Cancel production orders that have consumption


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Apr 2025

Business value

Even when production doesn't go as planned, it's crucial to keep your inventory, cost, and financial records accurate. It's now easier to revert consumption or output transactions, return unused raw materials, and correct mistakes in your reported operations. For actual scrap occurrences, Business Central provides a process that lets you close orders and write off accumulated WIP.

Feature details

When you post production transactions by mistake, you probably want to cancel (undo the transactions) and in some cases close the order. To do that, from the Released Production Order page, you can open the Item Ledger entries or Capacity Ledger entries pages and use the Reverse Production Order Transaction action.

Reverse Production Order Transaction

  • For item ledger entries of the type Consumption, the action creates item journal lines of the type Consumption. For the lines, it copies values from the original transaction, uses the opposite sign in the Quantity field, applies to the original entry, and posts the item journal.
  • For item ledger entries of the types Output or Capacity, the action creates item journal lines of the type Output. For the lines, it copies values from original transaction, uses the opposite sign in the Quantity, Scrap Quantity, Setup Time, and Run time fields, applies to the original entry (only for item ledger entries), and posts the item journal. It also removes the Finished status from the related production routing line.

The Reverse Production Order Transaction action is only enabled for entries that are related to the production order. It uses the original posting date.

The action isn't supported under the following conditions:

  • If the output entry was already applied to an outbound transaction.
  • If consumption/output involves warehouse handling. Bins are supported.
  • Entries were created through subcontracting purchase orders. You can undo receipt in the Posted Purchase Receipt page.

You can undo subcontracting receipts before you post them as invoiced. To do this, go to the posted purchase receipt, select the line, and choose the Undo action. As a result, an identical line with an opposite sign in the Quantity is created along with the capacity ledger entry. And, if the canceled receipt line is linked to the last routing operation, the item ledger entry of the type Output. You can't reverse a receipt if it was invoiced or if the production order was finished.

Undo receipt


If posting a subcontracting receipt caused consumption of components due to the flushing method, the consumption transactions aren't reverted. You must reverse them separately by using an output journal or the new Reverse Production Order Transaction action.

After you correct (revert) the records, you can change the status of the production order to Finished. The steps and setting are described below as they are the same for scenarios where there is no output to allocate accumulated WIP due to actual scrap accurance.

Setup: Activate the Finish Order Without Output toggle in the Manufacturing Setup page.

Manufacturing Setup page


After you turn on the toggle, you can't turn it off. However, you can decide whether to write off WIP for each order individually.

When you change the status of a released production order that has consumption or capacity ledger entries but no output, you can turn on the Allow Finishing Prod. Order with no output toggle on the Change production order status page.

The accumulated WIP amounts are posted to your inventory adjustment account. Remember to fill in the Inventory Adjustment Account on the General Posting Setup page for the entry defined by:

  • The Gen. Bus. Posting Group field on the production order.
  • The Gen. Prod. Posting Group field on the produced item.

Change status

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