Running objects in actions defaults to UI descriptors on target object


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
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Business value

When adding actions in AL, developers can specify properties like Caption, Tooltip, AboutText, and AboutTitle. Sometimes actions are just used to run specific objects, so to ensure consistency and reuse with these, such actions now default to the Caption, Tooltip, AboutText, and AboutTitle of the targeted object. This also ensures that existing actions will benefit from Tooltip, AboutText, and AboutTitle being defined on the targeted object.

Feature details

Actions that have the RunObject property specified will use the Caption, ToolTip, AboutText, and AboutTitle properties of the targeted application object, if none of these properties is specified on the action itself. This ensures consistency and reuse, even for existing actions, while at the same time allowing overriding those values by specifically setting them on the action itself.

In support of this, the ToolTip property has also been added to reports.

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