Manage the app host in .NET Aspire tests

When writing functional or integration tests with .NET Aspire, managing the app host instance efficiently is crucial. The app host represents the full application environment and can be costly to create and tear down. This article explains how to manage the app host instance in your .NET Aspire tests.

For writing tests with .NET Aspire, you use the 📦 Aspire.Hosting.Testing NuGet package which contains some helper classes to manage the app host instance in your tests.

Use the DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder class

In the tutorial on writing your first test, you were introduced to the DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder class which can be used to create the app host instance:

var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

The DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder.CreateAsync<T> method takes the app host project type as a generic parameter to create the app host instance. While this method is executed at the start of each test, it's more efficient to create the app host instance once and share it across tests as the test suite grows.

With xUnit, you implement the IAsyncLifetime interface on the test class to support asynchronous initialization and disposal of the app host instance. The InitializeAsync method is used to create the app host instance before the tests are run and the DisposeAsync method disposes the app host once the tests are completed.

public class WebTests : IAsyncLifetime
    private DistributedApplication _app;

    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

        _app = await appHost.BuildAsync();

    public async Task DisposeAsync() => await _app.DisposeAsync();

    public async Task GetWebResourceRootReturnsOkStatusCode()
        // test code here

With MSTest, you use the ClassInitializeAttribute and ClassCleanupAttribute on static methods of the test class to provide the initialization and cleanup of the app host instance. The ClassInitialize method is used to create the app host instance before the tests are run and the ClassCleanup method disposes the app host instance once the tests are completed.

public class WebTests
    private static DistributedApplication _app;

    public static async Task ClassInitialize(TestContext context)
       var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

        _app = await appHost.BuildAsync();

    public static async Task ClassCleanup() => await _app.DisposeAsync();

    public async Task GetWebResourceRootReturnsOkStatusCode()
        // test code here

With NUnit, you use the OneTimeSetUp and OneTimeTearDown attributes on methods of the test class to provide the setup and teardown of the app host instance. The OneTimeSetUp method is used to create the app host instance before the tests are run and the OneTimeTearDown method disposes the app host instance once the tests are completed.

public class WebTests
    private DistributedApplication _app;

    public async Task OneTimeSetup()
       var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

        _app = await appHost.BuildAsync();

    public async Task OneTimeTearDown() => await _app.DisposeAsync();

    public async Task GetWebResourceRootReturnsOkStatusCode()
        // test code here

By capturing the app host in a field when the test run is started, you can access it in each test without the need to recreate it, decreasing the time it takes to run the tests. Then, when the test run completes, the app host is disposed, which cleans up any resources that were created during the test run, such as containers.

Pass arguments to your app host

You can access the arguments from your app host with the args parameter. Arguments are also passed to .NET's configuration system, so you can override many configuration settings this way. In the following example, you override the environment by specifying it as a command line option:

var builder = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

Other arguments can be passed to your app host Program and made available in your app host. In the next example, you pass an argument to the app host and use it to control whether you add data volumes to a Postgres instance.

In the app host Program, you use configuration to support enabling or disabling volumes:

var postgres = builder.AddPostgres("postgres1");
if (builder.Configuration.GetValue("UseVolumes", true))

In test code, you pass "UseVolumes=false" in the args to the app host:

public async Task DisableVolumesFromTest()
    // Disable volumes in the test builder via arguments:
    using var builder = await DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder

    // The container will have no volume annotation since we disabled volumes by passing UseVolumes=false
    var postgres = builder.Resources.Single(r => r.Name == "postgres1");


Use the DistributedApplicationFactory class

While the DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder class is useful for many scenarios, there might be situations where you want more control over starting the app host, such as executing code before the builder is created or after the app host is built. In these cases, you implement your own version of the DistributedApplicationFactory class. This is what the DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder uses internally.

public class TestingAspireAppHost()
    : DistributedApplicationFactory(typeof(Projects.AspireApp_AppHost))
    // override methods here

The constructor requires the type of the app host project reference as a parameter. Optionally, you can provide arguments to the underlying host application builder. These arguments control how the app host starts and provide values to the args variable used by the Program.cs file to start the app host instance.

Lifecycle methods

The DistributionApplicationFactory class provides several lifecycle methods that can be overridden to provide custom behavior throughout the preparation and creation of the app host. The available methods are OnBuilderCreating, OnBuilderCreated, OnBuilding, and OnBuilt.

For example, we can use the OnBuilderCreating method to set configuration, such as the subscription and resource group information for Azure, before the app host is created and any dependent Azure resources are provisioned, resulting in our tests using the correct Azure environment.

public class TestingAspireAppHost() : DistributedApplicationFactory(typeof(Projects.AspireApp_AppHost))
    protected override void OnBuilderCreating(DistributedApplicationOptions applicationOptions, HostApplicationBuilderSettings hostOptions)
        hostOptions.Configuration ??= new();
        hostOptions.Configuration["environment"] = "Development";
        hostOptions.Configuration["AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
        hostOptions.Configuration["AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP"] = "my-resource-group";

Because of the order of precedence in the .NET configuration system, the environment variables will be used over anything in the appsettings.json or secrets.json file.

Another scenario you might want to use in the lifecycle is to configure the services used by the app host. In the following example, consider a scenario where you override the OnBuilderCreated API to add resilience to the HttpClient:

protected override void OnBuilderCreated(
    DistributedApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder)
    applicationBuilder.Services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(clientBuilder =>

See also