Create interactive reports with Azure Monitor Workbooks
There are several ways that you can create interactive reports and experiences in workbooks:
- Parameters: When you update a parameter, any control that uses the parameter automatically refreshes and redraws to reflect the new value. This behavior is how most of the Azure portal reports support interactivity. Workbooks provide this functionality in a straightforward manner with minimal user effort.
- Grid, tile, and chart selections: You can construct scenarios where selecting a row in a grid updates subsequent charts based on the content of the row. For example, you might have a grid that shows a list of requests and some statistics like failure counts. You can set it up so that if you select the row of a request, the detailed charts below update to show only that request. Learn how to set up a grid row click.
- Grid cell clicks: You can add interactivity with a special type of grid column renderer called a link renderer. A link renderer converts a grid cell into a hyperlink based on the contents of the cell. Workbooks support many kinds of link renderers including renderers that open resource overview panes, property bag viewers, and Application Insights search, usage, and transaction tracing. Learn how to set up a grid cell click.
- Conditional visibility: You can make controls appear or disappear based on the values of parameters. This way you can have reports that look different based on user input or telemetry state. For example, you can show consumers a summary when there are no issues. You can also show detailed information when there's something wrong. Learn how to set up conditional visibility.
- Export parameters with multi-selections: You can export parameters from query and metrics workbook components when a row or multiple rows are selected. Learn how to set up multi-selects in grids and charts.
Set up a grid row click
Make sure you're in edit mode by selecting Edit.
Select Add query to add a log query control to the workbook.
Select the log query type, the resource type, and the target resources.
Use the query editor to enter the KQL for your analysis:
requests | summarize AllRequests = count(), FailedRequests = countif(success == false) by Request = name | order by AllRequests desc
Select Run query to see the results.
Select Advanced Settings to open the Advanced Settings pane.
Select the When an item is selected, export a parameter checkbox.
Select Add Parameter and fill in the following information:
- Field to export:
- Parameter name:
- Default value:
All requests
- Field to export:
Optional. If you want to export the entire contents of the selected row instead of a specific column, leave Field to export unset. The entire row's contents are exported as JSON to the parameter. On the referencing KQL control, use the
function to parse the JSON and access the individual columns.Select Save.
Select Done Editing.
Add another query control as in the preceding steps.
Use the query editor to enter the KQL for your analysis.
requests | where name == '{SelectedRequest}' or 'All Requests' == '{SelectedRequest}' | summarize ['{SelectedRequest}'] = count() by bin(timestamp, 1h)
Select Run query to see the results.
Change Visualization to Area chart.
Choose a row to select in the first grid. Note how the area chart below filters to the selected request.
The resulting report looks like this example in edit mode:
The following image shows a more elaborate interactive report in read mode based on the same principles. The report uses grid clicks to export parameters, which in turn are used in two charts and a text block.
Set up grid cell clicks
Make sure you're in edit mode by selecting Edit.
Select Add query to add a log query control to the workbook.
Select the log query type, resource type, and target resources.
Use the query editor to enter the KQL for your analysis:
requests | summarize Count = count(), Sample = any(pack_all()) by Request = name | order by Count desc
Select Run query to see the results.
Select Column Settings to open the settings pane.
In the Columns section, set:
- Sample
- Column renderer:
- View to open:
Cell Details
- Link label:
- Column renderer:
- Count
- Column renderer:
- Color palette:
- Minimum value:
- Column renderer:
- Request
- Column renderer:
- Column renderer:
- Sample
Select Save and Close to apply changes.
Select a Sample link in the grid to open a pane with the details of a sampled request.
Link renderer actions
Learn about how link actions work to enhance workbook interactivity.
Set conditional visibility
Follow the steps in the Set up a grid row click section to set up two interactive controls.
Add a new parameter with these values:
- Parameter name:
- Parameter type:
Drop down
- Required:
- Get data from:
- JSON Input:
["Yes", "No"]
- Parameter name:
Select Save to commit changes.
Set the parameter value to
.In the query control with the area chart, select Advanced Settings (the gear icon).
If ShowDetails is set to
, select Make this item conditionally visible.Select Done Editing to commit the changes.
On the workbook toolbar, select Done Editing.
Switch the value of ShowDetails to
. Notice that the chart below disappears.
The following image shows the case where ShowDetails is Yes
The following image shows the hidden case where ShowDetails is No
Set up multi-selects in grids and charts
Query and metrics components can export parameters when a row or multiple rows are selected.
- In the query component that displays the grid, select Advanced settings.
- Select the When items are selected, export parameters checkbox.
- Select the Allow selection of multiple values checkbox.
- The displayed visualization allows multi-selecting and the exported parameter's values will be arrays of values, like when using multi-select dropdown parameters.
- If cleared, the display visualization only captures the last selected item and exports only a single value at a time.
- Use Add Parameter for each parameter you want to export. A pop-up window appears with the settings for the parameter to be exported.
When you enable single selection, you can specify which field of the original data to export. Fields include parameter name, parameter type, and default value to use if nothing is selected.
When you enable multi-selection, you specify which field of the original data to export. Fields include parameter name, parameter type, quote with, and delimiter. The quote with and delimiter values are used when turning arrow values into text when they're being replaced in a query. In multi-selection, if no values are selected, the default value is an empty array.
For multi-selection, only unique values are exported. For example, you won't see output array values like "1,1,2,1". The array output will be "1,2".
If you leave the Field to export setting empty in the export settings, all the available fields in the data will be exported as a stringified JSON object of key:value pairs. For grids and titles, the string includes the fields in the grid. For charts, the available fields are x,y,series, and label, depending on the type of chart.
While the default behavior is to export a parameter as text, if you know the field is a subscription or resource ID, use that information as the export parameter type. Then the parameter can be used downstream in places that require those types of parameters.
Capture user input to use in a query
You can capture user input by using dropdown lists and use the selections in your queries. For example, you can have a dropdown list to accept a set of virtual machines and then filter your KQL to include just the selected machines. In most cases, this step is as simple as including the parameter's value in the query:
| where Computer in ({Computers})
| take 5
In more advanced scenarios, you might need to transform the parameter results before they can be used in queries. Take this OData filter payload:
"name": "deviceComplianceTrend",
"filter": "(OSFamily eq 'Android' or OSFamily eq 'OS X') and (ComplianceState eq 'Compliant')"
The following example shows how to enable this scenario. Let's say you want the values of the OSFamily
and ComplianceState
filters to come from dropdown lists in the workbook. The filter could include multiple values as in the preceding OsFamily
case. It needs to also support the case where you want to include all dimension values, that is to say, with no filters.
Set up parameters
Select Add parameter to create a new parameter. Use the following settings:
Parameter name:
Display name:
Operating system
Parameter type:
Allow multiple selections:
(with spaces before and after)Quote with:
Get data from:
JSON Input:
[ { "value": "OSFamily eq 'Android'", "label": "Android" }, { "value": "OSFamily eq 'OS X'", "label": "OS X" } ]
In the Include in the drop down section:
- Select the All checkbox.
- Select All value:
OSFamily ne '#@?'
Select Save to save this parameter.
Add another parameter with these settings:
Parameter name:
Display name:
Compliance State
Parameter type:
Allow multiple selections:
(with spaces before and after)Quote with:
Get data from:
JSON Input:
[ { "value": "ComplianceState eq 'Compliant'", "label": "Compliant" }, { "value": "ComplianceState eq 'Non-compliant'", "label": "Non compliant" } ]
In the Include in the drop down section:
- Select the All checkbox.
- Select All value:
ComplianceState ne '#@?'
Select Save to save this parameter.
Select Add text to add a text block. In the Markdown text to display block, add:
{ "name": "deviceComplianceTrend", "filter": "({OsFilter}) and ({ComplianceStateFilter})" }
This screenshot shows the parameter settings:
Single filter value
The simplest case is the selection of a single filter value in each of the dimensions. The dropdown control uses the JSON input field's value as the parameter's value.
"name": "deviceComplianceTrend",
"filter": "(OSFamily eq 'OS X') and (ComplianceState eq 'Compliant')"
Multiple filter values
If you choose multiple filter values, for example, both Android and OS X operating systems, the Delimiter
and Quote with
parameter settings kick in and produce this compound filter:
"name": "deviceComplianceTrend",
"filter": "(OSFamily eq 'OS X' or OSFamily eq 'Android') and (ComplianceState eq 'Compliant')"
No filter case
Another common case is having no filter for that dimension. This scenario is equivalent to including all values of the dimensions as part of the result set. The way to enable it is by having an All
option on the dropdown and have it return a filter expression that always evaluates to true
. An example is ComplianceState eq '#@?'.
"name": "deviceComplianceTrend",
"filter": "(OSFamily eq 'OS X' or OSFamily eq 'Android') and (ComplianceState ne '#@?')"
Reuse query data in different visualizations
There are times where you want to visualize the underlying dataset in different ways without having to pay the cost of the query each time. This sample shows you how to do so by using the Merge
option in the query control.
Set up the parameters
Select Add query to create a query control, and enter these values:
Data source:
Resource type:
Log Analytics
Log Analytics workspace: Pick one of your workspaces that has performance data
Log Analytics workspace logs query:
Perf | where CounterName == '% Processor Time' | summarize CpuAverage = avg(CounterValue), CpuP95 = percentile(CounterValue, 95) by Computer | order by CpuAverage desc
Select Run Query to see the results.
This result dataset is the one we want to reuse in multiple visualizations.
Go to the Advanced settings tab, and for the name, enter
Cpu data
.Select Add query to create another query control.
For Data source, select
.Select Add Merge.
In the settings pane, set:
- Merge Type:
Duplicate table
- Table:
Cpu data
- Merge Type:
Select Run Merge. You'll get the same result as the preceding.
Set the table options:
- Use the Name After Merge column to set friendly names for your result columns. For example, you can rename
toCPU utilization (avg)
, and then use Run Merge to update the result set. - Use Delete to remove a column.
- Select the
[Cpu data].CpuP95
row. - Use Delete in the query control toolbar.
- Use Run Merge to see the result set without the CpuP95 column
- Select the
- Use the Name After Merge column to set friendly names for your result columns. For example, you can rename
Change the order of the columns by selecting Move up or Move down.
Add new columns based on values of other columns by selecting Add new item.
Style the table by using the options in Column settings to get the visualization you want.
Add more query controls working against the
Cpu data
result set if needed.
This example shows Average and P95 CPU utilization side by side:
Use Azure Resource Manager to retrieve alerts in a subscription
This sample shows you how to use the Azure Resource Manager query control to list all existing alerts in a subscription. This guide will also use JSON Path transformations to format the results. See the list of supported Resource Manager calls.
Set the parameters
Select Add parameter, and set:
- Parameter name:
- Parameter type:
Subscription picker
- Required:
- Get data from:
Default Subscriptions
- Parameter name:
Select Save.
Select Add query to create a query control, and use these settings. For this example, we're using the Alerts Get All REST call to get a list of existing alerts for a subscription. For supported api-versions, see the Azure REST API reference.
- Data source:
Azure Resource Manager (Preview)
- Http Method:
- Path:
- Add the api-version parameter on the Parameters tab and set:
- Parameter:
- Value:
- Parameter:
- Data source:
Select a subscription from the created subscription parameter, and select Run Query to see the results.
This raw JSON is returned from Resource Manager:
Format the response
You might be satisfied with the information here. But let's extract some interesting properties and format the response in a way that's easy to read.
- Go to the Result Settings tab.
- Switch Result Format from
toJSON Path
. JSON Path is a workbook transformer. - In the JSON Path settings, set JSON Path Table to
. This extracts all"value.*.properties.essentials"
fields from the returned JSON. - Select Run Query to see the grid.
Filter the results
JSON Path also allows you to choose information from the generated table to show as columns.
For example, if you want to filter the results to the columns TargetResource, Severity, AlertState, AlertRule, Description, StartTime, and ResolvedTime, you could add the following rows in the columns table in JSON Path:
Column ID | Column JSON Path |
TargetResource | $.targetResource |
Severity | $.severity |
AlertState | $.alertState |
AlertRule | $.alertRule |
Description | $.description |
StartTime | $.startDateTime |
ResolvedTime | $.monitorConditionResolvedDateTime |