Combine service shipments on a single service invoice


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Apr 2025

Business value

You can use the new Combine Service Shipment task to gather all the not-invoiced service shipments into one invoice or multiple service invoices.

Feature details

We're aligning the service and sales invoicing flows even more. A new Combine Service Shipment action lets you gather all uninvoiced shipments into one invoice or more invoices. You can create combined invoices for multiple customers in one go, like the Get Shipment Line action you use when you create an invoice per customer.

Combine Service Shipment

To automatically combine shipments on a single invoice

  1. Choose the Tell me icon, enter Combine Service Shipments, and then choose the related link. The batch job request page opens.

  2. Business Central only selects service orders where Combine Service Shipments is chosen. The Combine Service Shipment field on service orders is copied from the new Combine Service Shipment toggle in the Customer Card page. You can also update it manually.

    Customer card

  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Name Description Required?
    Posting Date Enter posting date for the invoices that the batch job creates. Yes
    Document Date Enter document date for the invoices that the batch job creates. Yes
    Calc. Inv. Discount Calculate invoice discounts automatically. If Calc. Inv. Discount checkbox is selected on the Sales & Receivables Setup page, the amounts are always calculated automatically. No
    Post Invoices Post invoices immediately. No
    Only Std. Payment Terms Only include shipments with standard payments terms. If you select this option, you must manually invoice all other shipments. No
    Copy Text Lines Copy the manually added text on the shipment lines to the invoice. Automatically inserted standard or extended texts are always copied. No
  4. Select OK.


  • You must manually post the invoices if the Post Invoices checkbox isn't selected on the batch job.
  • The task doesn't mark the shipments that are retrieved and therefore creates new combined shipments every time you run it. If you want to repeat the task, already created invoices must first be deleted.
  • You can't post a service invoice that contains lines from orders linked to contracts and add ad hoc orders. Create separate invoices.

Good to know

When shipments are combined on an invoice and posted, a posted service invoice is created for the invoiced lines. The Quantity Invoiced field on the original service order is updated based on the invoiced quantity.

When you invoice shipments in this way, the orders from which the shipments were posted still exist, even if they're fully shipped and invoiced. You can delete them manually one by one, or use the Detele Invoiced Service Order task to delete orders in bulk.

  1. Choose the Tell me icon, enter Delete Invoiced Service Orders, and then select the link.
  2. In the No. filter field, specify which service orders to delete. To delete all invoiced service orders, leave the field blank.
  3. Select OK.

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