Use the new Out of Scope emission category


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Apr 2025 May 2025

Business value

This feature can improve productivity by providing a way to avoid being blocked in cases where you have emissions you want to post but you aren't sure which emission scope to use. It's also useful when you need to post a carbon credit that isn't related to a scope.

Feature details

To post emissions without a scope, on the Sustainability Account Category page, in the Emission Scope field, choose Out of Scope. Then, either assign the account category to a sustainability account or create a new account and assign the category.

You can use a sustainability account with this setup on a sustainability journal if you configure the sustainability journal batch to use this emission scope, or allow all scopes. After you post the journal, entries marked as Out of Scope are recorded in sustainability ledger entries.

Out-of-scope option for the Sustainability Account Category

Out-of-scope option for the Sustainability Journal Batch

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