Access an existing KQL database

This article explains how to access an existing KQL database and optionally copy the Query URI and the Ingestion URI to run queries, store management commands, or get data. It also explains how to share a KQL database link with authorized users.


Access a KQL database

To access your existing KQL database:

  1. In the left navigation, select the Workspaces icon. Then choose a workspace.

    Screenshot of the left menu of UI that shows the dropdown menu of the icon titled workspaces. The workspaces icon is highlighted.

  2. In the ribbon, select Filter > KQL Database.

    Screenshot of workspace window that shows the dropdown menu of the Filter option. The entry titled KQL Database is highlighted.

  3. Select the desired database from the list in the main view pane. The main page of the KQL database opens.

Copy URI

The main page of your KQL database shows an overview of the contents in your database.

Screenshot of the database details card showing the database details. The options titled Query URI and Ingestion URI are highlighted.

You can copy two types of URIs from the Database details card in your KQL database.

URI type Usage
Query URI URI that can be used to run queries or management commands.
Ingestion URI URI that can be used as a target for data ingestion.

To share your KQL database, follow these steps:

  1. Select Share to create a link to the database.
  2. Manage the link permissions to ensure only authorized users can access it.
  3. Send the link to the authorized users.


The shared link provides access to a single database. There is no bulk sharing option for multiple databases, and an Eventhouse can't be shared.

Screenshot that shows the Share button on the top right of the screen.

For more details, see Share items.