Create a job with Azure Container Apps using the Azure portal
Azure Container Apps jobs allow you to run containerized tasks that execute for a finite duration and exit. You can trigger a job manually, schedule their execution, or trigger their execution based on events.
Jobs are best suited to for tasks such as data processing, machine learning, or any scenario that requires on-demand processing.
In this quickstart, you create a scheduled job. To learn how to create an event-driven job, see Deploy an event-driven job with Azure Container Apps.
An Azure account with an active subscription is required. If you don't already have one, you can create an account for free. Also, please make sure to have the Resource Provider "Microsoft.App" registered.
Begin by signing in to the Azure portal.
Create a container app
To create your Container Apps job, start at the Azure portal home page.
- Search for Container App Jobs in the top search bar.
- Select Container App Jobs in the search results.
- Select the Create button.
Basics tab
In the Basics tab, do the following actions.
Enter the following values in the Project details section.
Setting Action Subscription Select your Azure subscription. Resource group Select Create new and enter jobs-quickstart. Container job name Enter my-job.
Create an environment
Next, create an environment for your container app.
Select the appropriate region.
Setting Value Region Select Central US. In the Create Container Apps environment field, select the Create new link.
In the Create Container Apps Environment page, on the Basics tab, enter the following values:
Setting Value Environment name Enter my-environment. Type Enter Workload Profile. Zone redundancy Select Disabled Select the Create button at the bottom of the Create Container App Environment page.
Deploy the job
In Job details, select Scheduled for the Trigger type.
In the Cron expression field, enter
*/1 * * * *
.This expression starts the job every minute.
Select the Next: Container button at the bottom of the page.
In the Container tab, enter the following values:
Setting Value Name Enter main-container. Image source Select Docker Hub or other registries. Image type Select Public. Registry login server Enter Image and tag Enter k8se/quickstart-jobs:latest. Workload profile Select Consumption. CPU and memory Select 0.25 and 0.5Gi. Select the Review and create button at the bottom of the page.
As the settings in the job are verified, if no errors are found, the Create button is enabled.
Any errors appear on a tab marked with a red dot. If you encounter errors, navigate to the appropriate tab and you'll find fields containing errors highlighted in red. Once all errors are fixed, select Review and create again.
Select Create.
A page with the message Deployment is in progress is displayed. Once the deployment is successfully completed, you'll see the message: Your deployment is complete.
Verify deployment
Select Go to resource to view your new Container Apps job.
Select the Execution history tab.
The Execution history tab displays the status of each job execution. Select the Refresh button to update the list. Wait up to a minute for the scheduled job execution to start. Its status changes from Pending to Running to Succeeded.
Select View logs.
The logs show the output of the job execution. It may take a few minutes for the logs to appear.
Clean up resources
If you're not going to continue to use this application, you can delete the Azure Container Apps instance and all the associated services by removing the resource group.
- Select the jobs-quickstart resource group from the Overview section.
- Select the Delete resource group button at the top of the resource group Overview.
- Enter the resource group name jobs-quickstart in the Are you sure you want to delete "jobs-quickstart" confirmation dialog.
- Select Delete.
The process to delete the resource group may take a few minutes to complete.
Having issues? Let us know on GitHub by opening an issue in the Azure Container Apps repo.