Extend CardPageId on list and listpart pages


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
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Business value

Several page properties aren't available to modify by using page extensions, mainly to avoid race conditions across multiple extensions modifying the same property. However, for some properties, we've received many votes on Ideas to still allow modification. One of the most popular requests is to allow extensibility of the CardPageId property on list and listpart pages, either to add a card page when existing lists don't have that, or to replace it with a different card page. In this release we've added the ability to extend CardPageId.

Feature details

You can now modify CardPageID on list and listpart pages through a PageExtension. This means you can override which card page should be displayed when a user double-clicks an item on the list page or listpart page.

If the property is already specified on the base page, the value in the PageExtension will override it. If multiple PageExtensions modify the property, the last extension to be applied will take effect. As per-tenant extensions are applied after AppSource apps, this implies that any race condition across multiple AppSource apps setting the same CardPageId can be resolved in a per-tenant extension if needed, although this will seldomly happen.

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