Assemblies removed from Microsoft.AspNetCore.App shared framework
The following two assemblies were removed from the ASP.NET Core targeting pack:
- System.Security.Permissions
- System.Windows.Extensions
In addition, the following assemblies were removed from the ASP.NET Core runtime pack:
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents
- System.Drawing.Common
- System.Security.Permissions
- System.Windows.Extensions
Version introduced
ASP.NET Core 6.0
Old behavior
Applications could use APIs provided by these libraries by referencing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App shared framework.
New behavior
If you use APIs from the affected assemblies without having a PackageReference in your project file, you might see run-time errors. For example, an application that uses reflection to access APIs from one of these assemblies without adding an explicit reference to the package will have run-time errors. The PackageReference
ensures that the assemblies are present as part of the application output.
For discussion, see
Reason for change
This change was introduced to reduce the size of the ASP.NET Core shared framework.
Recommended action
To continue using these APIs in your project, add a PackageReference. For example:
<PackageReference Include="System.Security.Permissions" Version="6.0.0" />