Receive project items with receipts or put-aways


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Apr 2025

Business value

Business Central enables advanced warehouse handling of purchase orders that are linked to projects. You can save time by using warehouse receipts or inventory put-aways to directly receive and register usage of items for projects.

Feature details

Maintaining steady supply of items, services, and expenses is an important aspect of running successful projects. You can use inventory quantities or make project-specific purchases. You can use the following methods to receive items:

  • Post receipt and consumption from the order line.
  • Post receipt and consumption from an inventory put-away document.
  • Post receipt and consumption from a warehouse receipt document.

To post receipt and consumption from an inventory put-away document

When your location is set up to require processing put-aways but not receipts, use an Inventory Put-away document to record and post put-away and receipt information for your purchase orders.

You can create an inventory put-away in three ways:

  • Create the inventory put-away directly from the purchase order by choosing the Create Inventory Put-away/Pick action.
  • Create inventory put-aways for several source documents at the same time by using the Create Inventory Put-away/Pick/Movement batch job.
  • Create the put-away in two steps by first by releasing the purchase orders to make the items available to be put away. You can create the inventory put-away based on the source document on the Inventory Put-away page.


If bins are mandatory for the location, make sure that the Bin Code is filled in the purchase order lines.

To post the inventory put-away

  1. On the Inventory Put-aways page, open a previously created put-away document.
  2. Enter the quantity that was put away in the Qty. to Handle field.
  3. After you put the items away, choose the Post action.

The results of these steps are that you post the receipt of the source document lines that were put away. For each line there are two item ledger entries: one entry for receipt, and one to immediately write off the received quantity for the project.

There are no project ledger entries until you post the invoice.

If the location uses bins, posting also creates warehouse entries to post the bin quantity changes.

To post receipt and consumption from a warehouse receipt document

When items arrive at a warehouse that's set up to process warehouse receipts, you must get the lines from the released purchase order that the receipt is for.

You can create a warehouse receipt in one of two ways:

  • In a push fashion, when work is done on an order-by-order basis. Choose the Create Warehouse Receipt action on the Purchase Order page to create a warehouse receipt for a source document.
  • In a pull fashion, where you use the Release action on the Purchase Order page to release the document to the warehouse. A warehouse employee creates a warehouse receipt for one or more released source documents.


If you use bins, the default bin is suggested. You can either accept the default bin or specify the bin to put the items in.

To post the warehouse receipt

  1. On the Warehouse Receipts page, open the warehouse receipt.
  2. The Qty. to Receive field contains the quantity outstanding for each line, but you can change the quantity as needed.
  3. After you receive the items, choose the Post action.

The results of these steps are that you post the receipt of the source document lines. For each receipt line there are two item ledger entries: one entry for the receipt, and one to immediately write off the received quantity for the project.

There are no project ledger entries until you post the invoice.

If the location uses bins, posting also creates warehouse entries to post the bin quantity changes.


Warehouse put-away documents aren't created, even if your warehouse processes require both receipt and warehouse put-away.

Good to know

Return orders aren't supported for locations with directed put-away and pick. You need to undo consumption via a project journal, and then create a return order for items in inventory.

If purchase documents were created before the update, you can post them directly. If you want to use warehouse handling, reopen and release the purchase orders again.

You can't edit the No., Variant Code, Project No., and Project Task No. fields on purchase lines if warehouse receipts or inventory put-aways exist.

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