Optimize screen estate usage on the web
Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned
Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
Users, automatically | Apr 2025 | Jun 2025 |
Business value
Work optimally with the Business Central web client on modern devices with large screen sizes or large external monitors. This feature ensures optimal screen usage even when pages are shown in different modes, maximizing your productivity and efficiency in the web client.
Feature details
This feature optimizes screen space usage in the Business Central web client, including:
- Optimized default page size in narrow mode.
- Improved sizing and animation of the FactBox pane in narrow mode. The FactBox pane is added to the page width, so the main content area width remains the same as you expand and collapse the FactBox.
- Better proportions between field labels and values in narrow mode.
- An option to resize the FactBox pane and remember this choice per page and mode. This capability is covered by the Allow adjusting FactBox pane width feature.
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