Add fields from related tables in analysis mode


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Jun 2025 Jun 2025

Business value

Analysis mode is a powerful experience that lets you create and analyze data views easily. You can also use Copilot and natural language to create views. This release lets you add fields from related tables to an analysis mode tab, including grouping by these fields for advanced data analysis.

Feature details

You can add fields from related tables in analysis mode tabs in two ways:

  • From the context menu Add columns from on an analysis mode tab. This inserts the fields as new columns at the end of the view.

    Select to add columns from related tables via the analysis mode tab

  • From the context menu Add columns from on an analysis mode column. This inserts the fields as new columns to the right.

    Select to add columns from related tables via a column in the analysis mode tab

In both cases, select the related table to choose fields from. If there is more than one relation to the target table, the context menus show via <relation> after the table name. For example, in an analysis mode tab on the Customer list, you can add fields from the Contact table via the relation "Primary Contact No. := No.", where the No. of the Contact matches the Primary Contact No. on the customer.

Select to add columns from related tables via the analysis mode tab

After you select the table, a dialog appears to choose columns. The dialog shows the source table name and number, as well as the fields in the table. You can only select fields that have already been added to one or more pages. Use the Show available fields from option to select a page, which then populates the available table fields.

Example of choosing the page to pick fields from, among pages for the selected table

You can add multiple fields at once using multiselect. User-defined views are personal and reside in the tenant database.

The following example shows how to add the Email field from the Contact table as a column, using the Contact List page to select fields. Notice the smaller Contact prefix above the E-Mail caption, indicating that this column comes from a related table.

Example of email from related Contact table added as a column