Go To a Line Number
Keyboard: CTRL + G
Menu: Edit -> Go To
Command: Edit.GoTo
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 3/8/2010
Code: vstipEdit0026
You can go to any line number in your code by simply pressing CTRL + G. You will get this dialog:
Just type in your desired line number and click OK. The Cursor will move to the line number you typed.
March 08, 2010
I'm pretty sure that Ctrl+G works in VS2003 and VS2005.Anonymous
March 08, 2010
Did you start using VS just today? :DAnonymous
March 08, 2010
Nice :) I am only going back to version 2008 for this series. I keep having to remind folks of that, not sure why... ZAnonymous
March 07, 2011
its not working for vs2008 i don't know why. do i need to set it up?Anonymous
March 08, 2011
Jepoy, No special setup is required. It should work. You might check to see if CTRL + G is mapped to the correct command. ZAnonymous
July 07, 2011
I used to it for years. but it doesn't work anymore. One has to go to menu Edit->Go ToAnonymous
July 07, 2011
Elena, It still works fine in 2005, 2008, and 2010. I just tested 2010 again to make sure and CTRL + G brings up the Go To dialog. If it is not working I would definitely make sure CTRL + G is mapped to the Edit.GoTo command in Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard. ZAnonymous
December 18, 2013
Step 1 : click on TOOLS ->OPTIONS in your visual Studio Step 2: Click on Environment -> KEYBOARD step 3 : See "Show Commands Containing" Text : IF it not containing "Edit.GoTo" just type " edit.goto " ( dont use any quotes , text Only) Step 4 : Go now to "Press Short cut Keys:" Section and now press the control Key (ctrl +g) from your key board Step 5: And then Press Assign Button and followed by OK button. Step 6 : Now its working.Anonymous
December 30, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 30, 2013
Rajdeep did you see Sajeeth's steps above? It's possible that CTRL+G isn't mapped to the correct command. Also, read my article here for more detail: blogs.msdn.com/.../keyboard-shortcuts-creating-new-shortcuts-vstiptool0063.aspx Z