

As of February 3, 2025, Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is no longer available for purchase. Support for Fraud Protection will end on February 3, 2026. For more information, refer to the End of support for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection article.

Monitoring of Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection provides a set of metrics that refresh close to real-time. These monitors assist fraud professionals in detecting unusual transaction patterns or anomalies in observation events, such as fraud attacks and faulty rule releases.

The metrics in these monitors are measured by the count of received transactions or observation events. The time stamp on the monitors shows the time when the monitor was last updated, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can switch between a percentage view and an absolute volume view of the distribution metrics by toggling the "Show absolute volume" button. Since the charts are updated near real-time, the last bar is lightly colored to signify that the metrics for the most recent minute's transactions or percentage are being aggregated and not finalized yet.

In a multi-hierarchy environment, where a parent environment has child environments, the near real-time monitors aggregate transactions and observation events for both the parent environment and all its children environments.

The time-series metrics can be viewed in different timescales:

  • Last 1 hour - Shows transactions or observation events based on their received time per minute for the last 1 hour.
  • Last 48 hours - Shows transactions or status events based on their received time per 15 minutes for the last 48 hours.
  • Last 8 days - Shows transactions or status events based on their received time per hour for the last 8 days.

Transaction monitor

The monitor shows volume and distribution metrics of assessment events such as Account Creation, Account Login, Purchase, and other assessment requests. On a selected timescale:

Key performance indicators

  • Transaction volume – The transaction volume by count assessed by Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection.
  • Rule approved rate – The percentage of assessed transactions by count that were approved.
  • Rule rejected rate – The percentage of assessed transactions by count that were rejected.
  • Manual review rate – The percentage of assessed transactions by count that were manually reviewed.
  • Rule challenged rate – The percentage of assessed transactions by count that were challenged.

Time series charts

  • Transaction volume – The transaction volume by count assessed by Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection.
  • Risk score distribution – The distribution of pre-defined risk score buckets.
  • Rule decision distribution - The rule decision percentage.
  • Decision rule/clause distribution - The distribution of the decision rule/clauses. It only shows the top 20 decision rules/clauses. The rest are grouped into “others.”
  • Device country/region code distribution – The distribution of device country/region codes. It is available only when device fingerprinting from Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is enabled. It only shows the top 20 device country/region codes. The rest are grouped into “others.”
  • Bot score distribution - The distribution of pre-defined bot score buckets. It is only available for Account Creation, Account Login, and Device Fingerprinting.

Observation events monitor

The monitor shows volume and distribution metrics of observation events such as status, bank event, chargeback, and label by received date. On a selected timescale:

Observation event volume

  • Status volume – The status event volume received. Status includes purchase status, account create status, account login status, and assessment status.
  • Bank event volume – The bank event volume received.
  • Chargeback volume – The chargeback event volume received.
  • Label volume – The label event volume received.

Time series charts

  • Status events by received date:
    • Volume chart – The status event volume received shown in time series.
    • Distribution chart – The status distribution of status events received shown in time series.
  • Bank events by received date:
    • Volume chart - The bank event volume received shown in time series.
    • Distribution chart - The status distribution of bank events received shown in time series.
  • Chargeback events by received date:
    • Volume chart - The chargeback event volume received shown in time series.
    • Distribution chart - The status distribution of chargeback events received shown in time series.
  • Label events by received date:
    • Volume chart - The label event volume received shown in time series.
    • Distribution chart - The status distribution of label events received shown in time series.