Use Method D v2.0 break glass access

Break glass access using Method D v2.0 is a streamlined approach for administrators to grant secure, emergency access to critical network fabric devices. This guide walks you through setting up and using break glass access, including generating SSH keys, granting permissions, and accessing network fabric devices.

Generating SSH Keys using the Nexusidentity Azure CLI

To start with break glass Identity and Access Management (IAM) configuration, you need to set up SSH keys using the Nexusidentity extension. Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed and updated.


  • Setup Method D v2.0 using as referred in article.
  • Windows machine with PowerShell or Linux machine with bash terminal.
  • OpenSSH: Version 9.4 or higher.
  • Python: Version 3.11 or higher (64-bit).
  • Azure CLI: Version 2.61 or higher (64-bit).
  • Managednetworkfabric extension: 7.0.0
  • Nexusidentity extension: 1.0.0b4 or higher.
  • YubiKey firmware version: Must be 5.2.3 or higher.
  • Enable Long paths: - Windows long paths support must be enabled Refer.
  • Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) version: 1.31.2b1
  • azure-mgmt-resource: 23.1.1

Steps to install Nexusidentity extension and generate SSH keys

  1. Enabling long paths (Windows OS only)
  • Run the following PowerShell as an administrator.

    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
  • Close the PowerShell terminal.

  1. Open PowerShell: (Windows OS only)


Use non-admin mode for this process.

  1. Update Azure CLI:

    • Run the following command to update Azure CLI to the latest version:

      az upgrade
  2. Install Nexusidentity extension:

    • To add the Nexusidentity extension

      az extension add --name nexusidentity
  3. Generate SSH Keys with Nexusidentity extension:

    a. Download the Yubico Key Manager to reset your YubiKey for initial setup.

    b. Attach your YubiKey to your computer.

    c. Log in to Azure with:

    az login

    d. Run the following command to generate SSH keys:

    az nexusidentity gen-keys


    Method Dv2.0 passkeys require the YubiKey hardware token with a firmware version of 5.2.3 or higher.

    e. During this process:

    • If prompted to overwrite keys in token, press Enter.

    • Select the Security Key in the popup window and follow the prompts.

    • Enter your YubiKey PIN and touch the device when prompted.

    • If prompted to overwrite keys- press Enter

    • If prompted to enter a passphrase, press Enter.

    f. After successful key generation, you should see:

       Successfully uploaded public key to Microsoft Entra Id account {user.mail}

Granting break-glass permissions to an Entra user on a Network Fabric

To enable break glass access, administrator can assign below roles to Entra users on a Network Fabric device.

  • Nexus Network Fabric Service Reader:

    • Allows the user to execute show commands on fabric devices.

    • Doesn't permit access to configuration mode.

  • Nexus Network Fabric Service Writer:

    • Allows show commands and commands to modify the running configuration.

Once these roles are assigned, the corresponding username and public SSH key are automatically provisioned across all devices within the designated fabric instance.


If a subscription owner assigns an user, the Network Fabric Service Reader or Writer role at the subscription scope, this role assignment will be inherited by all Network Fabric instances. Consequently, the user will be granted the privileges associated with the built-in role across all Network Fabric instances.


break glass user accounts are reconciled every 4 hours. For immediate reconciliation, open a support ticket with the network fabric support team.

Break-glass access to Network Fabric device

Once permissions are granted, users can access network fabric devices with their FIDO-2 hardware token (for example, YubiKey). Follow these steps to use break glass access.

  1. Prepare for access:

    • Make sure your FIDO-2 hardware token is plugged into your computer.
  2. Use SSH with the -J option:

    • The -J option enables you to log in through a jump server and access a fabric device directly. This process involves authentication first with the jump server and then with the fabric device using SSH keys.

    Use the following command format to access a fabric device:

    ssh -J JumpBoxUsername@JumpBoxIp EntraUsername@FabricDeviceIP


This command establishes a secure connection, using the jump server as an intermediary for authentication.