Overloaded JsonObject data type GetValue method


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Business value

To work more efficiently with JSON in AL, we have improved the AL API for accessing JSON data with a new set of overloaded JsonObject GetValue methods.

Feature details

We have improved the API for accessing JSON data with a new set of methods that will avoid always having to read data through a JsonToken.

For JsonObject instances, we have added:

value := GetBoolean(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetByte(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetChar(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetInteger(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetBigInteger(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDecimal(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetOption(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDateTime(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDate(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetTime(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDuration(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetText(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetArray(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetObject(Key: Text [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])

For JsonArray instances, we have added:

value := GetBoolean(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetByte(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetChar(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetInteger(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetBigInteger(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDecimal(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetOption(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDateTime(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDate(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetTime(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetDuration(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetText(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetArray(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNotFound: Boolean])
value := GetObject(Index: Integer [; DefaultIfNtFound: Boolean])

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