ASP.NET Core docs: What's new for January 2024
Welcome to what's new in the ASP.NET Core docs for January 2024. This article lists some of the major changes to docs during this period.
New articles
Updated articles
- ASP.NET Core Blazor cascading values and parameters
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Cascading values updates
- Move example code to sample apps
- Use Razor components in JavaScript apps and SPA frameworks
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Add component example
- Prerender ASP.NET Core Razor components
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Prerendering and interactive/enhanced routing
- Move example code to sample apps
- ASP.NET Core Blazor render modes
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Clarification on prerendering and root components
- Fine control of static SSR
- Clarify Auto render mode behavior
- Apply a render mode programmatically section
- Client services during prerendering
- Handle errors in ASP.NET Core Blazor apps
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- "Base address" clarifications for
- ASP.NET Core Blazor startup
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Custom Blazor WASM loading progress indicator
- ASP.NET Core Blazor authentication and authorization
- Blazor 8.0 content updates
- Improve auth state provider guidance
- Add Identity BWA template cross-links
- ASP.NET Core built-in Razor components - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- ASP.NET Core Blazor Hybrid authentication and authorization - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- ASP.NET Core Blazor authentication and authorization - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- ASP.NET Core server-side and Blazor Web App additional security scenarios - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure a hosted ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly app with Azure Active Directory B2C - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure a hosted ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly app with Microsoft Entra ID - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly with Microsoft Entra ID groups and roles
- Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Groups/roles article and Graph article updates
- Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly standalone app with Azure Active Directory B2C - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly standalone app with Microsoft Accounts - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly standalone app with Microsoft Entra ID - Content follow-up updates (8.0)
- Secure ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly with ASP.NET Core Identity - Add troubleshooting guidance
- Use Graph API with ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly
- Groups/roles article and Graph article updates
- "Base address" clarifications for
- Call a web API from an ASP.NET Core Blazor app
- "Base address" clarifications for
- Client services during prerendering
- "Base address" clarifications for
- ASP.NET Core Blazor file uploads - "Base address" clarifications for
- Enforce a Content Security Policy for ASP.NET Core Blazor - "Base address" clarifications for
- ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly additional security scenarios
- "Base address" clarifications for
- Update save app state example
- "Base address" clarifications for
- ASP.NET Core Blazor project structure - Terminology updates
- ASP.NET Core Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA) - Update PWA guidance
- ASP.NET Core Razor component virtualization - Clarify 'content items' (placeholder content)
- ASP.NET Core Blazor state management - Cascading values updates
- ASP.NET Core Razor components
- Calling base class methods
- Account conf and PW recovery article
- ASP.NET Core Razor component lifecycle
- Calling base class methods
- Move example code to sample apps
- Integrate ASP.NET Core Razor components with MVC or Razor Pages
- Integration article updates
- RazorComponentResult rendering behavior
- ASP.NET Core Blazor input components
- Manage InputSelect form options for SSR
- Move example code to sample apps
- ASP.NET Core Blazor `QuickGrid` component
- Blazor CRUD/Quickgrid scaffolder
- Move example code to sample apps
- Configure the Trimmer for ASP.NET Core Blazor - Trimming complex framework types (JS interop)
- Lazy load assemblies in ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly - Clarify lazy loading is only for dev assemblies
- Host and deploy ASP.NET Core Blazor - App base path enhancements
- ASP.NET Core Blazor dependency injection - Client services during prerendering
- ASP.NET Core Blazor forms binding - Move example code to sample apps
- ASP.NET Core Blazor forms overview - Move example code to sample apps
- ASP.NET Core Blazor forms validation - Move example code to sample apps
- ASP.NET Core Blazor routing and navigation - Prerendering and interactive/enhanced routing
- ASP.NET Core Blazor JavaScript interoperability (JS interop) - Update JS collocation guidance
- ASP.NET Core Razor component rendering - Custom Blazor WASM loading progress indicator
Client-side development
Updated articles
- Use the LibMan CLI with ASP.NET Core - libMan limitations /8
Updated articles
- ASP.NET Core Web Host
- Update env var name
- Fix default value of PreferHostingUrls
- .NET Generic Host in ASP.NET Core - Fix default value of PreferHostingUrls
- ASP.NET Core support for Native AOT - CreateSimBuilder is missing /7
New articles
Updated articles
- Inter-process communication with gRPC and Named pipes - Add note to IPC docs that it can't be combined with some channel features
- Inter-process communication with gRPC and Unix domain sockets - Add note to IPC docs that it can't be combined with some channel features
Hosting and deployment
Updated articles
- Deploy ASP.NET Core apps to Azure App Service - Update doc author note
- Health checks in ASP.NET Core
- DelegateHealthCheck /8
- sample prep /8
Updated articles
- Migrate from ASP.NET Core 7.0 to 8.0 - Drop
for query string params
Updated articles
- Distributed caching in ASP.NET Core - Add Azure Cosmos DB
Release notes
Updated articles
- What's new in ASP.NET Core 8.0
- Add a note about certificate file watching
- Drop
for query string params
Updated articles
- Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core
- Duplicate new section in the >6.0 moniker block
- Updated to show how to use user secrets in a console app
- Hosting ASP.NET Core Images with Docker over HTTPS - Update env var name
- Account confirmation and password recovery in ASP.NET Core - Account conf and PW recovery article
- Enable Cross-Origin Requests (CORS) in ASP.NET Core - Move prior version include to end
Updated articles
- Use hubs in ASP.NET Core SignalR - GH27996 - SignalR/ versioning to includes prework
Updated articles
- Use .http files in Visual Studio 2022 - Add secret handling and special variables to .http files doc
- Test ASP.NET Core middleware - Add example with endpoints to middleware testing doc
Updated articles
- Get started with Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Core - Update
Community contributors
The following people contributed to the ASP.NET Core docs during this period. Thank you! Learn how to contribute by following the links under "Get involved" in the what's new landing page.
- ericmutta - Eric Mutta
- PSCourtney - Piers Courtney
- Elanis - Axel
- harry1911 -
- jposert - Jakub
- mahdikshk -
- martincostello - Martin Costello
- mganss - Michael Ganss
- Nitzantomer1998 - Nitzan Tomer
- ptakpiotr - Piotr Ptak
- richstokoe -
- roxas0zero - Abdullah Hashim
- serpent5 - Kirk Larkin
- steenbokdev - Lars
- Ususucsus -
- yogyogi - Yogi
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The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide.