverlight.
For more information on supported versions, see the release notes delivered with your Dragon Medical SpeechKit version.
Important: Spell checkers or other infrastructure that modifies text while speech recognition is active might cause speech recognition results to be inserted at an unexpected location. Make sure to deactivate spell checkers or such infrastructure in your integration.
Microphone support
On Windows operating systems, any microphone which can create 16-bit and at least 16 kHz audio data is supported.
On MacOS, any microphone which can create 16-bit and at least 16 kHz audio data is supported.
Make sure to test the microphones that your users will be using with your speech-enabled web pages before you deploy your app.
If your users are using microphones that don't create audio data of good enough quality for speech recognition, a message box is displayed; they can use your app but not with speech recognition.
For information on microphone button support, see: Microphone button handling.
Package contents
The Nuance_DragonMedicalSpeechKit_Browser_Edition_<version number>.zip package contains sample pages and documentation to help you get started.
doc folder: SDK documentation
samples folder: Web pages that demonstrate integration of Dragon Medical SpeechKit.
Important: The sample pages and your app must be hosted on a web server. If you run them in the browser from a local file, Dragon Medical SpeechKit won't work.