Available exam accommodations and associated documentation requirements
Available accommodations
All accommodations listed below must be requested before scheduling your exam unless otherwise noted. Only requests for extra time and to have another adult present in the testing area require documentation to verify your need for that accommodation to ensure no unfair advantage is provided and to maintain the integrity of the assessment experience. It's a bit inconvenient, but we're committed to a fair and valid exam experience.
Accommodation | Verification Documentation required for test center | Verification Documentation required for online proctoring | Why do you need to request this accommodation in advance? |
Extra time | Yes | Yes | Adding extra time requires a reconfiguration of the exam. Note: Microsoft has added 5 minutes to exam time for unscheduled breaks. You do not need to request an accommodation for this time to be added. Visit Unscheduled breaks on exams. |
Reader and Reader/Recorder | Yes | Yes | Extra time will be provided. For test center deliveries, you’ll test in a separate room. For online deliveries, the proctors need to know that another adult will be in the room. |
Personal Care Assistant (PCA) | No | Yes | For test center deliveries, you’ll test in a separate room. For online deliveries, the proctors need to know that another adult may enter the room. |
Ability to read aloud | No | No | In test centers, this is a distraction to others, so you’ll be given a separate room. For online deliveries, the proctors need to know you’ll be reading aloud. |
Moving during the exam, including fidgeting | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. For online deliveries, you may move around within your work area if your face stays in view of the camera and all prohibited items remain out of arm’s reach. If you need to leave your work area or the view of the camera, initiate a break. | In test centers, this may be a distraction to others, so you’ll test in a separate room. |
Noise cancelling headphones with Bluetooth | No | No | Proctors will inspect the headphones to ensure Bluetooth has been disabled. |
Screen Reader Software (i.e., Dragon Speak (STT), JAWS, or NVDA) | No | No | The exam must be configured to allow this software to run. At test centers, you’ll be provided with a separate room. For online deliveries, the proctor must be aware that audio will occur during the exam. NOTE the availability of the screen reading software varies by modality: - Test Centers: JAWS may be available depending on the test center location. - Online Exams: JAWS, NVDA, ZoomText Reader, and Windows Narrator |
Sign Language Interpreter | No | No | For test center deliveries, you’ll test in a separate room if the sign language interpreter is needed during the exam. If they are only needed for the check-in and exit process, you may test in the primary testing area. For online deliveries, the proctors need to know that another adult may be in the room with you. |
ZoomText (Screen Mag Only) | No | No | The exam must be configured to allow this software to run. |
Wheelchair Accessible Test Center | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. | Not all test centers are wheelchair accessible. |
Adjustable Workstation | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. | Not all test centers have adjustable workstations. |
Sit/Stand | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. | Not all test centers have a sit/stand desk, and this requires a separate room. |
Additional lighting | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. | At test centers, you may require a separate room. |
Chewing gum | No | N/A. No advance notice is required. | In test centers, this is a distraction to others, so you’ll test in a separate room. |
Other | Yes | Yes | Anything not expected under typical exam conditions requires an accommodation so the proctor is aware something will be different, so others are not distracted, and to ensure any changes to the exam configuration are available during delivery. |
Ways to verify your accommodation needs
For accommodations that require verification (extra time and having another adult in the testing area), please provide one (1) of the following forms of information when requesting accommodations. A formal diagnosis is not required to verify your need.
Proof of past accommodations, such as:
- Previous testing or training accommodations
- Workplace accommodations related to the request
School/education related accommodation records, such as:
- Records showing participation in special education services (e.g., an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 plan, etc.)
- Note from an educator or school administrator on school letterhead describing accommodations provided to you in school or that establishes your needs.
Proof of other accommodations, such as:
- Accommodations provided by government or public entities (e.g., access to public transportation for a physical disability)
- Accommodations provided at a conference, convention, or similar event.
Letter from your manager, supervisor, teacher, or similar who can confirm your need for the accommodation.
- This form is optional and intended to assist with this type of request.
Professional evaluations, such as:
- Letter or written recommendation from your health professional (e.g., physician, therapist, mental health counselor, psychologist, naturopath, etc.) The optional WWL Healthcare Provider Form can be used as a template for your health care professional.
- Results of psycho-educational or other professional evaluations
- Evidence of treatment, such as a prescription.
Other documentation.
- If you have something not listed here that demonstrates your need for the requested accommodation, please provide it. It doesn’t have to be a formal diagnosis or documentation. Our disability experts will let you know if they need additional information to reach a decision.
If you don’t have any of the above, please contact the Microsoft Exam Accommodations Support team for additional support verifying your need.
Available Assistive Technologies
The following AT is supported for OnVUE deliveries with approved accommodation:
- Dragon Professional Individual version 15 and later
- Fusion 2023 and later
- JAWS 2023 and later
- ZoomText Magnifier 2023 and later
- ZoomText Magnifier/Reader 2023 and later
- NVDA 2024 and later
- Windows Magnifier on Windows 10 and Windows 11
- Windows Narrator on Windows 10
Note: Narrator is technically supported by Pearson, but presents security issues and currently does not provide a good user experience. - Mac Zoom on MacOS 13 (Ventura), MacOS 14 (Sonoma), MacOS 15
- SuperNova 23.01 or later
The following AT is supported for Pearson VUE Test Centers with approved accommodation:
- Fusion 2023 and later
- JAWS 2023 and later
- ZoomText Magnifier 2023 and later
- Dragon Professional Individual version 15 on Windows 10
- Fusion 2022 and 2023
- JAWS 2022 and 2023
- ZoomText Magnifier 2022 and 2023
- ZoomText Magnifier/Reader 2022 and 2023
- NVDA 2021, 2022, and 2023
- Windows Magnifier on Windows 10
- Windows Narrator on Windows 10
- Mac Zoom on MacOS 12 (Monterey), MacOS 13 (Ventura), MacOS 14 (Sonoma)
Allowed Items
For testing centers, some types of equipment, such as hearing aids and inhalers don’t require pre-approval. It may be necessary for test center staff to inspect these items before you bring them into the testing room. For a full list, review Microsoft’s Allowed Items List.
You don’t need to request an accommodation for pets, service animals, or comfort animals to be present during online exams. However, only service animals are permitted in test centers; comfort animals are not. No advance notice is required.
You don’t need to request an accommodation to have a beverage during an online proctored exam if it’s in a transparent spill-proof container. However, beverages aren't allowed in most test centers (to avoid spills, damage, and distraction). Be sure to ask in advance.
You don’t need to request an accommodation for most medical supplies unless they require a connection to a cell phone or other monitoring device. If they do, you will need to submit a request if a cell phone must be within view.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact the Pearson VUE accommodations team to learn more. If you’ve contacted Pearson VUE but need additional assistance with accommodations, please contact the Microsoft Exam Accommodations Support team.
English as a second language
If the exam is not available in your native language, use the English as a Second Language form to request additional time to read and answer the questions. If the exam is available in your native language, you may take the exam in a different language; however, you will not be given extra exam time to do so.
As part of the request process, you will need to attach a letter from an instructor or employer or complete this form that verifies English is your second language.