Restore deleted App Service app

If you happened to accidentally delete your app in Azure App Service, you can now restore it by using the Azure portal or PowerShell.

Restore deleted App Service app by using the portal

If you deleted your app in Azure App Service, you can now restore it from the portal by using following steps:

  1. Navigate to App Services in the portal.
  2. Click on Manage Deleted Apps.
  3. Select Subscription.
  4. From the dropdown, select the deleted app. Apps deleted in last 30 days will show up in the drop down list.
  5. Select destination app from the dropdown where you want to restore your app.
  6. If you would like to restore the deleted app to a slot of destination app, check the slot checkbox and select available slots from the dropdown.
  7. By default only app content is restored. If you want app configuration also to be restored, check Restore App configuration.

Restore deleted App Service app by using PowerShell

If you deleted your app in Azure App Service, you can restore it using the commands from the Az PowerShell module.


  • Deleted apps are purged from the system 30 days after the initial deletion. After an app is purged, it can't be recovered.
  • Undelete functionality isn't supported for function apps hosted on the Consumption plan or Elastic Premium plan.

Re-register App Service resource provider

Some customers might come across an issue where retrieving the list of deleted apps fails. To resolve the issue, run the following command:

 Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Web"

List deleted apps

To get the collection of deleted apps, you can use Get-AzDeletedWebApp.

For details on a specific deleted app you can use:

Get-AzDeletedWebApp -Name <your_deleted_app> -Location <your_deleted_app_location> 

The detailed information includes:

  • DeletedSiteId: Unique identifier for the app, used for scenarios where multiple apps with the same name have been deleted
  • SubscriptionID: Subscription containing the deleted resource
  • Location: Location of the original app
  • ResourceGroupName: Name of the original resource group
  • Name: Name of the original app.
  • Slot: the name of the slot.
  • Deletion Time: When was the app deleted

Restore deleted app


  • Restore-AzDeletedWebApp isn't supported for function apps hosted on the Consumption plan or Elastic Premium plan.
  • The Restore-AzDeletedWebApp cmdlet restores a deleted web app. The web app specified by TargetResourceGroupName, TargetName, and TargetSlot will be overwritten with the contents and settings of the deleted web app. If the target parameters are not specified, they will automatically be filled with the deleted web app's resource group, name, and slot. If the target web app does not exist, it will automatically be created in the app service plan specified by TargetAppServicePlanName.
  • By default Restore-AzDeletedWebApp will restore both your app configuration as well any content. If you want to only restore content, you use the -RestoreContentOnly flag with this commandlet.
  • Custom domains, bindings, or certs that you import to your app won't be restored. You'll need to re-add them after your app is restored.

After identifying the app you want to restore, you can restore it using Restore-AzDeletedWebApp, as shown in the following examples.

You can find the full commandlet reference here: Restore-AzDeletedWebApp .

Restore to the original app name:

Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -TargetResourceGroupName <my_rg> -Name <my_app> -TargetAppServicePlanName <my_asp>

Restore to a different app name:

Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -ResourceGroupName <original_rg> -Name <original_app> -TargetResourceGroupName <target_rg> -TargetName <target_app> -TargetAppServicePlanName <target_asp>

Restore a slot to target app:

Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -TargetResourceGroupName <my_rg> -Name <my_app> -TargetAppServicePlanName <my_asp> -Slot <original_slot>


Deployment slots are not restored as part of your app. If you need to restore a staging slot, use the -Slot <slot-name> flag. The commandlet is restoring original slot to the target app's production slot. By default Restore-AzDeletedWebApp will restore both your app configuration as well any content to target app. If you want to only restore content, you use the -RestoreContentOnly flag with this commandlet.

Restore only site content to the target app

Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -TargetResourceGroupName <my_rg> -Name <my_app> -TargetAppServicePlanName <my_asp> -RestoreContentOnly

Restore used for scenarios where multiple apps with the same name have been deleted with -DeletedSiteId

Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -ResourceGroupName <original_rg> -Name <original_app> -DeletedId /subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/location/deletedSites/1234 -TargetAppServicePlanName <my_asp>

The inputs for command are:

  • Target Resource Group: Target resource group where the app is to be restored
  • TargetName: Target app for the deleted app to be restored to
  • TargetAppServicePlanName: App Service plan linked to the app
  • Name: Name for the app, should be globally unique.
  • ResourceGroupName: Original resource group for the deleted app, you can get it from Get-AzDeletedWebApp -Name <your_deleted_app> -Location <your_deleted_app_location>
  • Slot: Slot for the deleted app
  • RestoreContentOnly: By default Restore-AzDeletedWebApp restores both your app configuration as well any content. If you want to only restore content, you can use the -RestoreContentOnly flag with this commandlet.


If the app was hosted on and then deleted from an App Service Environment, it can be restored only if the corresponding App Service Environment still exists.

Restore deleted function app

If the function app was hosted on a Dedicated app service plan, it can be restored, as long as it was using the default App Service storage.

  1. Fetch the DeletedSiteId of the app version you want to restore, using Get-AzDeletedWebApp cmdlet:
Get-AzDeletedWebApp -ResourceGroupName <RGofDeletedApp> -Name <NameofApp> 
  1. Create a new function app in a Dedicated plan. Refer to the instructions for how to create an app in the portal.
  2. Restore to the newly created function app using this cmdlet:
Restore-AzDeletedWebApp -ResourceGroupName <RGofnewapp> -Name <newApp> -deletedId "/subscriptions/xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/xxxx/deletedSites/xxxx"

Currently there's no support for Undelete (Restore-AzDeletedWebApp) Function app that's hosted in a Consumption plan or Elastic premium plan since the content resides on Azure Files in a Storage account. If you haven't 'hard' deleted that Azure Files storage account, or if the account exists and file shares haven't been deleted, then you may use the steps as workaround:

  1. Create a new function app in a Consumption or Premium plan. Refer the instructions for how to create an app in the portal.

  2. Set the following app settings to refer to the old storage account , which contains the content from the previous app.

    App Setting Suggested value
    AzureWebJobsStorage Connection String for the storage account used by the deleted app.
    WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING Connection String for the storage account used by the deleted app.
    WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE File share on storage account used by the deleted app.