Add financial dimensions to the CFO workspace
This article explains how to add financial dimensions to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) workspace, so that they can be used for the ledger and budget reports. The CFO workspace has an Overview tab and a Financial tab. The reports on these two tabs are backed by two measures: LedgerActivityMeasure and BudgetActivityMeasure. There is a relation between those two measures and the DimensionCombinationEntity entity. Therefore, you can select dimensions.
In Finance, on the Entity Store page, update the LedgerActivityMeasure and the BudgetActivityMeasure measures.
In Microsoft Visual Studio, open Application Explorer, and search for LedgerCFO.
Under Resources, open LedgerCFOWorkspacePBIX.
When the resource opens in Microsoft Power BI desktop, select Get Data, select SQL Server database, and then select Connect.
Enter the server name, and enter AxDW as the database. Select DirectQuery, and then select OK.
Search for and select LedgerActivityMeasure_DimensionCombination, and then select Load.
In the Fields list, rename the table Financial dimensions, so that it's easy to identify.
Select Manage Relationships, and then select New.
In the first field, select General Ledger Activities, and then select LedgerDimension.
In the second field, select LedgerActivityMeasure_DimensionCombination (or Financial dimensions if you renamed the table). Select the DimensionCombinationRECID header.
In the Cardinality field, select Many to One.
Change the Cross filter direction value to Single.
Select both Make this relationship active and Assume referential integrity, select OK, and then select Close.
In the Fields list, you should see the table and the available financial dimensions. Drag the financial dimensions that you want to the report-level filters.
Save your changes.
In the Application Object Tree (AOT), right-click your project, and then select Synchronize.
Build your project, and then open the application to view the results.