Print barcodes from production orders


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Apr 2025

Business value

Production companies are always on the lookout for ways to streamline production processes. To remove a step or two from the process of tracking finished goods, Business Central offers a Print Label action on released and finished production orders. The action lets you print 1D and 2D barcodes to track the items on the orders, directly from the orders.

Feature details

A new Print Label action is available on the Released Production Order and Finished Production Order pages. The action prints a report that includes the Item No., Description, Unit of Measure, and 1D and 2D barcode information from the orders. On the request page, you can also specify whether to print the Lot No., Serial No. or Package No. as barcodes.

Production Output Item Label request page



Some printers and barcode/QR code formats require a specific implementation. You might need to upload a different Word template.

Check with your equipment supplier to learn how to print Word documents on your device.

If you decide to clone the report to create your own customized version, you can easily connect if you're using the new Prod. Output Item Label selection on the Report Selection Production Order page.

Report selection page

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