Check total purchase amounts on documents


Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Apr 2025

Business value

This feature helps you ensure that all line items are accurately entered and match the external invoice, which reduces human errors in accounts payable processes.

Feature details

This feature was previously available as part of the check purchase amounts functionality in the Netherlands localization. As part of our delocalization process, we're making it a global feature that's available to everyone.

You activate this feature in the setup selecting Check Doc. Total Amounts. If you don't activate it, you won't notice a difference. If you activate this feature, the Doc. Amount Incl. VAT and Doc. Amount VAT fields are available on the Purchase Invoice and Purchase Credit Memo pages. You must fill in the fields before you can post the documents. Business Central checks whether the amount including VAT and the VAT amount stated on the purchase document are equal to the total amount of the purchase lines when you try to post the document.

Check total on the purchase document setup

Showing checking the purchase invoice totals

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