OneLake compute and storage consumption
OneLake usage is defined by data stored and the number of transactions. This page contains information on how all of OneLake usage is billed and reported.
OneLake storage is billed at a pay-as-you-go rate per GB of data used and doesn't consume Fabric Capacity Units (CUs). Fabric items like lakehouses and warehouses consume OneLake storage. For Mirroring storage, data up to a certain limit is free based on the purchased compute capacity SKU you provision. For more information about pricing, see Fabric pricing. For native mirrored storage, OneLake storage isn't billed as it's included in the cost of items like Power BI import semantic models and Fabric SQL database.
You can visualize your OneLake storage usage in the Fabric Capacity Metrics app in the Storage tab. Also note that soft-deleted data is billed at the same rate as active data. For more information about monitoring usage, see the Metrics app Storage page. To understand OneLake consumption more, see the OneLake Capacity Consumption page
Requests to OneLake, such as reading or writing data, consume Fabric Capacity Units. The rates in this page define how much capacity units are consumed for a given type of operation.
Operation types
OneLake uses the same mappings as Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) to classify the operation to the category.
This table defines CU consumption when OneLake data is accessed using applications that redirect certain requests. Redirection is an implementation that reduces consumption of OneLake compute.
Operation in Metrics App | Description | Operation Unit of Measure | Consumption rate |
OneLake Read via Redirect | OneLake Read via Redirect | Every 4 MB, per 10,000* | 104 CU seconds |
OneLake Write via Redirect | OneLake Write via Redirect | Every 4 MB, per 10,000* | 1626 CU seconds |
OneLake Iterative Read via Redirect | OneLake Iterative Read via Redirect | Per 10,000 | 1626 CU seconds |
OneLake Iterative Write via Redirect | OneLake Iterative Write via Redirect | Per 100 | 1300 CU seconds |
OneLake Other Operations via Redirect | OneLake Other Operations via Redirect | Per 10,000 | 104 CU seconds |
This table defines CU consumption when OneLake data is accessed using applications that proxy requests.
Operation in Metrics App | Description | Operation Unit of Measure | Consumption rate |
OneLake Read via Proxy | OneLake Read via Proxy | Every 4 MB, per 10,000* | 306 CU seconds |
OneLake Write via Proxy | OneLake Write via Proxy | Every 4 MB, per 10,000* | 2650 CU seconds |
OneLake Iterative Read via Proxy | OneLake Iterative Read via Proxy | Per 10,000 | 4798 CU seconds |
OneLake Iterative Write via Proxy | OneLake Iterative Write via Proxy | Per 100 | 2117.95 CU seconds |
OneLake Other Operations | OneLake Other Operations | Per 10,000 | 306 CU seconds |
*For files > 4 MB in size, OneLake counts a transaction for every 4 MB block of data read or written. For files < 4 MB, a full transaction is counted. For example, if you do 10,000 read operations via Redirect and each file read is 16 MB in size, your capacity consumption is 40,000 transactions or 416 CU seconds.
When you access data via OneLake shortcuts, the transaction usage counts against the capacity tied to the workspace where the shortcut is created. The capacity where the data is ultimately stored (that the shortcut points to) is billed for the data stored.
When you access data via a shortcut to a source external to OneLake, such as to ADLS Gen2, OneLake does not count the CU usage for that external request. The transactions would be charged directly to you by the external service such as ADLS Gen2.
Paused Capacity
When a capacity is paused, the data stored continues to be billed using the pay-as-you-go rate per GB. All transactions to that capacity are rejected when it is paused, so no Fabric CUs are consumed due to OneLake transactions. To access your data or delete a Fabric item, the capacity needs to be resumed. You can delete the workspace while a capacity is paused.
The consumption of the data via shortcuts is always counted against the consumer’s capacity, so the capacity where the data is stored can be paused without disrupting downstream consumers in other capacities. See an example on the OneLake Capacity Consumption page
Disaster recovery
OneLake usage when disaster recovery is enabled is also defined by the amount of data stored and the number of transactions.
Disaster recovery storage
When disaster recovery is enabled, the data in OneLake gets geo-replicated. Thus, the storage is billed as Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) Storage. For more information about pricing, see Fabric pricing.
Disaster recovery transactions
When disaster recovery is enabled for a given capacity, write operations consume higher capacity units.
Disaster recovery operation types
This table defines CU consumption when disaster recovery is enabled and OneLake data is accessed using applications that redirect certain requests. Redirection is an implementation that reduces consumption of OneLake compute.
Operation | Description | Operation Unit of Measure | Capacity Units |
OneLake BCDR Read via Redirect | OneLake BCDR Read via Redirect | Every 4 MB, per 10,000 | 104 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Write via Redirect | OneLake BCDR Write via Redirect | Every 4 MB, per 10,000 | 3056 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Iterative Read via Redirect | OneLake BCDR Iterative Read via Redirect | Per 10,000 | 1626 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Iterative Write via Redirect | OneLake BCDR Iterative Write via Redirect | Per 100 | 2730 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Other Operations Via Redirect | OneLake BCDR Other Operations Via Redirect | Per 10,000 | 104 CU seconds |
This table defines CU consumption when disaster recovery is enabled and OneLake data is accessed using applications that proxy requests.
Operation | Description | Operation Unit of Measure | Capacity Units |
OneLake BCDR Read via Proxy | OneLake BCDR Read via Proxy | Every 4 MB, per 10,000 | 306 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Write via Proxy | OneLake BCDR Write via Proxy | Every 4 MB, per 10,000 | 3870 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Iterative Read via Proxy | OneLake BCDR Iterative Read via Proxy | Per 10,000 | 4798 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Iterative Write via Proxy | OneLake BCDR Iterative Write via Proxy | Per 100 | 3415.5 CU seconds |
OneLake BCDR Other Operations | OneLake BCDR Other Operations | Per 10,000 | 306 CU seconds |
Changes to Microsoft Fabric workload consumption rate
Consumption rates are subject to change at any time. Microsoft will use reasonable efforts to provide notice via email or through in-product notification. Changes shall be effective on the date stated in Microsoft's Release Notes or Microsoft Fabric Blog. If any change to a Microsoft Fabric Workload Consumption Rate materially increases the Capacity Units (CU) required to use a particular workload, customers may use the cancellation options available for the chosen payment method.