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az spring-cloud


This reference is part of the spring-cloud extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.45.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az spring-cloud command. Learn more about extensions.

The command group has been deprecated and will be removed in Nov. 2022. We recommend that you upgrade to the new 'spring' command group by installing the 'spring' extension: run az extension add -n spring. For more information, please visit:

Commands to manage Azure Spring Cloud.


Name Description Type Status
az spring-cloud api-portal

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage API portal in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal clear

Clear all settings of API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain

Commands to manage custom domains for API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain bind

Bind a custom domain with the API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain list

List all custom domains of the API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain show

Show details of a custom domain.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain unbind

Unbind a custom-domain of the API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal custom-domain update

Update a custom domain of the API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal show

Show the settings, provisioning status and runtime status of API portal.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud api-portal update

Update an existing API portal properties.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud app

Commands to manage apps in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app-insights

Commands to management Application Insights in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app-insights show

Show Application Insights settings.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app-insights update

Update Application Insights settings.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app append-loaded-public-certificate

Append a new loaded public certificate to an app in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app append-persistent-storage

Append a new persistent storage to an app in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding

Commands to manage bindings with Azure Data Services, you need to manually restart app to make settings take effect.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding cosmos

Commands to manage Azure Cosmos DB bindings.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding cosmos add

Bind an Azure Cosmos DB with the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding cosmos update

Update an Azure Cosmos DB service binding of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding list

List all service bindings in an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding mysql

Commands to manage Azure Database for MySQL bindings.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding mysql add

Bind an Azure Database for MySQL with the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding mysql update

Update an Azure Database for MySQL service binding of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding redis

Commands to manage Azure Cache for Redis bindings.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding redis add

Bind an Azure Cache for Redis with the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding redis update

Update an Azure Cache for Redis service binding of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding remove

Remove a service binding of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app binding show

Show the details of a service binding.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app create

Create a new app with a default deployment in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain

Commands to manage custom domains.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain bind

Bind a custom domain with the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain list

List all custom domains of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain show

Show details of a custom domain.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain unbind

Unbind a custom-domain of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app custom-domain update

Update a custom domain of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app delete

Delete an app in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deploy

Deploy source code or pre-built binary to an app and update related configurations.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment

Commands to manage life cycle of deployments of an app in Azure Spring Cloud. More operations on deployments can be done on app level with parameter --deployment. e.g. az spring-cloud app deploy --deployment .

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment create

Create a staging deployment for the app. To deploy code or update setting to an existing deployment, use az spring-cloud app deploy/update --deployment <staging deployment>.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment delete

Delete a deployment of the app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment generate-heap-dump

Generate a heap dump of your target app instance to given file path.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment generate-thread-dump

Generate a thread dump of your target app instance to given file path.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment list

List all deployments in an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment show

Show details of a deployment.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app deployment start-jfr

Start a JFR on your target app instance to given file path.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app identity

Manage an app's managed identities.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app identity assign

Enable system-assigned managed identity or assign user-assigned managed identities to an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app identity force-set

Force set managed identities on an app.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud app identity remove

Remove managed identity from an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app identity show

Display app's managed identity info.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app list

List all apps in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app logs

Show logs of an app instance, logs will be streamed when setting '-f/--follow'.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app restart

Restart instances of the app, default to production deployment.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app scale

Manually scale an app or its deployments.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app set-deployment

Set production deployment of an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app show

Show the details of an app in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app show-deploy-log

Show build log of the last deploy, only apply to source code deploy, default to production deployment.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app start

Start instances of the app, default to production deployment.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app stop

Stop instances of the app, default to production deployment.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app unset-deployment

Unset production deployment of an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud app update

Update configurations of an app.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage Application Configuration Service in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service bind

Bind an app to Application Configuration Service.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service clear

Reset all Application Configuration Service settings.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git

Commands to manage Application Configuration Service git property in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git repo

Commands to manage Application Configuration Service git repository in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git repo add

Add a Git property to the Application Configuration Service settings.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git repo list

List all Git settings of Application Configuration Service.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git repo remove

Delete an existing Git property from the Application Configuration Service settings.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service git repo update

Update an existing Git property in the Application Configuration Service settings.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service show

Show the provisioning status, runtime status, and settings of Application Configuration Service.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud application-configuration-service unbind

Unbind an app from Application Configuration Service.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage build service in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage builder of build service.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage buildpack-binding of builder.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding create

(Enterprise Tier Only) Create a buildpack binding.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding delete

(Enterprise Tier Only) Delete a buildpack binding.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding list

(Enterprise Tier Only) List all buildpack binding in a builder. The secrets will be masked.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding set

(Enterprise Tier Only) Set a buildpack binding.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder buildpack-binding show

(Enterprise Tier Only) Show a buildpack binding. The secrets will be masked.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder create

Create a builder.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder delete

Delete a builder.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder show

Show a builder.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud build-service builder update

Update a builder.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate

Commands to manage certificates.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate add

Add a certificate in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate list

List all certificates in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate list-reference-app

List all the apps reference an existing certificate in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate remove

Remove a certificate in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud certificate show

Show a certificate in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server

(Support Standard Tier and Basic Tier) Commands to manage Config Server in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server clear

Erase all settings in Config Server.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git

Commands to manage Config Server git property in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git repo

Commands to manage Config Server git repository in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git repo add

Add a new repository of git property of Config Server.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git repo list

List all repositories of git property of Config Server.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git repo remove

Remove an existing repository of git property of Config Server.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git repo update

Override an existing repository of git property of Config Server, will totally override the old one.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server git set

Set git property of Config Server, will totally override the old one.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server set

Set Config Server from a yaml file.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud config-server show

Show Config Server.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage gateway in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway clear

Clear all settings of gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain

Commands to manage custom domains for gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain bind

Bind a custom domain with the gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain list

List all custom domains of the gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain show

Show details of a custom domain.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain unbind

Unbind a custom-domain of the gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway custom-domain update

Update a custom domain of the gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config

Commands to manage gateway route configs in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config create

Create a gateway route config with routing rules of Json array format.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config list

List all existing gateway route configs.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config remove

Delete an existing gateway route config.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config show

Get an existing gateway route config.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway route-config update

Update an existing gateway route config with routing rules of Json array format.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway show

Show the settings, provisioning status and runtime status of gateway.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud gateway update

Update an existing gateway properties.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud service-registry

(Enterprise Tier Only) Commands to manage Service Registry in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud service-registry bind

Bind an app to Service Registry.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud service-registry show

Show the provisioning status and runtime status of Service Registry.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud service-registry unbind

Unbind an app from Service Registry.

Extension Preview and Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage

Commands to manage Storages in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage add

Create a new storage in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage list

List all existing storages in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage list-persistent-storage

List all the persistent storages related to an existing storage in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage remove

Remove an existing storage in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage show

Get an existing storage in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud storage update

Update an existing storage in the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud test-endpoint

Commands to manage test endpoint in Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud test-endpoint disable

Disable test endpoint of the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud test-endpoint enable

Enable test endpoint of the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud test-endpoint list

List test endpoint keys of the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated
az spring-cloud test-endpoint renew-key

Regenerate a test-endpoint key for the Azure Spring Cloud.

Extension Deprecated