Get list of manageable environments for Microsoft Entra apps

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Jan 31, 2025

Business value

Using a new admin center API endpoint, Microsoft Entra apps authorized in the admin center can get a list of environments for which the app is authorized. This capability reduces the manual overhead associated with maintaining environment lists and facilitates the automation of repetitive administrative tasks, enhancing operational efficiency for partners.

Feature details

Partners increasingly automate administrative tasks on their customer environments by authorizing their multitenant Microsoft Entra app in their customers' admin center. As the number of customers per partner and partners per customer grows, and with the environment-level access controls introduced for partners in 2024 wave 1, the overhead of manually keeping lists of manageable environments per Microsoft Entra app is increasing. So is the demand to automate repetitive tasks, like updating installed apps.

A new API endpoint for Microsoft Entra apps returns a complete list of all environments in all tenants that are manageable by the Microsoft Entra app. This will make it easier for partners to automate administrative tasks across all their customers' environments.

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