Dragon Medical Analytics
Dragon Medical Analytics is a web app that displays data collected about your speech recognition system in a meaningful and easily accessible way.
To access Dragon Medical Analytics, go to: https://sas.nuancehdp.com/SpeechAnalytics
Use your Nuance Management Center (NMC) user credentials to log on; the pages visible to you depend on your NMC permissions. For full access to all pages use an NMC administrator account.
Dragon Medical Analytics has the following pages:
Displays overview information on your speech recognition system.
You can see the number of active users in the defined time period, the total length of sound data recorded in that time period and peak usage (the number of users using the system at the busiest hour of the day). You can filter by various values.
Select a box to see more information in graph form.
Usage Details
You can analyze how well speech recognition is working and how much the system is used.
The data is displayed by user in grid form. You can sort and filter by various values.
You can export more detailed information to an Excel file (this is saved in the browser download folder).