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Microsoft MultiPoint Server 2010

Would it be nice to share a computer simultaneously with multiple users? Yes, when Microsoft MultiPoint Server 2010 becomes available next year. While the new product is useful for many environments, it is ideal for educational institutions that want to provide more teachers and students with access to technology.

Key features of MultiPoint Server 2010 includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Mapping a USB 2.0 keyboard, mouse, and headset to a monitor to create a student station.
  • Providing each station with an individual Windows desktop, similar to the Windows 7 experience.
  • Providing a teacher-friendly management user interface, called the MultiPoint Manager, to manage desktops, student accounts, and student sessions.
  • Providing a fast and easy way to distribute content to students’ desktops.


To find more information on the product, visit the Microsoft MultiPoint Server 2010 web site.