A Node.js app that shows how to enable authentication (sign in, sign out and profile edit) in a Node.js web application using Azure Active Directory B2C. The web app uses MSAL-node.
A React single page application (SPA) calling a web API. Authentication is done with Azure AD B2C by using MSAL React. This sample uses the authorization code flow with PKCE.
A VanillaJS single page application (SPA) calling a web API. Authentication is done with Azure AD B2C by using MSAL.js. This sample uses the authorization code flow with PKCE.
A sample that shows how you can use a third-party library to build an iOS application in Objective-C that authenticates Microsoft identity users to our Azure AD B2C identity service.
A sample that shows how you can use a third-party library to build an Android application that authenticates Microsoft identity users to our B2C identity service and calls a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
A sample that shows how a Windows Desktop .NET (WPF) application can sign in a user using Azure AD B2C, get an access token using MSAL.NET and call an API.
A .NET Core console application calling Microsoft Graph with its own identity to manage users in a B2C directory. Authentication is done with Azure AD B2C by using MSAL.NET. This sample uses the authorization code flow.