Autoinstrumentation for Azure Kubernetes Service (Preview)
See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.
This guide walks through enabling Azure Monitor Application Insights for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) workloads without modifying source code.
We cover installing the aks-preview Azure CLI extension, registering the AzureMonitorAppMonitoringPreview feature flag, preparing a cluster, onboarding deployments, and restarting deployments. These steps result in autoinstrumentation injecting the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro in application pods to generate telemetry. For more on autoinstrumentation and its benefits, see What is autoinstrumentation for Azure Monitor Application Insights?.
- An AKS cluster running a kubernetes deployment using Java or Node.js in the Azure public cloud
- A workspace-based Application Insights resource.
- Azure CLI 2.60.0 or greater. For more information, see How to install the Azure CLI, What version of the Azure CLI is installed?, and How to update the Azure CLI.
- This feature is incompatible with both Windows (any architecture) and Linux Arm64 node pools.
Install the aks-preview Azure CLI extension
AKS preview features are available on a self-service, opt-in basis. Previews are provided "as is" and "as available," and they're excluded from the service-level agreements and limited warranty. AKS previews are partially covered by customer support on a best-effort basis. As such, these features aren't meant for production use. For more information, see the following support articles:
To install the aks-preview extension, run the following command:
az extension add --name aks-preview
Run the following command to update to the latest version of the extension released:
az extension update --name aks-preview
Register the AzureMonitorAppMonitoringPreview
feature flag
# Log into Azure CLI
az login
# Register the feature flag for Azure Monitor App Monitoring in preview
az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "AzureMonitorAppMonitoringPreview"
# List the registration state of the Azure Monitor App Monitoring Preview feature
# It could take hours for the registration state to change from Registering to Registered
az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/AzureMonitorAppMonitoringPreview')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}"
# Once the feature shows as Registered in the prior step, re-register the Microsoft.ContainerService provider to apply the new feature settings
az provider register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService"
# Check the registration state of the Microsoft.ContainerService provider
az provider show --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --query "registrationState"
Prepare a cluster
To prepare a cluster, run the following Azure CLI command.
az aks update --resource-group={resource_group} --name={cluster_name} --enable-azure-monitor-app-monitoring
AKS Clusters can be prepared for this feature during cluster creation. To learn more, see Prepare a cluster during AKS cluster create.
Onboard deployments
Deployments can be onboarded in two ways: namespace-wide or per-deployment. Use the namespace-wide method to onboard all deployments within a namespace. For selective or variably configured onboarding across multiple deployments, employ the per-deployment approach.
Namespace-wide onboarding
To onboard all deployments within a namespace, create a single Instrumentation custom resource named default
in each namespace. Update applicationInsightsConnectionString
to have the connection string of your Application Insights resource.
You can retrieve connection string from the overview page of your Application Insights resource.
kind: Instrumentation
name: default
namespace: mynamespace1
autoInstrumentationPlatforms: # required
- Java
- NodeJs
destination: # required
applicationInsightsConnectionString: "InstrumentationKey=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111;IngestionEndpoint=;LiveEndpoint="
At a minimum, the following configuration is required:
: One or more values based on the languages your pods are running.spec.destination.applicationInsightsConnectionString
: The connections string of an Application Insights resource.
- Use annotations if per-deployment overrides are required. For more information, see annotations.
- Restart deployments for settings to take effect.
Per-deployment onboarding
Use per-deployment onboarding to ensure deployments are instrumented with specific languages or to direct telemetry to separate Application Insights resources.
Create a unique Instrumentation custom resource for each scenario. Avoid using the name
, which is used for namespace-wide onboarding.Create Instrumentation custom resources to configure Application Insights in each namespace. Update
to have the connection string of your Application Insights resource.Tip
You can retrieve connection string from the overview page of your Application Insights resource.
apiVersion: kind: Instrumentation metadata: name: cr1 namespace: mynamespace1 spec: settings: autoInstrumentationPlatforms: # required - Java - NodeJs destination: # required applicationInsightsConnectionString: "InstrumentationKey=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111;IngestionEndpoint=;LiveEndpoint="
At a minimum, the following configuration is required:
: The connections string of an Application Insights resource.
is ignored in nondefault Instrumentation custom resources. The annotation that links a deployment to the custom resource determines the language.Associate each deployment with the appropriate custom resource using annotations. The annotation overrides the language set in the custom resource.
To avoid adding them to the deployment's annotations by mistake, add annotations at the
level of your deployment.Examples:
- Java: "cr1"
- Node.js: "cr1"
Annotation placement should look as follows.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment ... spec: template: metadata: annotations: "cr1"
- Java:
Restart deployments for settings to take effect.
Mixed mode onboarding
Use mixed mode when most deployments use a default configuration and a few deployments must use different configurations.
- Implement namespace-wide onboarding to define the default configuration.
- Create per-deployment onboarding configurations, which override the default configuration for specific resources.
Restart deployment
Run the following command after all custom resources are created and deployments are optionally annotated.
kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment-name> -n mynamespace1
This command causes autoinstrumentation to take effect, enabling Application Insights. You can verify Application Insights is enabled by generating traffic and navigating to your resource. Your app is represented as a cloud role in Application Insights experiences. You're able to use all Application Insights Experiences except Live Metrics and Application Insights Code Analysis features. Learn more about the available Application Insights experiences here.
Remove Autoinstrumentation for AKS
Ensure that you don't have any instrumented deployments. To uninstrument an instrumented deployment, remove the associated Instrumentation custom resource and run kubectl rollout restart
on the deployment. Next run the following command.
az aks update --resource-group={resource_group} --name={cluster_name} --disable-azure-monitor-app-monitoring
If instrumented deployments remain after the feature is disabled, they continue to be instrumented until redeployed to their original uninstrumented state or deleted.
Disabling autoinstrumentation
The following annotations disable autoinstrumentation for the language indicated.
Node.js: "false"
To turn autoinstrumentation back on after disabling. "true"
Annotation placement should look as follows.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
annotations: "false"
Enabling logs in Application Insights
You can opt to collect logs in Application Insights as an addition to or replacement for Container Insights logs.
Enabling logs in Application Insights provide correlated logs, allowing users to easily view distributed traces alongside their related logs. Further, some microservices don't write logs to the console so Container Insights isn't able to collect them and only Application Insights instrumentation captures these logs.
Conversely, Application Insights might not be able to instrument all microservices. As an example, those using NGINX or unsupported languages. Users might prefer to rely on Container Insights logs only for such microservices.
You can also choose to enable both sources for logs if you have multiple observability teams such as infra engineers using Container Insights and developers using Application Insights.
Review the console logging configurations in your application's code to determine whether you want to enable Application Insights Logs, Container Insights Logs, or both. If you disable Container Insights logs, see Container Insights settings.
To avoid unnecessary duplication and increased cost, enable logs in Application Insights to allow the feature to collect application logs from standard logging frameworks and send them to Application Insights.
Use the following annotation to enable logs in Application Insights
To avoid adding them to the deployment's annotations by mistake, add annotations at the spec.template.metadata.annotations
level of your deployment. "true"
Prepare a cluster during AKS cluster create
AKS Clusters can be prepared for this feature during cluster creation. Run the following Azure CLI command if you prefer to have the cluster prepped during creation. Application monitoring isn't enabled just because your cluster is prepped. You must deploy an application and onboard the application to this feature.
az aks create --resource-group={resource_group} --name={cluster_name} --enable-azure-monitor-app-monitoring --generate-ssh-keys
Frequently asked questions
Does AKS autoinstrumentation support custom metrics?
If you want custom metrics in Node.js, manually instrument applications with the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro.
Java allows custom metrics with autoinstrumentation. You can collect custom metrics by updating your code and enabling this feature. If your code already has custom metrics, then they flow through when autoinstrumentation is enabled.
Does AKS autoinstrumentation work with applications instrumented with an Open Source Software (OSS) OpenTelemetry SDK?
AKS autoinstrumentation can disrupt the telemetry sent to third parties by an OSS OpenTelemetry SDK.
Can AKS autoinstrumentation coexist with manual instrumentation?
AKS autoinstrumentation is designed to coexist with both manual instrumentation options: the Application Insights classic API SDK and OpenTelemetry Distro.
It always prevents duplicate data and ensures custom metrics work.
Refer to this chart to determine when autoinstrumentation or manual instrumentation takes precedence.
Language | Precedence |
Node.js | Manual instrumentation |
Java | Autoinstrumentation |
How do I ensure I'm using the latest and most secure versions of Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro?
Vulnerabilities detected in the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro are prioritized, fixed, and released in the next version.
AKS autoinstrumentation injects the latest version of the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro into your application pods every time your deployment is changed or restarted.
The OpenTelemetry Distro can become vulnerable on deployments that aren't changed or restarted for extended periods of time. For this reason, we suggest updating or restarting deployments weekly to ensure a recent version of the Distro is being used.
How do I learn more about the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro?
This feature achieves autoinstrumentation by injecting Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro into application pods.
For Java, this feature integrates the standalone Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro for Java. See our Java distro documentation to learn more about the Java instrumentation binary.
For Node.js, we inject an autoinstrumentation binary based on our Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro for Node.js. For more information, see Node.js distro documentation. Keep in mind that we don't have a standalone autoinstrumentation for Node.js so our distro documentation is geared towards manual instrumentation. You can ignore code based configurations steps related to manual instrumentation. However, everything else in our distro documentation such as default settings, environment variable configurations, etc. is applicable to this feature.
Missing telemetry
The following steps can help to resolve problems when no data appears in your Application Insights workspace-based resource.
Confirm the pod is in the running state.
Verify the deployment is instrumented.
Check the
annotation on the deployment itself and the latest replica set that belongs to it.The annotation should be present with proper JSON in the following pattern:
{"crName": "crName1","crResourceVersion": "20177993","platforms":["Java"]}
If the annotation isn't present, then the deployment isn't instrumented and the following steps need to be completed.
- Prepare the cluster. For more information, see Prepare the cluster.
- Confirm your Instrumentation custom resource is in the correct namespace as the deployment.
- Confirm your Instrumentation custom resource contains the correct connection string and instrumentation platform.
- Restart the deployment. For more information, see Restart deployment.
If the annotation is present, then the deployment is instrumented and you should proceed to the next step.
Check for networking errors in the SDK log located in the pod’s logs volume,
.As an example, the following errors indicate a connectivity problem.
Ingestion endpoint could not be reached.
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
If this type of error exists, sign into the container and test connectivity to the endpoint.
kubectl exec -ti customer-java-1-1234567890-abcde -- /bin/bash
If connectivity can't be established, then troubleshoot the network connectivity problem such as a firewall or name resolution issue.
Test connectivity between your application host and the ingestion service
Application Insights SDKs and agents send telemetry to get ingested as REST calls to our ingestion endpoints. You can test connectivity from your web server or application host machine to the ingestion service endpoints by using raw REST clients from PowerShell or curl commands. See Troubleshoot missing application telemetry in Azure Monitor Application Insights.
Next steps
- Learn more about Azure Monitor and Application Insights.
- See what Application Map can do for your business.