How to deploy a CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm environment using the CLI
Prerequisites: Users will need to install the Azure CLI and Git. They will then need to sign into or set their Azure subscription.
- Clone the Azure CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm on the latest stable release
latest=$(curl -s | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*)(?=")')
echo "cloning on $latest"
git clone --depth 1 --branch $latest
Copy the content of the UI definition file
Browse to the UI Definition Sandbox:
- For Azure Public Cloud Azure Public Portal
- For Azure US Gov Azure US Gov Portal
Paste the content of the UI Definition file into the multiline text box in the right,
Preview >>
in the bottom-left corner. This will bring up a UI experience.Proceed through each page of the UI flow to ensure that necessary values populate in the output payload described in the next step,
Proceed with the UI flow to the
Review + create
page and then click the link labeledView outputs payload
adjacent to theCreate
button. This will generate a pane with JSON-formatted text in its body on the right-hand side of the browser window,Copy the JSON-formatted text into a local JSON file,
Save it as
and make note of the path to it. This is what we call the Parameters File for the deployment,Open the shell of choice and navigate to the folder/directory that contains the
repository cloned above,Accept the terms of the Cycle image plan:
az vm image terms accept --urn azurecyclecloud:azure-cyclecloud:cyclecloud8-gen2:latest
- Run the following deployment command in shell. Substitutions should be made for fields with square brackets (be sure to delete brackets). The instructions below assume that the current directory is as described in the previous step,
az deployment sub create --template-file ./cyclecloud-slurm-workspace/bicep/mainTemplate.bicep --parameters parameters.json --location [ANY AZURE LOCATION E.G. eastus] --name [OPTIONAL BUT HELPFUL, DELETE IF UNUSED]
- Wait until the shell indicates that the deployment was successful. One can also track the progress of the deployment in the Azure Portal by navigating to the resource group indicated in the UI, selecting
from the Settings dropdown menu on the left-hand side menu, and checking the Status of the Deployment Name that begins with “pid-” at the bottom of the displayed list.