Service intervals

The service agreement interval indicates the frequency with which service order lines are created for service agreement lines when you create service orders automatically.

When you create service orders automatically, service order lines are created according to the interval that you have specified for the service agreement line from the start date of the agreement line.

If the Interval field of a service agreement line on the Service agreements page is blank, the line is a one-time event, and it isn't used to create service orders repeatedly.


This example illustrates how a service interval affects service agreement lines and service order lines on a service order.

Create a service agreement

First, you create a service agreement and set the Combine service orders option to By service agreement.

  1. Select Service agreements
  2. On the Action Pane, on the Service agreement tab, in the New group, select Service agreement to create a new service agreement.
  3. Enter a description, select a project in the Project ID field, and enter a date in the Start date field.
  4. In the Combine service orders field, select By service agreement.

You have now created the following service agreement:

Project Start date
Your project The date you specified for the project. In this example, the current date is used.

Create a service agreement line

Next, you create a service agreement line that has the transaction type Hour.

To complete this part of the example, you must create a service interval of 10 days on the Service intervals page.

  1. Select the service agreement that you just created.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, select the Add button to create a new line in the lower pane of the Service agreements page.
  3. In the Transaction type field, select Hour.
  4. In the Worker field, select the worker who will deliver the service.
  5. In the Service interval field, select the 10 days interval.

You have now created a service agreement line with the following information:

Transaction type Start date Service interval
Hour The current date. Every 10 days
Worker The worker who will perform the service.

There's no time window specified for the line.

Create planned service orders

You can now create planned service orders and service order lines for the coming month.

  1. On the Service agreements page, on the Action Pane, on the Deliver tab, select Planned service orders.
  2. On the Create service orders page, enter the current date in the From date field and a date that is one month from the current date in the To date field.
  3. Set the Hour slider to Yes.
  4. Select OK.

Because there's no grouping on the service order (defined by the By service agreement option in the Combine service orders field), one service order line is created per service order.

Service orders created

Three service order lines were created within the time frame that you specified in the Create service orders dialog box. You can view the service order lines on the Service agreements page (Action Pane > Deliver tab > View button).