RPPreviewViewController Class
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
A view controller for previewing and editing a ReplayKit recording.
[Foundation.Register("RPPreviewViewController", true)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public class RPPreviewViewController : UIKit.UIViewController
type RPPreviewViewController = class
inherit UIViewController
- Inheritance
- Attributes
RPPreviewViewController() |
Default constructor, initializes a new instance of this class. |
RPPreviewViewController(IntPtr) |
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime. |
RPPreviewViewController(NSCoder) |
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object. |
RPPreviewViewController(NSObjectFlag) |
Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object. |
RPPreviewViewController(String, NSBundle) |
Creates a new Replay Kit preview controller from the named NIB in the specified |
AccessibilityAssistiveTechnologyFocusedIdentifiers | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityCustomActions |
Allows methods to be added to AccessibilityCustomActions as accessibility-supporting supplementary actions. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityDragSourceDescriptors | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityDropPointDescriptors | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AdditionalSafeAreaInsets |
Gets or sets additional safe area insets to account for app-specific tool bars and other app-specific UI. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets |
Developers should not use this deprecated property. Developers should use 'UIScrollView.ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior' instead. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
AutomaticallyForwardAppearanceAndRotationMethodsToChildViewControllers |
Determines whether the containment events are automatically propagaged to nested view controllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
BottomLayoutGuide |
Developers should not use this deprecated property. Instead, they should use SafeAreaLayoutGuide. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
CanBecomeFirstResponder |
Determines whether this UIREsponder is willing to become the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
CanResignFirstResponder |
Determines whether this UIResponder is willing to give up its first responder status. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ChildViewControllerForHomeIndicatorAutoHidden |
Gets a child view controller for determining whether to display an indicator for returning to the Home screen. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ChildViewControllerForScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures |
Gets the child view controller that has precedence when processing screen edge gestures, if present. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ChildViewControllers |
An array of UIViewControllers that are managed by this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Class | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ClassHandle |
The handle for this class. |
ContentSizeForViewInPopover |
Default content size for popovers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DebugDescription |
A developer-meaningful description of this object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DefinesPresentationContext |
Specifies whether this UIViewController’s View is shown when presenting another UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Description |
Description of the object, the Objective-C version of ToString. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DisablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal |
If |
EdgesForExtendedLayout |
Specifies how the ParentViewController should extend the layout of this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
EditButtonItem |
A UIBarButtonItem that toggles between statees "Edit" and "Done." (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Editing |
ExtendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars |
Whether the extended layout includes opaque bars. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ExtensionContext |
Gets the NSExtensionContext for this view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
FocusItemContainer |
Gets the container for the focus envirnoment's children. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Handle |
Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation. (Inherited from NSObject) |
HidesBottomBarWhenPushed |
Specifies whether the toolbar should be visible when this UIViewController is pushed onto a UINavigationController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
InputAccessoryView |
Custom view that can be attached when the object becomes the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputAccessoryViewController |
Gets the custom accessory UIInputViewController to display when |
InputAssistantItem |
Gets the assistant that will be used to configure the shortcut bar. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputView |
Custom view to display when the object becomes the first responder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputViewController |
Gets the custom UIInputViewController to display when |
InterfaceOrientation |
The current orientation of the interface. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
IsBeingDismissed |
IsBeingPresented |
IsDirectBinding | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsFirstResponder |
Returns whether this UIResponder is the First Responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
IsMovingFromParentViewController |
IsMovingToParentViewController |
IsProxy | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsViewLoaded |
A Boolean indicating whether the View is loaded into memory. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
KeyCommands |
The key commands that should trigger action on this UIResponder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ModalInPopover |
ModalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance |
Whether the UIViewController, when presented modally but non-fullscreen, takes over control of the status bar. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ModalPresentationStyle |
The UIModalPresentationStyle to be used when presenting UIViewControllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ModalTransitionStyle |
The UIModalTransitionStyle to be used by PresentViewController(UIViewController, Boolean, Action). (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ModalViewController |
Controller for the active presented view. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
NavigationController |
The nearest ancestor UINavigationController (Inherited from UIViewController) |
NavigationItem |
A UINavigationItem that represents this UIViewController in its parent’s UINavigationController’s NavigationBar. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
NextResponder |
The next responder on the response chain (Inherited from UIResponder) |
NibBundle |
The NSBundle from which this UIViewController was instantiated. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
NibName |
The name of the nib file from which this UIViewController was instantiated, or |
ParentFocusEnvironment |
Gets the focus environment that contains the current focus environment. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ParentViewController |
The UIViewController that contains this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PasteConfiguration |
The UIPasteConfiguration supported by |
PopoverPresentationController |
Gets the nearest ancestor in the view hierarchy that is a UIPopoverPresentationController or |
PreferredContentSize |
Gets the preferred size for the content of the container. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreferredFocusedView |
If not |
PreferredFocusEnvironments |
An array of IUIFocusEnvironments that are recursively searched by the system to find the default focused view. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures |
Gets the screen edges whose gestures take precedence over system gestures. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation |
The preferred animation style for hiding and showing the status bar. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden |
Gets a Boolean value that tells if it is preferred that the Home indicator be hidden. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PresentationController |
Gets the nearest ancestor in the view hierarchy that is a UIPresentationController or |
PresentedViewController |
The UIViewController that is being presented by this UIViewController or one of |
PresentingViewController |
The UIViewController that is presenting this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreviewActionItems |
Gets the array of IUIPreviewActionItem that are displayed when the user swipes upwards in 3D Touch Preview. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreviewControllerDelegate |
Gets or sets the delegate for the preview controller. |
ProvidesPresentationContextTransitionStyle |
RestorationClass |
The class responsible for restoring application state. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RestorationIdentifier |
Specifies the instance of the UIViewController for restoration. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RestoresFocusAfterTransition |
Gets or sets whether this UIViewController restores focus after being transitioned to. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RetainCount |
Returns the current Objective-C retain count for the object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RotatingFooterView |
The footer view that needs to be transitioned during an interface rotation (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RotatingHeaderView |
The header view that needs to be transitioned during an interface rotation. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SearchDisplayController |
The UISearchDisplayController, if any, associated with this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Self | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ShouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods |
Whether appearance methods should be forwarded to child UIViewControllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ShouldAutomaticallyForwardRotationMethods |
Whether rotation methods should be forwarded to child UIViewControllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SplitViewController |
The nearest ancestor UISplitViewController or |
Storyboard |
The UIStoryboard from which this UIViewController was created, or |
Superclass | (Inherited from NSObject) |
SuperHandle |
Handle used to represent the methods in the base class for this NSObject. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SystemMinimumLayoutMargins |
Gets the root view's minimum layout margins. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TabBarController |
The nearest ancestore UITabBarController or |
TabBarItem |
A UITabBarItem that represents this UIViewController in its parent’s UITabBarController’s TabBar. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TextInputContextIdentifier |
An identifier indicating that this UIResponder should preserve its text input mode information. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TextInputMode |
The text input mode for this UIResponder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Title |
A human-meaningful identifier of this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ToolbarItems |
The array of UIBarButtonItems on a UINavigationController’s Toolbar (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TopLayoutGuide |
Developers should not use this deprecated property. Instead, they should use SafeAreaLayoutGuide. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TraitCollection |
Characteristics of the display, such as it's idiom, scale, and size class. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TransitioningDelegate |
A delegate object that is responsible for producing IUIViewControllerAnimatedTransitionings for custom presentation. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
UndoManager |
The nearest shared NSUndoManager in the responder chain. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
UserActivity |
Action that encapsulates a user activity that is supported by this responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
View |
The view managed by this view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewIfLoaded |
Returns the View if it has been instantiated; otherwise, returns |
ViewRespectsSystemMinimumLayoutMargins |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the view for the view controller respects the minimum layout margins. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WantsFullScreenLayout |
WeakTransitioningDelegate |
The delegate object used to provide controllers for transition animations and interactions. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Zone | (Inherited from NSObject) |
AccessibilityDecrement() |
Tells the accessibility element to decrement the value of its content. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused() |
Indicates that an assistive technology has set its focus to |
AccessibilityElementDidLoseFocus() |
Indicates that an assistive technology has changed its focus from |
AccessibilityElementIsFocused() |
Indicates whether an assistive technology is focused on |
AccessibilityIncrement() |
Tells the accessibility element to increment the value of its content. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityPerformEscape() |
Tells the accessibility system to dismiss a modal popover or hierarchically-displayed element. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityPerformMagicTap() |
Toggles the application-defined "most important state" of the app. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityScroll(UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) |
When overridden, allows the accessibility system to perform scrolling. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Add(UIView) |
This is an alias for AddSubview(UIView), but uses the Add pattern as it allows C# 3.0 constructs to add subviews after creating the object. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
AddChildViewController(UIViewController) |
Adds a UIViewController as a child. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
AddKeyCommand(UIKeyCommand) |
Adds |
AddObserver(NSObject, NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr) |
Registers an object for being observed externally (using NSString keyPath). Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(NSObject, String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr) |
Registers an object for being observed externally (using string keyPath). Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>) |
Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>) |
Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ApplicationFinishedRestoringState() |
Called when object decoding is complete during state restoration. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
AwakeFromNib() |
Called after the object has been loaded from the nib file. Overriders must call base.AwakeFromNib(). (Inherited from NSObject) |
BecomeFirstResponder() |
Request the object to become the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
BeginAppearanceTransition(Boolean, Boolean) |
With EndAppearanceTransition(), tells child UIViewControllers that their UIViews are about to either appear or disappear. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject) |
Invokes asynchrously the specified code on the main UI thread. (Inherited from NSObject) |
BeginRequestWithExtensionContext(NSExtensionContext) |
Method that is called when the host app is about to make a request. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
CanPaste(NSItemProvider[]) |
Gets whether |
CanPerform(Selector, NSObject) |
Determines if this UIResponder can perform the specified action. Typically used to probe for editing commands. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
CanPerformUnwind(Selector, UIViewController, NSObject) |
Specifies whether this UIViewController supports the specific unwind segue (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ChildViewControllerForStatusBarHidden() |
When overridden, returns the UIViewController that determines whether the status bar is hidden or unhidden. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ChildViewControllerForStatusBarStyle() |
When overridden, returns the UIViewController that determines the style of the status bar. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ConformsToProtocol(IntPtr) |
Invoked to determine if this object implements the specified protocol. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Copy() |
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Copy(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Copy" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Cut(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Cut" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
DangerousAutorelease() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DangerousRelease() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DangerousRetain() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DecodeRestorableState(NSCoder) |
With EncodeRestorableState(NSCoder), allows custom state restoration. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Delete(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Delete" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
DidAnimateFirstHalfOfRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation) |
Deprecated function called at end of first-part of two-step rotation animations. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DidChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString) |
Indicates a change occurred to the indexes for a to-many relationship. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidChangeValue(String) |
Indicates that a change occurred on the specified key. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidMoveToParentViewController(UIViewController) |
Called after |
DidReceiveMemoryWarning() |
Called when the system is running low on memory. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DidRotate(UIInterfaceOrientation) |
Called after the UI has rotated. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DidUpdateFocus(UIFocusUpdateContext, UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) |
Indicates that the focus changed as detailed in the |
DismissModalViewController(Boolean) |
Dismisses the modal view controller that was submitted by the receiver. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DismissMoviePlayerViewController() |
Dismisses the MPMoviePlayerViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DismissViewController(Boolean, Action) |
Dismisses the presented view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
DismissViewControllerAsync(Boolean) |
Dismisses the presented view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Dispose() |
Releases the resources used by the NSObject object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Releases the resources used by the RPPreviewViewController object. |
DoesNotRecognizeSelector(Selector) |
Indicates that this object does not recognize the specified selector. (Inherited from NSObject) |
EncodeRestorableState(NSCoder) |
With DecodeRestorableState(NSCoder), allows custom state restoration. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
EncodeTo(NSCoder) |
Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder (Inherited from UIViewController) |
EndAppearanceTransition() |
With BeginAppearanceTransition(Boolean, Boolean), tells child UIViewControllers that their child views have just appeared or disappeared. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Equals(NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetAllowedChildViewControllersForUnwinding(UIStoryboardUnwindSegueSource) |
The array of child UIViewController objects that should be searched to determine if they are the unwind segue destination. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetChildViewControllerContainingSegueSource(UIStoryboardUnwindSegueSource) |
The child UIViewController that is the source of the unwind segue. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetDictionaryOfValuesFromKeys(NSString[]) |
Retrieves the values of the specified keys. (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetEnumerator() |
Returns an enumerator that lists all of the child UIViews (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetHashCode() |
Generates a hash code for the current instance. (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetMethodForSelector(Selector) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetNativeField(String) |
(Inherited from NSObject)
GetNativeHash() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetOverrideTraitCollectionForChildViewController(UIViewController) |
Gets the UITraitCollection for the specified child view controller of this controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetSegueForUnwinding(UIViewController, UIViewController, String) |
Defines the segue to be used between two UIViewControllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetSizeForChildContentContainer(IUIContentContainer, CGSize) |
Gets the size of the content of the specified child IUIContentContainer by using the size of the parent container. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations() |
The orientations supported by this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetTargetForAction(Selector, NSObject) |
Returns the object that responds to an action. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
GetTargetViewControllerForAction(Selector, NSObject) |
Gets the view controller for the specified action and sender. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
GetViewControllerForUnwind(Selector, UIViewController, NSObject) |
Used for searching child UIViewControllers for a specific unwind segue. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Init() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InitializeHandle(IntPtr, String) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InitializeHandle(IntPtr) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Invoke(Action, Double) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Invoke(Action, TimeSpan) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InvokeOnMainThread(Action) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject) |
Invokes synchrously the specified code on the main UI thread. (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsEqual(NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsKindOfClass(Class) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsMemberOfClass(Class) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
LoadView() |
Initializes the View property. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
LoadViewIfNeeded() |
If necessary, synchronously loads the View from a Storyboard or NIB. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
MakeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight(NSObject) |
Sets the direction in which text is written to be left-to-right. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MakeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft(NSObject) |
Sets the direction in which text is written to be right-to-left. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MarkDirty() |
Promotes a regular peer object (IsDirectBinding is true) into a toggleref object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
MotionBegan(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) |
Method invoked when a motion (a shake) has started. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MotionCancelled(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) |
Method invoked if the operating system cancels a motion (shake) event. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MotionEnded(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) |
Method invoked when a motion (shake) has finished. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MutableCopy() |
Creates a mutable copy of the specified NSObject. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) |
Indicates that the value at the specified keyPath relative to this object has changed. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Paste(NSItemProvider[]) |
Called to perform a paste operation from . (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Paste(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Paste" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PerformSegue(String, NSObject) |
Performs the specified UIStoryboardSegue. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double, NSString[]) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double) |
Invokes the selector on the current instance and if the |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean, NSString[]) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PreferredContentSizeDidChangeForChildContentContainer(IUIContentContainer) |
Notifies this controller that the preferred size for content for a specified child container has changed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation() |
The orientation that best displays the content of this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PreferredStatusBarStyle() |
The preferred UIStatusBarStyle for this UIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PrefersStatusBarHidden() |
Whether this UIViewController prefers the status bar to be hidden. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PrepareForInterfaceBuilder() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PrepareForSegue(UIStoryboardSegue, NSObject) |
Informs the application that a UIStoryboardSegue is about to be executed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PresentModalViewController(UIViewController, Boolean) |
Application developers should use PresentViewController(UIViewController, Boolean, Action) instead of this deprecated method. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PresentMoviePlayerViewController(MPMoviePlayerViewController) |
Displays a movie controller using the standard transition. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PresentViewController(UIViewController, Boolean, Action) |
Modally presents a view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PresentViewControllerAsync(UIViewController, Boolean) |
Modally presents a view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
PressesBegan(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) |
Indicates that a physical button has been pressed on a remote or game controller. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PressesCancelled(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) |
Indicates a physical button-press event has been cancelled due to a system event. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PressesChanged(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) |
Indicates that the Force value of the |
PressesEnded(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) |
Indicates the ending of a press of a physical button on a remote or game controller. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RegisterForPreviewingWithDelegate(IUIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate, UIView) |
Registers this view controller for 3D Touch peek and pop operations. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ReloadInputViews() |
Updates custom input and accessory views when this object is the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RemoteControlReceived(UIEvent) |
Indicates that a remote-control event was received. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RemoveFromParentViewController() |
Removes this UIViewController from its ParentViewControllerUIViewController. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RemoveKeyCommand(UIKeyCommand) |
Removes a previously-added hardware-keyboard accelerator. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString, IntPtr) |
Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString) |
Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String, IntPtr) |
Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String) |
Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ResignFirstResponder() |
Called when this UIResponder has been asked to resign its first responder status. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RespondsToSelector(Selector) |
Whether this object recognizes the specified selector. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RestoreUserActivityState(NSUserActivity) |
Restores the state that is necessary for continuance of the specified user activity. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Select(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Select" editing operation.|b (Inherited from UIResponder) |
SelectAll(NSObject) |
Indicates a "Select All" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
SetEditing(Boolean, Boolean) |
Turns editing mode on or off. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetNativeField(String, NSObject) |
(Inherited from NSObject)
SetNeedsFocusUpdate() |
When |
SetNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate() |
Notifies the system that the attributes of the status bar have been changed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden() |
Controls whether the developer's view controller should display the indicator for returning to the Home screen.. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetNeedsUpdateOfScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures() |
Changes the screen edges whose gestures take precedence over system gestures. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetNilValueForKey(NSString) |
Sets the value of the specified key to null. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetOverrideTraitCollection(UITraitCollection, UIViewController) |
Sets the UITraitCollection object for the specified child view controller of this controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetToolbarItems(UIBarButtonItem[], Boolean) |
Adds UIBarButtonItems to the UIToolbar (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SetValueForKey(NSObject, NSString) |
Sets the value of the property specified by the key to the specified value. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForKeyPath(IntPtr, NSString) |
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForKeyPath(NSObject, NSString) |
Sets the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForUndefinedKey(NSObject, NSString) |
Indicates an attempt to write a value to an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValuesForKeysWithDictionary(NSDictionary) |
Sets the values of this NSObject to those in the specified dictionary. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ShouldAutorotate() |
Turns auto-rotation on or off. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientation) |
ShouldPerformSegue(String, NSObject) |
Whether the segue should be performed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ShouldUpdateFocus(UIFocusUpdateContext) |
Called prior to the |
ShowDetailViewController(UIViewController, NSObject) |
Shows this view controller in a detail context. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ShowViewController(UIViewController, NSObject) |
Shows this view controller. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
SystemLayoutFittingSizeDidChangeForChildContentContainer(IUIContentContainer) |
Notifies this container that auto layout resized a specified child container. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ToggleBoldface(NSObject) |
Toggles the use of a bold font. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToggleItalics(NSObject) |
Toggles the use of an italic font. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToggleUnderline(NSObject) |
Toggles the use of underlining. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToString() |
Returns a string representation of the value of the current instance. (Inherited from NSObject) |
TouchesBegan(NSSet, UIEvent) |
Sent when one or more fingers touches the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesCancelled(NSSet, UIEvent) |
Sent when the touch processing has been cancelled. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesEnded(NSSet, UIEvent) |
Sent when one or more fingers are lifted from the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated(NSSet) |
Called when the estimated properties of |
TouchesMoved(NSSet, UIEvent) |
Sent when one or more fingers move on the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TraitCollectionDidChange(UITraitCollection) |
Method invoked when the trait collection for the view controller changed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
Transition(UIViewController, UIViewController, Double, UIViewAnimationOptions, Action, UICompletionHandler) |
Used for transitioning between two view controller's child view controllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
TransitionAsync(UIViewController, UIViewController, Double, UIViewAnimationOptions, Action) |
Used for transitioning between two view controller's child view controllers. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
UnregisterForPreviewingWithContext(IUIViewControllerPreviewing) |
Stops |
Unwind(UIStoryboardSegue, UIViewController) |
Called during an unwind segue on any UIViewController objects in the unwind path. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
UpdateFocusIfNeeded() |
If any focus environment has a pending update, this method forces an immediate focus update. Unlike SetNeedsFocusUpdate(), this method may be called by any UIViewController, whether it currently contains focus or not. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
UpdateUserActivityState(NSUserActivity) |
Updates a given user activity state. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
UpdateViewConstraints() |
Called when the UIViewController needs to recalculate its layout constraints. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ValueForKey(NSString) |
Returns the value of the property associated with the specified key. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ValueForKeyPath(NSString) |
Returns the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ValueForUndefinedKey(NSString) |
Indicates an attempt to read a value of an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ViewDidAppear(Boolean) |
Called after the View is added to the view hierarchy. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewDidDisappear(Boolean) |
This method is called after the UIViewthat is |
ViewDidLayoutSubviews() |
Called after the View has laid out its subviews. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewDidLoad() |
Called after the controller’s View is loaded into memory. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewDidUnload() |
In iOS 6 and later, this method is never called. In prior versions it was called when the controller’s view was released from memory. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewLayoutMarginsDidChange() |
Method that is called when the layout margins for the view are changed. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange() |
Method that is called when the safe area insets are changed by size changes to system bars or by changes to the AdditionalSafeAreaInsets property. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewWillAppear(Boolean) |
Called prior to the View being added to the view hierarchy. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewWillDisappear(Boolean) |
This method is called prior to the removal of the UIViewthat is this UIViewController’s View from the display UIView hierarchy. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewWillLayoutSubviews() |
Called before the View lays out its subviews. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewWillTransitionToSize(CGSize, IUIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) |
For UIViewController objects that are part of an app extension, called prior to the View being resized. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
ViewWillUnload() |
In iOS 6 and later, this method is never called. In prior versions it was called prior to the controller’s view was released from memory. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WillAnimateFirstHalfOfRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double) |
Deprecated method sent during the first half of a rotation. Application developers should instead use WillAnimateRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double). (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WillAnimateRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double) |
Called prior to a one-step interface rotation. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WillAnimateSecondHalfOfRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double) |
Deprecated method sent during the second half of a rotation. Application developers should instead use WillAnimateRotation(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double). (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WillChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString) |
Indicates that the values of the specified indices in the specified key are about to change. (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillChangeValue(String) |
Indicates that the value of the specified key is about to change. (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillMoveToParentViewController(UIViewController) |
Called prior to adding or removing |
WillRotate(UIInterfaceOrientation, Double) |
Called prior to a user interface rotation. (Inherited from UIViewController) |
WillTransitionToTraitCollection(UITraitCollection, IUIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) |
Notifies |