Concurrency::direct3d namespace functions (AMP)
Header: amp.h
Namespace: Concurrency
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
inline int abs(int _X) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Return Value
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Computes the value of the first specified argument clamped to a range defined by the second and third specified arguments.
inline float clamp(
float _X,
float _Min,
float _Max) restrict(amp);
inline int clamp(
int _X,
int _Min,
int _Max) restrict(amp);
The value to be clamped.
The lower bound of the clamping range.
The upper bound of the clamping range.
Return Value
The clamped value of _X
Counts the number of set bits in _X
inline unsigned int countbits(unsigned int _X) restrict(amp);
Unsigned integer value
Return Value
Returns the number of set bits in _X
Creates an accelerator_view object from a pointer to a Direct3D device interface.
accelerator_view create_accelerator_view(
IUnknown * _D3D_device,
queuing_mode _Qmode = queuing_mode_automatic);
accelerator_view create_accelerator_view(
accelerator& _Accelerator,
bool _Disable_timeout,
queuing_mode _Qmode = queuing_mode_automatic);
The accelerator on which the new accelerator_view is to be created.
The pointer to the Direct3D device interface.
A Boolean parameter that specifies whether timeout should be disabled for the newly created accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation and is used to indicate if the operating system should allow workloads that take more than 2 seconds to execute without resetting the device per the Windows timeout detection and recovery mechanism. Use of this flag is recommended if you need to perform time consuming tasks on the accelerator_view.
The queuing_mode to be used for the newly created accelerator_view. This parameter has a default value of queuing_mode_automatic
Return Value
The accelerator_view
object created from the passed Direct3D device interface.
This function creates a new accelerator_view
object from an existing pointer to a Direct3D device interface. If the function call succeeds, the reference count of the parameter is incremented by means of an AddRef
call to the interface. You can safely release the object when it is no longer required in your DirectX code. If the method call fails, a runtime_exception is thrown.
The accelerator_view
object that you create by using this function is thread safe. You must synchronize concurrent use of the accelerator_view
object. Unsynchronized concurrent usage of the accelerator_view
object and the raw ID3D11Device interface causes undefined behavior.
The C++ AMP runtime provides detailed error information in debug mode by using the D3D Debug layer if you use the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG
Acquire a lock on an accelerator_view for the purpose of safely performing D3D operations on resources shared with the accelerator_view. The accelerator_view and all C++ AMP resources associated with this accelerator_view internally take this lock when performing operations and will block while another thread holds the D3D access lock. This lock is non-recursive: It is undefined behavior to call this function from a thread that already holds the lock. It is undefined behavior to perform operations on the accelerator_view or any data container associated with the accelerator_view from the thread that holds the D3D access lock. See also scoped_d3d_access_lock, a RAII-style class for a scope-based D3D access lock.
void __cdecl d3d_access_lock(accelerator_view& _Av);
The accelerator_view to lock.
Attempt to acquire the D3D access lock on an accelerator_view without blocking.
bool __cdecl d3d_access_try_lock(accelerator_view& _Av);
The accelerator_view to lock.
Return Value
true if the lock was acquired, or false if it is currently held by another thread.
Release the D3D access lock on the given accelerator_view. If the calling thread does not hold the lock on the accelerator_view the results are undefined.
void __cdecl d3d_access_unlock(accelerator_view& _Av);
The accelerator_view for which the lock is to be released.
Gets the location of the first set bit in _X
, beginning with the highest-order bit and moving towards the lowest-order bit.
inline int firstbithigh(int _X) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Return Value
The location of the first set bit.
Gets the location of the first set bit in _X
, beginning with the lowest-order bit and working toward the highest-order bit.
inline int firstbitlow(int _X) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Return Value
Returns The location of the first set bit.
Get the Direct3D buffer interface underlying the specified array.
typename value_type,
int _Rank
IUnknown *get_buffer(
const array<value_type, _Rank>& _Array);
The type of elements in the array.
The rank of the array.
An array on a Direct3D accelerator_view for which the underlying Direct3D buffer interface is returned.
Return Value
The IUnknown interface pointer corresponding to the Direct3D buffer underlying the array.
Get the D3D device interface underlying a accelerator_view.
IUnknown* get_device(const accelerator_view Av);
The D3D accelerator_view for which the underlying D3D device interface is returned.
Return value
The IUnknown
interface pointer of the D3D device underlying the accelerator_view.
Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments.
inline int imax(
int _X,
int _Y) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Integer value
Return Value
Return the maximum numeric value of the arguments.
Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments.
inline int imin(
int _X,
int _Y) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Integer value
Return Value
Return the minimum numeric value of the arguments.
Returns a boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation.
bool __cdecl is_timeout_disabled(const accelerator_view& _Accelerator_view);
The accelerator_view for which the timeout disabled setting is to be queried.
Return Value
A boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view.
Computes the product of the first and second specified argument, then adds the third specified argument.
inline float mad(
float _X,
float _Y,
float _Z) restrict(amp);
inline double mad(
double _X,
double _Y,
double _Z) restrict(amp);
inline int mad(
int _X,
int _Y,
int _Z) restrict(amp);
inline unsigned int mad(
unsigned int _X,
unsigned int _Y,
unsigned int _Z) restrict(amp);
The first specified argument.
The second specified argument.
The third specified argument.
Return Value
The result of _X
* _Y
+ _Z
Create an array from a Direct3D buffer interface pointer.
typename value_type,
int _Rank
array<value_type, _Rank> make_array(
const extent<_Rank>& _Extent,
const Concurrency::accelerator_view& _Rv,
IUnknown* _D3D_buffer);
The element type of the array to be created.
The rank of the array to be created.
An extent that describes the shape of the array aggregate.
A D3D accelerator view on which the array is to be created.
IUnknown interface pointer of the D3D buffer to create the array from.
Return Value
An array created using the provided Direct3D buffer.
Generates a random value using the Perlin noise algorithm.
inline float noise(float _X) restrict(amp);
Floating-point value from which to generate Perlin noise.
Return Value
Returns the Perlin noise value within a range between -1 and 1.
Converts _X
from degrees to radians.
inline float radians(float _X) restrict(amp);
Floating-point value
Return Value
Returns _X
converted from degrees to radians.
Computes the reciprocal of the specified argument by using a fast approximation.
inline float rcp(float _X) restrict(amp);
inline double rcp(double _X) restrict(amp);
The value for which to compute the reciprocal.
Return Value
The reciprocal of the specified argument.
Reverses the order of the bits in _X
inline unsigned int reversebits(unsigned int _X) restrict(amp);
Unsigned integer value
Return Value
Returns the value with the bit order reversed in _X
Clamps _X
within the range of 0 to 1.
inline float saturate(float _X) restrict(amp);
Floating-point value
Return Value
Returns _X
clamped within the range of 0 to 1.
Determines the sign of the specified argument.
inline int sign(int _X) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Return Value
The sign of the argument.
Returns a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1, if _X
is in the range [_Min, _Max].
inline float smoothstep(
float _Min,
float _Max,
float _X) restrict(amp);
Floating-point value
Floating-point value
Floating-point value
Return Value
Returns 0 if _X
is less than _Min; 1 if _X
is greater than _Max; otherwise, a value between 0 and 1 if _X
is in the range [_Min, _Max].
Compares two values, returning 0 or 1 based on which value is greater.
inline float step(
float _Y,
float _X) restrict(amp);
Floating-point value
Floating-point value
Return Value
Returns 1 if the _X
is greater than or equal to _Y
; otherwise, 0.
Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments.
inline unsigned int umax(
unsigned int _X,
unsigned int _Y) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Integer value
Return Value
Return the maximum numeric value of the arguments.
Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments.
inline unsigned int umin(
unsigned int _X,
unsigned int _Y) restrict(amp);
Integer value
Integer value
Return Value
Return the minimum numeric value of the arguments.