Create an asset

This article describes how to create an asset in Asset Management.

  1. Go to Asset management > Assets > All assets or Active assets.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Create assets dialog, insert data regarding Asset (the asset ID) and the asset name. Select date and time for the asset in the Effective field. From that date, you're able to install the asset on a functional location and move and replace the asset in an asset structure.

  4. In the Asset type field, select the asset type for the asset (mandatory field). If necessary, select Asset manufacturer and Asset model for the asset. If only one product is up, that product is automatically selected in the Asset manufacturer field. The selections available in the Asset manufacturer and Asset model fields depend on the setup in Asset manufacturers and models.

  5. In the Parent asset group, the Asset field is blank as default. If you select a parent asset, then all fields in the Parent asset group are automatically filled out.


    When you select a parent asset, two or three tabs are available: The My assets tab contains assets related to the functional locations to which you (the maintenance worker who is logged on the system) can be allocated. If no functional locations are set up on a maintenance worker on the Maintenance workers and worker groups page, the My assets tab isn't shown. The Active assets tab contains a list of all assets with asset lifecycle state Active. The Asset view tab displays a tree view of functional locations and assets installed on those locations.

  6. The default functional location you have set up is suggested for the asset in the Asset group Functional location field. Select another functional location if necessary.


    After you have created an asset, you can install it on another functional location, if required. Only top-level assets (assets without a current parent asset) can be installed on a functional location. This means that you install the top level and any child assets on the selected functional location. Read more about installing assets on functional locations in Introduction to functional locations.

  7. Select OK.

  8. Select the asset in the All Assets list and select the Edit button to add further information to the asset.

General information

The functional location to which the asset is related is shown in the Functional location field. If the asset is a parent asset, the number of children related to the asset is shown in the Children field. If the asset is a sub asset to an existing asset, the ID of the parent asset is shown in the Parent field.

You can edit Asset manufacturer and Asset model information on the asset, which is used to manage spare parts, alternative spare parts, and job type defaults. Learn more in Asset manufacturers and models. You can also add information about Model year and Serial number, if necessary.

Current lifecycle state is used to define if the asset is active or inactive. When creating an asset, the stage is always set to the first stage in the asset stage group. When you're ready to activate an asset, select Update asset state, and select the lifecycle state that you have defined as Active, and select OK.


When an asset is set to Inactive, it's no longer possible to create work orders for the asset. Also, you can't schedule preventive maintenance jobs for an inactive asset.

The Service level and Criticality fields relate to work orders created for the asset. The fields show the Service level and Criticality numbers calculated for the current setup for the asset. Refer to Asset service levels and Asset criticality types regarding setup of those values.


You can select a Resource for the asset. The resource selection determines which calendar is used for work order scheduling. Resource selection is often used for fixed assets. Resources and resource groups are set up in Organization administration > Resources > Resource groups or Resources.

In the Fixed assets number field, you can select a fixed asset to be related to the asset. This is relevant if your asset is related to an investment project.

  • If the asset is related to a fixed asset, you can create a work order type to be used for work orders related to an investment project.
  • Information about fixed assets for an asset is related to the Fixed assets module in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. This means that in Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets, you can get an overview of the Asset Management projects that are related to a fixed asset by selecting the asset in the list and viewing the contents on the Related information pane, Associated projects section.


In the Active from field, the date on which you updated the asset lifecycle state to an active state (refer to Asset lifecycle states regarding setup of asset lifecycle states), is shown. If the asset is no longer active, and you have updated the asset lifecycle state to an inactive lifecycle state, the date from which the asset is inactive is shown in the Active to field. If necessary, you can manually change those dates.

If necessary, you can insert an expected date for replacement of the asset in the Replacement date field. An estimated value for replacing the asset can be inserted in the Replacement value field. For example, you can use replacement information to compare it with the costs of maintaining an asset, and then make a decision for purchasing a new asset if maintenance costs on the existing asset increase rapidly.


You can add notes related to the asset on the Notes FastTab. Select the Add timestamp button before you write the note, if you want to add user information and a date/timestamp to the note.


On this FastTab, you can set values for asset attributes. These attributes can be used to describe properties or characteristics pertinent to the asset, for example, size, weight, or machine configuration.

Select Add line and select the attribute type. Next, insert the Value related to the attribute type and save the record.


You can get an overview of asset attribute types and their relation to the assets in Asset attribute and Asset attribute overview. Refer to Asset attribute overview for more information.


On the Vendor FastTab, select a vendor account for the asset. Also, if a vendor warranty has been granted, you can insert warranty information here.


On the Address FastTab, you can insert the address of the equipment. If no address is inserted on the asset, the asset uses the address of a parent asset, if the parent asset has an address. If no address is related to the asset or any parents in the asset hierarchy, the address of the functional location on which the asset is installed can be used. If that functional location doesn't have an address related to it, the address of the parent functional location is used on the asset.

Asset management plans

Maintenance plans are used for scheduling preventive maintenance jobs at regular intervals on the asset. On this FastTab, you can set up maintenance plan lines for the selected asset. Maintenance rounds can be set up for various assets, on which you need to carry out a similar task at regular intervals. On the Functional location maintenance plans tab, you see the maintenance plans related to the functional location on which the asset is installed.


If you delete a maintenance plan line or a maintenance round related to an asset in All Asset, you also automatically delete all maintenance schedules with status Created that have been created based on that maintenance plan or maintenance round.

Functional location maintenance plans

The Functional location maintenance plans FastTab provides an overview of the maintenance plans related to the functional location on which the asset is installed.

Maintenance rounds

The Maintenance rounds FastTab lets you add or remove maintenance rounds, which are related to the asset.

Financial dimensions

The Financial dimensions FastTab lets you select financial dimensions for the asset.