Use streamlined product design tools in manufacturing
Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned
Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
Users, automatically | - | Apr 2025 |
Business value
In the world of manufacturing, product design plays a pivotal role in transforming raw materials into finished goods. Production bill of materials (production BOM) and production routing are key concepts in manufacturing. A production BOM lists all components required to produce a product, ensuring accurate assembly and resource planning. Production routing tells us what to do with those components to get a finished product or subassembly.
Manufacturing is a dynamic environment where changes are inevitable. Whether it's a new component to improve product quality or a shift in supplier, you need to manage updates efficiently to avoid disrupting production. This is where BOM versions come into play. We've added a number of capabilities to improve the product design stage.
Feature details
You can save a step by adding multiple items to the production BOM or production order components. When you're working with a production BOM or production BOM version, or editing components in a planning worksheet or production order, you can use the Select items action to select and add multiple items.
Use the Edit in Excel action on production BOM lines and production BOM version lines. One reason the Edit in Excel feature in Business Central is so popular is that it provides a fast way to enter data. You can now use the Edit in Excel action to edit lines on the Production BOM and Production BOM Version pages.
Go to an active production BOM version from the Item Card page or Items list page. Sometimes companies need to make an adjustment to a production BOM. Rather than create an entirely new production BOM, you can update the current one by creating a version of it. Creating a version lets you keep the original production BOM in case you need it for reference, but use the new version in production. The starting date and status fields define which version to use. In this release, you can easily go to the certified BOM or BOM version that's valid on the work date by choosing the Prod. Active BOM Version action.
The BOM version matrix page includes the original BOM as baseline. Use the Production BOM Version Comparison page to view a list of all production BOM versions and items and the quantity used per item. You can use the matrix to compare different production BOM versions for the used items per version, including the original BOM as the first column. This functionality ensures clear visibility for all BOM versions and their respective quantities.
The Production BOM Version Comparison page provides better usability and replaces the Prod. BOM Matrix per Version page.
Remove items that are no longer required on the Exchange Production BOM page. The Exchange Production BOM page includes a new feature that lets you remove specific items or production BOMs that are no longer required from production BOMs or certified production BOM versions.
You can start the Calculate Low-Level Code task right from the list of production BOMs. Low-level codes determine the sequence in which materials are planned during MRP runs.
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